So much for you ignoring me because I am not a member in good standing....I guess things started hitting too close to home...This is a start....
Just wanted to show that I wasn't dodging questions.....and I have to admit I'm bored tonight. However, I suspect you won't get much out of me after this and you'll revert to the "dodging questions" thing.
You are wrong...I'm not an "angry bitter pilot"....I didn't leave to chase the dream at United like you did...I suspect it is you that is angry and bitter.....I have a great schedule....Why should I be bitter....Things are great where I sit...Even you have said that...
You're not bitter and angry? Right. I'm angry and bitter? Nope. I willingly took a job in the private industry. Capitalism is incredibly darwinistic. Is UAL fails, so be it. I'll move on and find something else to do. Family, friends, and health are far more important than this industry ever will be. If I wanted a secure job I'd go work for the government.
How has that worked for you at United? I'm sorry, but I'll take a profitable company that treats it's employees good....Skywest Inc does that...United...not so much....
It's worked out incredibly well for me, Joe, from a financial standpoint (thanks ALPA). Kind of OK from a career standpoint, but we'll see what the next 20 odd years brings me before I make any final determinations. But we're not talking about me. Skywest only treats its employees well for fear of getting a union on the property. So you can thank ALPA for your 6 figure, 18 days off job AND you can thank ALPA for forcing Skywest management to treat its employees at least as well as you have been treated as ASA for fear of getting a union on the property.
Some are valid are they? Which ones?
You weren't reading what I wrote if I have to answer that again.
Actually, I have admitted that ALPA has done some good things....However I believe the bad outweighs the good..
Says the guy flying a 50 seat RJ for 6 figures and 18 days off per month. Yup, ALPA has failed YOU. I'm sure if the regionals weren't unionized by ALPA or anyone else, you'd still be earning that salary today, right? Maybe even more, huh? Yup, the bad outweighs the good, I'm sure.
You are right...That's why I am not a big supporter of big organizations....I was a registered Republican, but I voted Libertarian this time around.....The Republican failed. I am Catholic, but they failed also with the priest/sex scandel....The Federal govt. continues to fail and I only wish I could stop paying taxes.....
I honestly could care less about your political views or your religion unless they relate directly to our discussion. You'll have to save that stuff for a different thread. I deleted other paragraphs from your post for the same reason.
But after reading your last sentence in this paragraph, I do have some advice for you- you dont have to "wish." You are free to leave this "failing" country whenever you want. I think if you renounce your citizenship and sell all of your U.S. assets you don't have to pay U.S. taxes anymore. Drop a question here under "other tax questions" and I'm sure one of those guys will describe the process for you.
I don't support organizations that fail
Yes you do. You've posted previously that you suppport the NRA, AOPA, and Paul. All three have failed miserably at some point. I illustrated with examples for the 2 former. The latter continued to take people's money even though it was clear he would never win. That makes all 3 complete failures using your logic. Also, the country you live in is failing (your words, not mine), and you support it with your continued presence in the U.S. and with the taxes you pay. So make that 4 failing organizations that you (willingly) support.
Actually they screwed up with outsourcing of the turboprops first....But the mainline egos were too big to fly "little airplanes"
For the life of me, I don't know where the guys who post this get that from. When we voted away RJ's at UAL, not once did I, nor anyone I know, or anyone who I heard speak to the issue, describe themselves as "too good" to fly them or even make the implication. There were definitely other issues at play, but somehow I think that statement is more urban legend than anything else.
It's my job now, and I will do anything and everything to protect from you....I'm sorry United hasn't worked out for you, but that isn't MY problem...That is YOUR problem....If you want to work on a mutual solution, let me know....If you want to dictate the solution, then GFYS!
I think economics are going to take your job away from you before I or any mainline pilot does. It doesn't make sense to replace a 6 figure, 14 day off a month, 737 Captain flying 140 seats with a 6 figure, 18 days off a month RJ Captain flying 50 seats. No union can fix that high cost discrepancy, and I think your contractor will take that job away. Of course, it's ALPA's failure that allows you have this great 6 figure, 18 days off a month job, and then it will be ALPA's failure if it gets taken away, right? BTW, nice closure on that paragraph, Joe.
Where do I start.....
Where do I start?
1. ALPA has never pushed for higher requirements for pilots, despite many of us pushing for it....They ignored us...
2. ALPA pushes for regulations all the time...Right now they are pushing for tougher rest rules....Why haven't they pushed for tought pilot requirements?
3. Nobody cared until Buffalo? UYFCM? Many of us have complained for years about the inexperience in the cockpit....Even now, you cheerleaders are trying to blame it on fatigue instead of inexperience....Despite the fact that he had over 22 hours of rest...GMAFB!
Nobody meaning the entities sitting on the other side of the table. That point might have been lost on you. Like you said in #2 above, ALPA is always there, pushing for regulations all the time but there has to be a willing entity on the other end of the table for ALPA to actually "get" anything. Until Buffalo, Congress and the FAA could have cared less about pilot rest/duty or experience levels. Not enough people had died yet.
Also, I really could care less about the 22 hours of rest thing being a factor or not. If it's misguided logic (your implication) stemming from the unfortunate Buffalo crash or Orberstar having a vision in his sleep, it doesn't matter now- change is finally coming.
4. ALPA supported MPL for the same reason that it never pushed for tougher requirements.....Low timers love ALPA and think it is great.....They love nothing more than to put on that ALPA lanyard and believe they have made it to the big leagues....The AMA or ABA would never support a fast track to becomming a doctor or lawyer.....ALPA on the other hand endorses it.....
Huh? ALPA supports MPL so that low timers can love ALPA? So if ALPA doesn't support MPL and the low timer goes the All ATP's route instead, they won't love ALPA anyway?
5. Can you become a resident or an intern in 10 months? You can become an airline pilot in 10 months....Lame argument....but not surprising...
I've never bought the whole doctor/pilot comparison, but again you missed my point. You said "no other organization supports low experience" or something similar to that, and I pointed out 3 other organizations that, using your argument, do. The other two organizations I mentioned have members that require less than 10 months of training, and are "supported" (your definition) by government regulatory agencies. You shouldn't use points that can be completely invalidated when you debate someone that can be proved wrong with only one example, which I did. You're hung up on a pilot/doctor comparison which I completely don't buy. They're two entirely different professions.
You have it backwards grasshopper.....This guy getting 18 days off a month making 6 figures is d@mn glad he didn't go to United....That would have made me bitter.....
Joe, first of all, you are very bitter, I don't care what you say. Just read your last 100 posts. Second of all, why do you keep trying to turn this argument around on me and United? What do you want me to say? Bravo Joe. Excellent decision to not go to United when I did in the mid 90's. Will you stop now with me and United and focus on the points?