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Looking for crew of SWA 1844 BHM-PHX Sun 12/13/09

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First off let me say it sucks your bag was lost. I am confused why the judge awarded you money when you were jumpseating? Airlines are not responsible for loss or damages when pilots or FA's are riding for free. Also are you now going to reimburse SWA now that you found out it wasn't SWA but some lady from mesa that took your goods?

I guess it wasn't clear, but the Phoenix police phone call was before the trial, the issue was mentioned in the trial, and the judge still found the way he did. Also, I wasn't jumpseating, I was riding on a ZED. Legally, that's a published fare (since it's based off of a discount and mileage-based).

I wonder if this thought ever crossed your mind...If I sue Southwest Airlines for a lost bag, will they ever offer me an interview?

I wonder if this thought ever crossed your mind.... Maybe Southwest isn't a carrier I'm even remotely interested in working for. El Paso overnights aren't my thing, personally. There's nothing wrong with the airline itself, or the people who work there, and this isn't some personal grudge I'm airing out on here. I just have no desire to work for them much like others don't have a desire to work for UPS, Continental, or Netjets. Despite my experience, it's still a good company.

Besides, you think SWA is going to keep a list somewhere with my name?

The point of posting the followup was to inform people that may be in a similar situation in the future that you shouldn't just roll over (like pilots traditionally do to management), but rather look after yourself because nobody else will look after you. I can tell you when I originally posted it, I got dozens of PMs saying "DONT SUE WE'LL LOSE OUR TRAVEL BENEFITS WITH SWA". Remarkably, they're still there. People are too afraid to stick up for themselves, even when they have the legal right to. It's a shame because it's crossing into the profession rather quickly.
I say good for you...SWA had a chance to be nice they could have offered $200 to replace your luggage, and you would have been happy (hopefully) but they didn't and now they are giving you 500.
I guess it wasn't clear, but the Phoenix police phone call was before the trial, the issue was mentioned in the trial, and the judge still found the way he did. Also, I wasn't jumpseating, I was riding on a ZED. Legally, that's a published fare (since it's based off of a discount and mileage-based).

Maybe you should have dropped your suit after learning SWA had nothing to do with your lost bag. Its called integrity. Better yet why keep the money knowing they did nothing wrong. Donate it to the SPCA or something. Also shows how sad our judicial system is in this country. That judge shouldnt be judging a high school talent show, let alone sitting on a bench.
Maybe you should have dropped your suit after learning SWA had nothing to do with your lost bag. Its called integrity. Better yet why keep the money knowing they did nothing wrong. Donate it to the SPCA or something. Also shows how sad our judicial system is in this country. That judge shouldnt be judging a high school talent show, let alone sitting on a bench.

Ah Flightinfo, where pilots know more about the law than judges.

Southwest used to have positive bag match in Phoenix.... in the last 5 years. They made a business decision that it was cheaper to pay anyone who had their bag stolen under their watch. This is the cost of doing business as far as they're concerned.

On top of it, the FA labeled the bag "SLC" not "PHX" and had to have the crew step out of the plane in PHX to yank my bag. This led to my bag being sent to a different carousel (unbeknown to me). My other bag, which I had checked at the ticket counter, made it out correctly (I was the first person standing at the carousel for my flight, FWIW.)

Let's say you come over to my house. In an effort to keep my carpet clean, I require you to take your shoes off before entering. I put them in my driveway. When you leave my house, they're gone. Would you say it's not my responsibility to ensure that your shoes safely get back into your possession? Because if you think so, you have a fairly poor understanding of law.

However, because Southwest had to pay me, legally now they're allowed to press charges upon the woman who stole my bag as well. So they may very well get their $500 back.
Yeah, that crack whore has lots of hundred dollar bills lying all over the place just waiting to pay out. That is one old lady for being 36. She should start doing those "look what drugs did to my life" commercials
Yeah, that crack whore has lots of hundred dollar bills lying all over the place just waiting to pay out. That is one old lady for being 36. She should start doing those "look what drugs did to my life" commercials

Hey man... Quit talking that way about my woman! Bitch couldn't make bail so now I got's ta pick up open time.

I must maintain the life style I have become accustomed to.

Also, the judge said that an airline cannot waive liability for damage or lost goods, despite what their contract of carriage says.

Most waiver of liability statements are not worth the paper they are written on. But many people think they are which is why they exist. They do discourage a lot of lawsuits. But from what I have seen, most courts do hold individuals, companies and organizations accountable for their actions and negligence. Some courts even go too far - ie. McDonalds coffee case.
Maybe you should have dropped your suit after learning SWA had nothing to do with your lost bag. Its called integrity. Better yet why keep the money knowing they did nothing wrong. Donate it to the SPCA or something. Also shows how sad our judicial system is in this country. That judge shouldnt be judging a high school talent show, let alone sitting on a bench.

SWA did do something wrong...they lost his bag. If a ramp worker took it or a crack whore in PHX took it, the bag was under their charge at the time...they messed up, and they should pay (they had a reasonable time to play nice and offer a couple of dollars or even a new bag) but they didn't and they have to pay. I have a reasonable suspicion that $500 is really nothing to SWA and I would imagine that they have even have some type of insurance for this situation.

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