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Lets talk unions....

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405 said:
Occam's Razor and hoover, do you know what the conditions were in our office before this union got voted in? .

I would submit to you that it doesn't matter. If a majority of the dispatchers at your office voted "yes" for a union, then apparently conditions weren't as wonderful as you may have felt they were.

405 said:
I would bet you have no idea at all. My next question is do you have any idea what it's like in our office now? Again, I would bet you have no clue..

You're kidding, right?

Here's how the thread opened: "i have decided to tell you frankly about unions."

Note it doesn't say, "The union at our company" or, "The union I have some experience with".

Then it gets better! "Unions destroy the bottom line of a company and makes me realize that gangsters, I mean unions will do anything to make a buck."

Like they've destroyed the bottom line at SWA?

Tell me again which one of us doesn't have a clue?

405 said:
Thanks for your general opinions and comments..

"General"? You mean like: "Even if it means capitalizing on a few weak minded men and women to pay them for their services to talk."

So union members are "weak minded"?

I don't appreciate that sort of general slam.

405 said:
I would like to extend a special thanks to Occam's Razor for making his special comments in red. You are truly a special person. I really appreciate it.

Since you sign on as a "Sarcastic Bastard", I'll assume you're posting in character.

Meet your Daddy.
405 said:
They did choose poorly.

They chose poorly by apparently selecting a union that does not use the services of lawyers and accountants. At least that's the impression I get from ShutupandFly's post.
Occam's Razor said:
I would submit to you that it doesn't matter. If a majority of the dispatchers at your office voted "yes" for a union, then apparently conditions weren't as wonderful as you may have felt they were.

I would submit that it DOES matter. As I said and apparently you cannot fully grasp this concept, it does matter what conditions were like in the office before the union was voted in. It wasn't as bad as it is now. Is this difficult for you to understand? Improvements WERE being made. Occam, you have not worked in our office so you do not know anything about it. Quit defending a union just because you belong to ALPA.

Occam's Razor said:
You're kidding, right?

Here's how the thread opened: "i have decided to tell you frankly about unions."

Note it doesn't say, "The union at our company" or, "The union I have some experience with".

Then it gets better! "Unions destroy the bottom line of a company and makes me realize that gangsters, I mean unions will do anything to make a buck."

Like they've destroyed the bottom line at SWA?

Tell me again which one of us doesn't have a clue?

Obviously you have it all figured out. I can't win.

Occam's Razor said:
"General"? You mean like: "Even if it means capitalizing on a few weak minded men and women to pay them for their services to talk."

So union members are "weak minded"?

I don't appreciate that sort of general slam.

If that's the way you want to take it, fine with me.

Occam's Razor said:
Since you sign on as a "Sarcastic Bastard", I'll assume you're posting in character.

Meet your Daddy.

Can I borrow some money, Dad?
Last edited:
405 said:
I would submit that it DOES matter. As I said and apparently you cannot fully grasp this concept, it does matter what conditions were like in the office before the union was voted in.

Ahh! You've acknowledged the "voting in" part. That's an important first step. From there, it's only a cognitive stroll toward understanding that not everyone you work with feels the same way you do. In fact, there is evidence to suggest MOST of them don't.

Can you tell us why that is? What could have possibly motivated a bunch of hard-charging, perfectly contented dispatchers to vote in a union? Mind control? Tractor beam? To impress Jodie Foster?

405 said:
It wasn't as bad as it is now. Is this difficult for you to understand? Improvements WERE being made. Occam, you have not worked in our office so you do not know anything about it.

It's true. I haven't worked in your office. What's your point? Others have...and have determined that the "improvements" were either insufficient, or not as cool as you thought they were. You don't like their decision to speak with one voice on matters related to their employment.

The only logical reaction you could possibly have is that all unions are bad...

405 said:
Quit defending a union just because you belong to ALPA.

If you'll quit bashing unions because you don't like yours.

405 said:
Obviously you have it all figured out. I can't win.

Hey! You figured it out too!

405 said:
Can I borrow some money, Dad?

Yes, you may. But not until you quit whining.
I always knew management hated me. But this thing about the kittens -- I had no idea!

And now I have to wonder: what really happened to The Daughter's "Mr. Whiskers" when he got out of the house -- and never came back?
It gets worse! It seems airline managements aren't the only ones who hate kittens. The Fraternal Union of Cat & Kitten Undertakers (no acronym permitted) has also been organized to capture, "process", and sell kitty gut to an offshore tennis racket manufacturer.
MEC says we should all jump off a cliff. Management says that we better bring parachutes. MEC says Management is lying and that it is a trick. So we all jump off the cliff. The End.
Speaking from a management perspective....I definitely hate cats.

I'm thinking about punting the one we have out back in the parking lot, clear across into the creek.
posted on other thread but pertinent to this one as well

In fact this company sucked before the vote and sucks now....In my time since being here management has consistantly become more and more hostile to the dispatchers, for the sheer reason of getting revenge for the dispatchers trying to better their position in life through collective bargaining. The dispatchers who thought that the union would fix things instantly were mislead, these things take time.
Also when a contract is ratified it will be clear what management can do and what the dispatchers can do. For example if we had a contract we would not be turned into load controllers in addition to being dispatchers because that function would have not been in the contract. But since right now were managements b*tch they can make us do whatever they want and they do. And there is still room on your desk don't think they won't turn you into a crew scheduler as well. Oh yeah tell everyone how well your computer works and how management is working on fixing the problem.... Oh yeah their not..... just call Tom and ask. Hey how about those crew names that were to be entered into the computer 10 months ago... no wait 8 months ago... no wait 5 months ago.... oh yeah management is very responsive to our requests and things were improving.. are you still typing in names because i know i am.
Oh yeah and the claim things were improving can you give an example... since i have been here my flight benefits have been cut so that i have to pay fifty dollars for every family member on my benefits wether they use them or not, when i started i didn't have to pay, but now i do.... but does management nope theirs is still free. Oh and since management cares so much for us how much has your insurance rates increased since january...
more to continue once i'm not so pissed off about all the lies i believed

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