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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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Dangerkitty said:

Unlike you my stories and answers dont change every 5 minutes.

Thats cuz very time Flight Simulator releases a new update, it happens to change the aircraft performance numbers :D
Hey! I'm a gamer. I am willing to stick around until post 1000. I'll definitely do my part.

Now if you guys are finished having fun at my expense...or even if you aren't... :)

Did some digging today regarding the supposed "Tail Flutter" issue on the EMB-145 and talked to a guy who was involved in troubleshooting that problem. It was -not- tail flutter. It was an issue with the outlet for the anti-ice on the horizontal stab causing vibration through the elevator. It was corrected by changing the port and a few other minor tweaks. Thus the "tail flutter tale" is just more mythology.

Also found out that FL410 for the Legacy is an 8,000 foot cabin (someone here said it would be 8,800 - could have been a typo), and the current 390 cabin altitude of 8000 will go down to 7,400 feet.

Sounds like a pretty good improvement but the word is the mod will cost about $200,000 for those who want it retrofitted to their airplanes. (It's obviously standard on new-build Legacy jets).

Also discovered that s/n 730 is in mx for its 24-month inspection. This is a routine inspection and is required doing. There is another one at 48 months. Don't be surprised to see a lot of Legacy jets in mx when they are two years old. It's just part of the game.

No, they don't break. They just like a bit of TLC from time to time. :)

No, they don't break.

So, if I scrape the wing on the hangar next door, it won't break?

How about if a flock of unladen swallows were to impact the left engine? No damage?


But unlikely....
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jknight8907 said:
So, if I scrape the wing on the hangar next door, it won't break?

How about if a flock of unladen swallows were to impact the left engine? No damage?


Hahahahha! :) Well...I dunno. I guess it depends on how big the swallows are. :)

Legacy is made of 100% indestructable magic. PFM.


Your mileage may vary.
ERJ-140 said:
Hey! I'm a gamer. I am willing to stick around until post 1000. I'll definitely do my part.

Now if you guys are finished having fun at my expense...or even if you aren't... :)

Did some digging today regarding the supposed "Tail Flutter" issue on the EMB-145 and talked to a guy who was involved in troubleshooting that problem. It was -not- tail flutter. It was an issue with the outlet for the anti-ice on the horizontal stab causing vibration through the elevator. It was corrected by changing the port and a few other minor tweaks. Thus the "tail flutter tale" is just more mythology.

Also found out that FL410 for the Legacy is an 8,000 foot cabin (someone here said it would be 8,800 - could have been a typo), and the current 390 cabin altitude of 8000 will go down to 7,400 feet.

Sounds like a pretty good improvement but the word is the mod will cost about $200,000 for those who want it retrofitted to their airplanes. (It's obviously standard on new-build Legacy jets).

Also discovered that s/n 730 is in mx for its 24-month inspection. This is a routine inspection and is required doing. There is another one at 48 months. Don't be surprised to see a lot of Legacy jets in mx when they are two years old. It's just part of the game.

No, they don't break. They just like a bit of TLC from time to time. :)



Well I guess I am not going to get any questions from you like you asked. But since you don't know what in the hell you are talking about in the first place I would doubt that you would know the answers.

It's funny that you have to talk to a "friend" to get answers about the EMB-145 Tail Flutter problem. However, I am very surprised to see that you at least got one thing right in the hundreds of things you have gotten wrong. So I guess now you are batting about .025. Still a terrible batting average but at least we are showing some improvement.

Something in your statement struck me as odd however. When LegacyIIDriver sent me a PM about getted fired over a FA at CHQ he signed off his PM by stating CHEERIO! You just did the same thing.

Coincedence? I think not.
ERJ-140 said:
Also discovered that s/n 730 is in mx for its 24-month inspection. This is a routine inspection and is required doing. There is another one at 48 months. Don't be surprised to see a lot of Legacy jets in mx when they are two years old. It's just part of the game.

Most of us responding to this rubbish are Professional Pilots and we are all quite aware of required MX for aircraft. But thanks for reminding us of what is commonplace when operating a jet.

The problem is you have no clue as to how much of a tool you sound like.
Real Question

$hitcan fan, I have a real question for you. Yesterday in TEB runway 1/19 was closed. This obviously leaves 6/24 as the only option for take-off and landing. To make matters worse, at least for operators of aircraft that lack runway performance, it was 32/C.

My question is this, can you take a plane load of people to the West Coast? If so, at what speed and what are your Balanced Field T/O numbers. BTW the 2000EX is 5300' and speed is whatever we feel like given turb. ect.

I am honestly interested. Thanks for your time on this.

Just to stir the pot a little, I'll answer that one for you, having flown the WSCoD for 8 years (first the RJ version, then the supposedly "vastly superior" Legacy version). No way in he!!. It couldn't have done a 6000' runway at gross weight.

Here's what I come up with... Straight line distance between TEB-SFO (random west coast point I picked) is 2237 NM. Figure at LRC (M.74/400 Kts) with no wind that's 05+36. That's roughly 11000 lbs of gas in B/O. Add in alt fuel plus reserve and you'd need between 13500 and 14000 lbs of gas. The "lighter" ones we flew in Kuwait were roughly 30,000 lbs (the crappy options ones were closer to 31000-32000). Add 14 pax (2730 lbs) and say light cargo/bags (1200 lbs) and you've got T/O weight of 47930. It's been a while, but it seems to me, we used a magic number of 7000' of runway for anything over 45,000 lbs, and that was with the A1/E motors, not the /Ps the FLOPS ones have one them. Now, this was all ballpark numbers, so don't go flaming me for being a pound or two off...

My guess is with yesterday's numbers, they would have gone full people and .78-.80 (depends on the temp aloft if we could even ever see M.80) and stop for gas in the midwest.
BadAndy <-----(Embraer-free for 64 days)

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