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Dangerkitty said:

If I had forgot to log out at a hotel and someone had done what you had claimed I would then come on here first and state that it wasn't me. The Moderator himself didn't even state in his message that you had claimed someone made posts on your behalf from a hotel. He claimed that what you wrote was your own fault and that you should take the heat for what you typed. I guess he felt sorry for you because he erased 5 posts that WE made, not 5 posts from you.

Dude, you dont need anyone else making stupid posts on your behalf. You have that covered all by yourself.
Ain't THAT the FACT!

Very well said, DK...
Dangerkitty said:
You have been exposed time and time again as a liar and a fraud. You dont even have the balls to fess up and admit you are wrong and posted all this crap all by yourself.

Instead you run to the Moderator and cry foul because you can't get out of the tangled web of lies you have woven.
The funny thing is, if this guy came forward, fessed up to ALL the lies he has tried to pass off, he MIGHT actually start on the path to possibly rebuilding his credibility... But he isn't mature enough to see that and just continues down the road of a pathological liar and keeps getting deeper and deeper with more far fetched, transparant lies...
To say I don't have a clue how to use radar is an insult and a cop out. You don't know me and you have never flown with me. Who are you to tell me what knowledge I have of radar.
DK, it's okay, we all know the real reason the radar didn't paint that Level 4 was because you were sleeping and it was in the STBY position... :p Everyone knows that the Legassy radar is awesome... :rolleyes:

So what are you getting typed on now? Anything cool? Drop me a line and let me know what's new in your neck of the woods...

Bad-Andy said:
DK, it's okay, we all know the real reason the radar didn't paint that Level 4 was because you were sleeping and it was in the STBY position... :p Everyone knows that the Legassy radar is awesome... :rolleyes:

So what are you getting typed on now? Anything cool? Drop me a line and let me know what's new in your neck of the woods...


Bad Andy,

PM me your email address. I can no longer get on the pipe.

ERJ-140 said:
Look, for the record, I did not post some of the things shown. I failed to logout at the hotel and someone decided it would be a good practical joke, obviously, to make stupid comments on my behalf.
Too bad those posts came from residential internet service provider IP address blocks... Oh wait, let me guess, someone broke into your house so they could post stupid stuff on your behalf??? :rolleyes:

I would say ERJ-140's (a.k.a. LegacyIIDriver, Legacy Driver, Legacy390, vracui, Skull-One) nearly 18 hours of silence has proven that he has been thoroughly exposed yet once again...
Falcon Capt said:
Too bad those posts came from residential internet service provider IP address blocks... Oh wait, let me guess, someone broke into your house so they could post stupid stuff on your behalf??? :rolleyes:

I would say ERJ-140's (a.k.a. LegacyIIDriver, Legacy Driver, Legacy390, vracui, Skull-One) nearly 18 hours of silence has proven that he has been thoroughly exposed yet once again...

Falcon Captain,

I am sure he will have a real hum dinger of an explanation for that!


Why dont you just admit to all the BS you have been spewing so that you can limp away from here with at least one tiny shread of dignity.

The ball is in your court. Are you going to do the stand up thing or is your compulsion to lie going to take over?
Dangerkitty said:

Why dont you just admit to all the BS you have been spewing so that you can limp away from here with at least one tiny shread of dignity.

The ball is in your court. Are you going to do the stand up thing or is your compulsion to lie going to take over?
898 posts, maybe ERJ-140 (a.k.a. LegacyIIDriver, Legacy Driver, Legacy390, vracui, Skull-One) will use post #900 to be a man and admit his lies... Then again, there is always post #1,000... or #2,000... :rolleyes:
I think this guy must be sweating his balls off with panic right now! Think about it. He's been identified. Can you imagine if he happens to try and apply at any one of the companies we work for. Young, red headed guy, that flies for Swift...I would think all this crap he's been spewing has quite effectively screwed him; at least in this portion of the corporate market.

OOHHHH the shame of it all!!! Not the sharpest tac in the box....not by a loooong way.
Can someone PM me when this dude was supposedly terminated from CHQ ??? I think I might know who this is.

Holy smokes !!! I was post #900 ... :eek:
ERJ-140 said:
I have also asked you some very basic questions that have gone unanswered. I will -not- answer anything until such time as you heed the requests made by me well prior to the questions offered by you.

You are not getting it both ways. If you want to know about 73s and 50s then you can start by answering my queries and respecting my requests. Otherwise, go start your own thread and ask someone for the answer . You will not get things both ways.


What have you asked of me? I will answer anything you want. Unlike you my stories and answers dont change every 5 minutes.

HOWEVER, unlike you I will probably get the answer right AND have a clue as to what I am talking about.

(Only 99 more posts to go and counting)

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