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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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I have to apologize to the previous 5 posters for deleting their messages. Two reports of posts were made to the Moderators from a poster regarding disparaging remarks made to him and wanted them removed. While looking at the interchange between posts, I saw nothing more than equal slings and arrows being used and told the poster that I would do nothing regarding his request. Also, I said it appeared he had brought on much of this himself and to learn to live with the consequences.

In a second message to me he asked that at least the last 5 posts be removed. In the spirit of cooperation, I told him I would remove the last 5 posts as he asked, no matter the content, no matter the poster. I have done that. To those who posted and had them removed, I'm sorry and hope you understand it was not for anything that you posted.

You are all free to continue to post content as you see fit.

well lets see.... i think i said that all that needed to be done was not reply and the problem would be solved. i also said i thought that that those who were participating must be enjoying themselves. :)
UAL78 said:
I have to apologize to the previous 5 posters for deleting their messages. Two reports of posts were made to the Moderators from a poster regarding disparaging remarks made to him and wanted them removed. While looking at the interchange between posts, I saw nothing more than equal slings and arrows being used and told the poster that I would do nothing regarding his request. Also, I said it appeared he had brought on much of this himself and to learn to live with the consequences.

In a second message to me he asked that at least the last 5 posts be removed. In the spirit of cooperation, I told him I would remove the last 5 posts as he asked, no matter the content, no matter the poster. I have done that. To those who posted and had them removed, I'm sorry and hope you understand it was not for anything that you posted.

You are all free to continue to post content as you see fit.


Looks like ERJ-140 got his feelings hurt and had to run to the Moderators and tattle. I guess that this is what we have come to expect from ERJ-140 (or whatever he wants to call himself this week)

ERJ-140, this keeps getting more and more enteraining by the hour! Can't wait to see what you are going to post next.

Could you please post more inaccurate posts about radar shadows and the auto-gain on the WSCoD's radar? Or how about you bestow upon us your superior knowledge of the B-737 and the Falcon 50 since you are typed in them.

Oh and by the way, could you please answer those very very basic questions that were asked of you in regards to the B-737 and the Falcon 50. We wouldn't want anyone to think you were/are a fraud and a sham would we?
The only problem about UAL78 erasing the 5 previous posts is that we are now down 5 posts that could have gotten us closer to the goal of 1000 posts in one thread. Oh well, I am sure ERJ-140 will be back to make a fool of himself some more and help the cause.

Drink up WSCoDdriver! Can't wait for more irrational drivel that comes so easily from your keyboard.
Who asks for 5 posts to be arbitrarilly deleted???! That stuff happens on the Nickelodeon kid forums....come on now!

As I said in my (deleted) post, I hope the other Swift guys aren't insulted by the fact that the person that hired them is the same person that hired LegacyIIDriver/Legacy Driver/Legacy390/vracui/Skull-one/ERJ-140 !
It's going to hit 1000 posts!

Hey ERJ-140, or whatever your name is, your plane's in the shop, and going by the history of WSCoD- it might be there for a while! So don't waste anymore time on flightinfo, do us all a favor and head over to Christie's Cabaret;) . It might clear your head and when you wake up you can start anew, maybe try "IAMANIDIOT" for a new screenname
Look, for the record, I did not post some of the things shown. I failed to logout at the hotel and someone decided it would be a good practical joke, obviously, to make stupid comments on my behalf. I have made a very solid effort to keep things polite which should make the comments alluded to obviously not mine.

I merely asked the mods to delete the stupid back and forth insults. They contribute nothing to this thread.

We are supposed to be discussing the AIRPLANE. Exchange of knowledge, not gossip. Trying to find out who someone is sounds more like stalking than anything. I think you folks should stop that.
ERJ-140 said:
Look, for the record, I did not post some of the things shown. I failed to logout at the hotel and someone decided it would be a good practical joke

....Good one. We believe you. No..... really, we do.
ERJ-140 said:
Look, for the record, I did not post some of the things shown. I failed to logout at the hotel and someone decided it would be a good practical joke, obviously, to make stupid comments on my behalf. I have made a very solid effort to keep things polite which should make the comments alluded to obviously not mine.

I merely asked the mods to delete the stupid back and forth insults. They contribute nothing to this thread.

We are supposed to be discussing the AIRPLANE. Exchange of knowledge, not gossip. Trying to find out who someone is sounds more like stalking than anything. I think you folks should stop that.

I guess is the excuse for today.


You have been exposed time and time again as a liar and a fraud. You dont even have the balls to fess up and admit you are wrong and posted all this crap all by yourself.

Instead you run to the Moderator and cry foul because you can't get out of the tangled web of lies you have woven. Falcon Capt has exposed you for the BS artist you are and yet you go on.

You are a liar fraud and a fool. You have no clue what you are talking about and are a mere irritant to the people of this board.

But since we are at it once again would you please answer the very very basic questions asked of you about the B-737 and the Falcon 50. Since you are typed in both is shouldn't be very hard at all to answer them. And then could you explain to us some more about radar shadows? What you wrote before was truly fascinating.
ERJ-140 said:
Look, for the record, I did not post some of the things shown. I failed to logout at the hotel and someone decided it would be a good practical joke, obviously, to make stupid comments on my behalf.


If I had forgot to log out at a hotel and someone had done what you had claimed I would then come on here first and state that it wasn't me. The Moderator himself didn't even state in his message that you had claimed someone made posts on your behalf from a hotel. He claimed that what you wrote was your own fault and that you should take the heat for what you typed. I guess he felt sorry for you because he erased 5 posts that WE made, not 5 posts from you.

Dude, you dont need anyone else making stupid posts on your behalf. You have that covered all by yourself.

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