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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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ERJ-140 said:
All right all right!!! I will admit it. I am not a pilot. I just know one and got on here to see if I could try convincing you folks through reason that the Legacy isn't that bad. A friend of mine flies it and I got this info in part through him (like where Legacys are in the USA). If I had admitted to not being a pilot you might have laughed at me...so I pretended.

Joke's on you! Sorta'. :)

I have experience riding in the back of the planes listed. No ATP. No hours.

Apologies to my pilot friends out there. They had no idea I was posting their ideas! Sorry!!

Not gonna work, we all know you are SKULL-ONE (a.k.a. LegacyDriver, LegacyIIDriver, Legacy390, vracui, ERJ-140)

It is hilarious you are now trying to lie yourself out of your lie, because appearantly several people have put together your puzzle pieces and are seeing how it all fits...
It was implied if not stated (in fact it was but the guy changed his post after the fact). I can read between the lines any way. I put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

You've been had. I am a poseur! :)
ERJ-140 said:
You've been had. I am a poseur! :)
No, you are SKULL-ONE, the "Wrongfully Terminated CHQ ERJ Captain"... Who has also taken the screennames LegacyIIDriver, LegacyDriver, vracui, Legacy390 and ERJ-140 in addition to your earlier name of SKULL-ONE...
Nope. Wrong guy.

Nice try.

Ha! You guys are so off base. Ha ha ha!

:) I love it.

Say what you want. The Legacy rocks and you guys suck!
Ha ha ha ha ha!

You guys are so uninformed!

You got me. All of you are right. I am wrong. You are experts on a plane you've never seen! Ha!
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FalconCapt still can't disprove 3250 nm range at 390 with 8 pax and ifr reserve!
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ERJ-140 said:
Make that 3250nm. Whatever, who cares. Legacy sucks!

Ha haha! 1000 copies and coiunting but it sucks!-whatever-!!!!

Idiots. You guys are an industry joke.

Can't spot a level four??? Ha ha ha ha ha! Puuuuuuhhhhhhleeeze!

I think ERJ-140 (or whatever he wants to call himself this week) has finally lost it. It is revealing however ERJ-140 that you make fun of me for something you yourself have explained you have no clue about. Reading your explanation of using tilt and auto gain is the most pathetic and useless drivel I have ever read.

You have no credibility here and are a loser.

Do you even know what a Level 4 is?
ERJ-140 said:
Now, one thing I have noticed about the EMB radar is that the dish is really small. You have to do a lot more fiddling with the gain knob to pull shadows out in precip.

Oh boy is this rich!! ERJ-140, you dont pull shadows out of precip. Radar shadows are found behind areas of heavy precip where the radar cannot make it through the precip and creates a shadow. What you just stated absolutely makes no sense at all.

ERJ-140 said:
In heavy rain you really have to work it to get it to tell you what you need to know.

WOW!! What incredible information you have bestowed upon us. Besides, if you find yourself in very heavy rain the radar cannot make it through heavy rain. But you already knew that.

ERJ-140 said:
Also, if you don't "self-calibrate" the radar (there is a technique for that) you will often think you are pointing the radar at -1 degree when you are in fact pointing it higher. Most people just leave it in auto gain and tilt it down 1 or 2 degrees. That is a recipe for disaster as you'll shoot the beam over the cell instead of into it, but that's how most people are taught to use it.

I think you are trying to explain to people (which some real pilot tried to explain to you) how to find the real 0 tilt for the radar. Most pilots know how to do this you incompetent douche bag. You are trying to teach us basic radar techniques that any professional pilot would know.

Furthermore, it is clear that you have no clue what you are talking about. It is the equivilant of someone trying to get me to type out some Spanish or French. I could do it but wouldn't have a clue as to what I was typing.


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