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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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ERJ-140 said:
Also, again, Swift isn't selling Legacy jets, I am not employed there (please, in all seriousness, for the sake of the innocent folks who actually -do- work there, don't try to claim I am a Swift guy - I really am not
Yes, we know you work for the TGIF Franchisee in Connecticut, which leases back it's WSCoD to Swift.
ERJ-140 said:
Manufacturer claims (at FL390 though capable of FL410) 3100NM with 8 Pax and NBAA Reserves at Mach 0.80, FAR more than enough to go KTEB-KPHX.
I just realized why you were flying at .74M on that flight. It was raining in TEB when you departed. Considering the WSCoD's airliner-like wet runway performance you weren't able to take a full bag of fuel;) .
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Where are you ERJ-140? Cat got your tongue?

Oh and by the way please answer those questions in regards to the B-737 and Falcon 50 that were asked of you. This is only the 10th-15th time you have been asked a question that you have not responded to.

Answer it now please.
ERJ-140 said:
Hey don't ask me I wasn't flying it and dunno what turb speed is for Legacy.

You sit here and spew all this knowledge and wisdom about the Legacy but you dont know what the Turbulent Penetration Speed is for the Legacy?
Let me be the 100th person to tell you this dude but you are a complete moron.

ERJ-140 said:
(FC wasn't referring to my IP addy but to the email addy I registered with. Belongs to one of my girlfriends who now flies for SWA. I didn't feel like going to msn or whatever to get one. I am not in TEB and haven't been for quite some time.)

NO NO NO! Re-read the post there LegacyDriver. Falcon Captain specifically mentions your IP address, not you e-mail address which means nothing.

Who do you think you are trying to kid anyway? You have been shown time and time again of how much of a fraud, moron, salesman, and idiot you are.
Why you come back here is beyond me.

But one more time I would like to ask you to please answer those qusstions you have been asked about the B-737 and Falcon 50. I am sure you are calling all you other CFI buddies to try to find some answers.

Can't wait for your response!

Oh and by the way, you saying "addy" makes you sound even more like a pansey.
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ERJ-140 said:
Hey don't ask me I wasn't flying it and dunno what turb speed is for Legacy...

Wait a minute here... You fly the WSCofD yet you "don't (dunno) what turb speed is for Legacy?" (Beat me to it DangerKitty ;))

Maybe that explains the lack of answers on the B737 and Falcon 50.
ERJ-140 said:
Hey don't ask me I wasn't flying it and dunno what turb speed is for Legacy.
Man, did you go to the Bill Clinton school of "truth", so you were the PNF? Let me rephrase the question, where you onboard?

Looks like it's time for another identity change. I wonder who the next "Skull-One" will be?
I don't fly the Legacy. I told you that already.

You guys start answering -my- questions and I will answer yours. You don't get to dodge my queries and demand I answer yours.

Kitty, you don't know squat about emb radars if you can't see a Level 4. I would keep that info to myself if I were you!

I don't fly the Legacy at all ever. Never have never claimed to and I'm not who you think I am (but it sure is funny to watch you try!).

Oh and this isn't eaglelounge. You don't have to be logged in to browse the forum. Duh.
ERJ-140 said:
I don't fly the Legacy. I told you that already.

You guys start answering -my- questions and I will answer yours. You don't get to dodge my queries and demand I answer yours.

Kitty, you don't know squat about emb radars if you can't see a Level 4. I would keep that info to myself if I were you!

I don't fly the Legacy at all ever. Never have never claimed to and I'm not who you think I am (but it sure is funny to watch you try!).


Oh well, look whos back?

I will start and end my rebuttal with this.

You have been asked time and time again to answer very very minor questions about the B-737 and the Falcon 50.

Please answer them now or do not post anything else about the Legacy.

It is becoming increasing clear that you are not a pilot at all but a mere internet troll.

Your answers please.
ERJ-140 said:
I don't fly the Legacy.....

I don't fly the Legacy at all ever....and I'm not who you think I am

drrr, yeah....... okay

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