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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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ERJ-140 said:

Sounds to me like an explanation.

Solution: Admin should simply erase all the "duplicate" accounts completely and let one nickname stand once and for all.

Maybe it's a hint from the administrator......
ERJ-140 said:
Facts? You want facts? I have given facts. Facts that are obvious even to the most junior ERJ F/O
FACTS... Here is a fact... ERJ-140 IS in FACT LegacyIIDriver who is also LegacyDriver who is also Skull-One who is also vracui... Now why is someone who is sooo interested in "Facts" hiding behind different screennames all the time... Be a man for once and stand up and admit who you are...

ERJ-140 said:
(I am quite certain there would be fewer screen names in this thread if accounts weren't disabled at the first sign of discontent by the moderators.)
First of all, Moderators can't disable accounts, only the Webmaster can do that... All a Moderator can do is ban someone... ERJ-140, LegacyIIDriver, LegacyDriver and vraciu have NEVER been banned... Now, the Webmaster knows someone who actually knows this person and has decided since all he does is come here and act like a tool (which coincidentally in real life I understand he is just as much a tool), the Webmaster has reset those other accounts back to "Guest" status to avoid continuing headaches from our "Wrongfully Terminated Friend"...

You have dug, and continue to dig your own hole... You come here claiming to spout "fact" but have no backing for anything you say (even the manufactures web site disputes your "facts")... But yet you hide behind ever changing screennames...

You sir (and I use that VERY loosly), have absolutely no credibility left in this community...
Falcon Capt said:
First of all, Moderators can't disable accounts, only the Webmaster can do that... All a Moderator can do is ban someone... ERJ-140, LegacyIIDriver, LegacyDriver and vraciu have NEVER been banned... Now, the Webmaster knows someone who actually knows this person and has decided since all he does is come here and act like a tool (which coincidentally in real life I understand he is just as much a tool), the Webmaster has reset those other accounts back to "Guest" status to avoid continuing headaches from our "Wrongfully Terminated Friend"...

But yet you claim the man is making up "excuses" regarding his account. Interesting.

"I know someone who knows someone who knows someone who says..." That's the very thing you claim to despise when it comes to discussions on airplanes. Why would you accept such a thing when it comes to banishing a member of this board? Double standards - it's nice to see they are alive and well.

You don't like people who disagree with you. Bottom line. Anyone who challenges your "god" complex has to be a tool. There is no other explanation. I doubt Mr. Webmaster knows anyone involved other than you, and with said knowledge it's a miracle he has made you a moderator.
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Falcon Capt said:
You come here claiming to spout "fact" but have no backing for anything you say (even the manufactures web site disputes your "facts")...

Where does it dispute anythng I have written? Where? No, the manufacturer's website has in fact disputed everything _you_ have asserted.

Talk about a lack of credibility.

Stick to the issue at hand if you can. (Who am I kidding? You obviously can't.)

I am sure everyone would best be served limiting replies to G-V and myself since we're both trying to be mature, rational adults here.
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Falcon Capt - I'm curious. Can you take a look at the IP address of this post and PM me where it came from? Currently, I'm logged into my company's network through the VPN. I'm curious if you trace the IP back to my company's headquarters, or to McAllen, where I physically am at the moment? Or do you see both?
con-pilot said:
Let me tell something partner, it's not what you fly, it's what you get paid.

When I made 727 Captain I went into the bathroom and dropped my pants to see just much bigger my mustintouchines got. Well guess what, my balls did not get any bigger, nor anything else down there.

Get a life.

I can't stop laughing....Thanks!!!
ERJ 140 / whoever the hell else you've been, I just have to ask...

WHY DO YOU CARE????????????????

I fly the plane; personally I think it's a POS as an airliner. If the company can't even build an airliner, I don't know what makes them think they can build a corporate jet. I'm certainly not the only one with that opinion. I fly with lots of (mostly new and 'jet-struck') guys who love it. I couldn't give a s**t less.

So, why does it matter to you? Do you derive your sense of identity and self-worth from an airplane? If so, you really might consider some therapy.

Or are you an EMB sales rep or something? I thought most of them had been smart enough to abandon this board already; realizing they weren't going to be able to snow a (mostly) intelligent group of pilots already experienced in the EMB's superior competitors.

Just curious, dude. I understand the sport you're providing to the others on this board, and I can see why they keep coming back... unfair fights may be unethical, but there is a thrill if you're on the winning end. But why do YOU bother??
I enjoy a healthy debate. Other than that, I honestly don't have a reason to care.

I like playing devil's advocate. I always pull for the underdog.

It must be a personality flaw.

Hey, I apologize if I have offended anybody. That was never my intention. I just felt like getting into the thinking loops of those who despise the Legacy so much. It all seems a bit irrational.

Calling a Legacy a good airplane isn't an insult to G or Dassault. It's just a compliment t Embraer. They've done a pretty good job with this airplane it seems. They've certainly learned a lot since EMB-110. :)

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