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Legacy Bashfest - Bring it on!

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bigD said:
Crap man, Falcon Capt called you out and you still don't own up to it!

Ooooh...maybe Legacy Driver broke into your house and used your computer while you were away! That must be it!

FalconCapt is all talk. Recalling "TOP GUN" - I guess he was abused as a child or something.

This is way more fun than any human should be allowed to have, really.

Abusing his authority as a moderator? This board has a rule against people having multiple screen names, so checking IP addresses for abuse is part of his JOB as a moderator.

And c'mon man, you're not going to convince anyone around here to question Falcon Capt's integrity, so you might as well call it quits with this BS you're spewing.
bigD said:
Abusing his authority as a moderator? This board has a rule against people having multiple screen names, so checking IP addresses for abuse is part of his JOB as a moderator.

And c'mon man, you're not going to convince anyone around here to question Falcon Capt's integrity, so you might as well call it quits with this BS you're spewing.

I hate to break it to you, but some ISPs report the same IP regardless the user, others do not report static IPs - they periodically boot you off the IP onto a new one to keep people from running servers without paying the "fee". So looking for "multiple identities" is a BS excuse. As the man earlier noted, his brother/wife/sister has an identity on the same computer.

Firewalls can also generate bogus IPs or shield them entirely. BS on you, too.
Dude give it up. You got shot down.

Hey falconcapt did you pass?
ERJ-140 said:
abusing your authority as a moderator?
And how might I be doing that?

I don't need Paintshop to out you, your IP address is logged and stored everytime you log into a forum such as this (for legal purposes) so it is easy for us to verify someones authenticity by comparing IP numbers...

I can also tell you who your ISP is, what region of their network you are on including the Redback and subnet you are on...

You've signed up enough times on this board, you think you would have read the user agreement at least one of those times...
What a discussion guys, I'm not interested on participate, but an advice, if the postings of somebody looks like lies, then ignore it, fueling an debate about identities on a blog is an absolete LOSS OF TIME, 100% USELESS.

I'm happy posting whatever I consider is useful to me, I'm not afaired about adverse comments about me and my knowledge. I'm a rookie pilot (also I'm not a pro, my main occupation is as R&D Chief of my own business), I don't know so many things and this forum is a usefull tool to learn, so why to waste my time (and you'rs time) with lies (also chalenging other pilots) thas is useless, a complete no sense.

To ERJ-140: Ideas beats Ideas, don't whorry if no body believe on you, but be careful, supporting ideas with lies is a boomerang, and you'll lost every gained point.

To the ERJ-140 chalengers (FalconC BigD G200 GV...): don't kill the messenger, just destroy de message, the truth doesn't need appasonated defenders.


Now mi opinion: the ERJ-135 is an cheap airliner rugged and cheap to repair (as must be), but as a BizJet, has some "F" on its califications: Poor presurization, Impractical balanced field lenght, and slow (block time), could be a descent corporate shuttle but not a Bizjet, maybe cheaper to buy but its overall value isn't outstanding for a "just-arrived", its no competitor for the G350, maybe for the G200 or the H.Horizon also for the Ce750, but has no chance against the Big Gulfs (or the Dassault's), few days ago we just decided to purchase a G450, and has no comparisions, is like to compare a BMW and a CrownVic (yes both have the same # of seats, also the same range, the CrownVic is cheaper (but slowy), who will choose you to pick up your chief? obviously the BMW, and who is your choice for taxi work (or employes transport): the CrownVic.

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ERJ-140 said:
As the man earlier noted, his brother/wife/sister has an identity on the same computer.
SAME COMPUTER... typically means same IP...

Typically cable companies (such as the one you are using) issue static IP to residential customers...

Regardless, even with a Dynamic IP address...

Riddle me this lil' fella...

What are the odd of all of the following things occuring simultaneously?:

You BOTH happen to be pilots (what is there, about 100,000 ATP's in the US?)

You BOTH happen to have found this board (21,000 members)

You BOTH happen to be board members AND ATP's (probably 5,000 of the boards 21,000 members)

You BOTH happen to reside in the same city AND are ATP's AND are members of this board (probably less than 200 members)

You BOTH happen to have the SAME Cable company, reside in the same city, are ATP's AND are member's of this board (now you are way less than 20 members)

You BOTH happen to latch on rapidly to this thread and use identical writing styles, have the same cable company, reside in the same city are both ATP's AND are both members of this board (down to maybe 2 members)

You BOTH have the IDENTICAL IP ADDRESS, latched onto this thread, use identical writing styles, have the same cable company, reside in the same city, are both ATP's and are both members of this board (ONE MEMBER)

Coincidence??? I think not...

100% FACT: ERJ-140 = LegacyIIDriver = LegacyDriver = Skull-One
Falcon Capt said:
You've signed up enough times on this board, you think you would have read the user agreement at least one of those times...

He has no time for that. I'll bet he's busy looking for DA-50 info on the web in an effort to justify his claim of actually having flown it. Come on ERJ-140, answer the guys question. Tell me which HYD system moves the flaps, what's the MMO, what's ref at say 27k lbs? All stuff you should know if you've only flown the aircraft a couple of times.
ERJ-140 said:
I hate to break it to you, but some ISPs report the same IP regardless the user, others do not report static IPs - they periodically boot you off the IP onto a new one to keep people from running servers without paying the "fee". So looking for "multiple identities" is a BS excuse. As the man earlier noted, his brother/wife/sister has an identity on the same computer.

Firewalls can also generate bogus IPs or shield them entirely. BS on you, too.

Well, of course multiple computers can be using the same IP address as reported by the ISP. If Falcon Capt were to look at my IP right now, he wouldn't see what my actual computer's IP address is - instead he'd see the IP that Time Warner has assigned to my router. If I'm busy checking out blondes on campus, he'd see the IP from some UT server or router. If some other FlightInfo member happened to also be posting from behind that router, we'd look like we have the same IP address.

So yeah, it's not an infallibe process, but it's good enough to show that you're full of crap!

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