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Lead Sled said:
If you've got the tilt set properly, ground clutter won't be an issue. Whether or not your particular radar system is installed in a Jungle Jet makes no difference. [Note: When you're working weather, down low, close in, on approach or departure, the appropriate tilt setting may be "full up".]

The problem I have with this radar is full up at low altitude results in "full red" just about. It is a finicky piece of equipment to say the least.
ERJ-140 said:
The problem I have with this radar is full up at low altitude results in "full red" just about.
That, my friend, is a radome, not a radar, problem - which is an entirely different thread.

ERJ-140 said:
You can get a radar shadow with any level of precipitation if you play around with the gain. (Think of the gain as the volume control on the radar receiver.)

THANK YOU! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! That is what I was trying to get across!

I -will- be attending one of those courses in the near future for sure. Sounds like a good class.
But that's precisely why you shouldn't be screwing around with the gain.

ERJ-140 said:
I would be very interested in either. Would you suggest one over the other or one first then the other? Gwinn's sounds like the one to take. Where do you find out how to attend one?

Why would you want to to something like that? Who needs going to seminars given by professionals when you can make up stuff as you go along and act like you know what you are talking about.

Besides WSCoDdriver, you have all these interviews to go to from the birage of PM's supporting you by all your anonymous fans on flightinfo.com. Who has the time for silly little seminars given by professionals when you have to go to job interviews that dont exist. If you have forgotten what I am talking about here is your quote below.

I really like it how you spell rules with a "z" (RULZ) Thats really cool

ERJ-140 said:
Ha ha ha! My pm list is 10:1 against you wankers. Everyone is saying "keep it up" or "screw those clueless idiots on flightinfo". I actually got an interview out of this thread! Ha ha ha!

FalconCapt is a loser. Still can't disprove 320 nm range at 390 with 8 pax and ifr reserve!

Haha ha ha! Ban imminent! Ha yha ha ha!

Losers and idiots all. Live in your fantasy world. I'm gone. Cya!!!

Legacy rulz. Peace.
ERJ-140 said:
These taken from the left seat (mine) of an EMB-135LR using a P-660 Radar.

I like it how you have to remind everyone that you were in the left seat. We believe you. No really, we do.

If you are in the left seat of such a stellar aircraft then why are you talking about job interviews from your "fans" on flightinfo.com. If you dont know what I am talking about I will refresh your memory.

Below is your quote. By the way, have you had the interview yet?

ERJ-140 said:
Ha ha ha! My pm list is 10:1 against you wankers. Everyone is saying "keep it up" or "screw those clueless idiots on flightinfo". I actually got an interview out of this thread! Ha ha ha!

FalconCapt is a loser. Still can't disprove 320 nm range at 390 with 8 pax and ifr reserve!

Haha ha ha! Ban imminent! Ha yha ha ha!

Losers and idiots all. Live in your fantasy world. I'm gone. Cya!!!

Legacy rulz. Peace.
Yeah. I got an "interview out of this thread" via someone I met in real life. It's an open offer but I am happy where I am now.

No, I need to remind *you* that I am a Captain since you enjoy mistakenly referring to me as a "three-striper".

You are the tool of tools DK. We all know you are pi$$ed at the world over being furloughed and because I was an RJ driver it's all my fault. We know. We know.

Go take it out on someone who cares. It's stale.
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Lead Sled said:
But that's precisely why you shouldn't be screwing around with the gain.


I think you will agree that it doesn't hurt you to use it for short periods to interpret what you are seeing. It just helps me find precip and pull it out of "noise". Small radar dishes seem to produce much more "trash" than bigger ones.
Lead Sled said:
That, my friend, is a radome, not a radar, problem - which is an entirely different thread.


Yes, but low to the ground you cannot get that stuff out of the way. I will be the first to admit that it simply becomes annoying. At low altitude if it isn't ground cluttering up the mess it's the radome. It becomes difficult to use if not useless at that point. Mostly it is just red and yellow annoyance on approach.

Hey, I admit there is a hole in my knoweldge here. I haven't figured out a workaround for this problem. That seminar would probably help.
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