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Dangerkitty said:
Sled, very nice site indeed.

www.davegwinn.com Right when you click on a link you will see a picture of a radar. In the 11 o'clock position there is a radar shadow behind a heavy cell. Plane as day..

Duh. That's what the radar presentation on the ERJ/Leagcy looks like with a shadow in RCT mode.
I just dug up some old ERJ photos I took of our radar on the MFD. They show some cells with painted clutter in the background behind. By varying the gain you can mainuplate what you see to the point that the rain cells stay but the "noise" goes away. I'll post them if I can figure out how and then you guys can bash away all you want.
Thanks D. Let me see what I can do here first.

Stupid things shrank so I will try editing and uploading them larger.
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I don't know what the gain setting is because that knob wasn't entirely in the shot. May have been dialed down a touch. The VAR in amber on the PFD and MFD shows it is not in AUTO Gain mode. We picked our way around all of this stuff without a bump. There was more ahead of us but I have the range dialed in.

These taken from the left seat (mine) of an EMB-135LR using a P-660 Radar.

http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=15979V0Tw5&i=102174 Zoomed in #1

http://www.solisearch.net/ims/pic.php?u=15979V0Tw5&i=102175 Zoomed in #2

The image clarity is better on my PC but this stupid site keeps reducing them to a smaller size.

Originals prior to cropping:


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Thanks tremendously for that. I am glad someone sees what I am trying to say here.
I do understand what you're saying; but like I also said, I really don't agree or subscribe to that technique. You can get all of the information that you need by simply manipulating the tilt. Gain is best left alone. When it used, it's only to identify returns with dBs higher than the red/magenta threashold. That, in reality, serves little useful purpose - on the assumption that if any part of a cell is contouring, the entire cell must be considered as contouring.

The only problem I see is that the EMB radar paints so much ground clutter that tilt alone doesn't always seem to work.
If you've got the tilt set properly, ground clutter won't be an issue. Whether or not your particular radar system is installed in a Jungle Jet makes no difference. [Note: When you're working weather, down low, close in, on approach or departure, the appropriate tilt setting may be "full up".]

I would be very interested in either. Would you suggest one over the other or one first then the other? Gwinn's sounds like the one to take. Where do you find out how to attend one?
Gwinn's is the one to take. The last time I checked, you could register for one of his Honeywell sponsered radar courses for little or no cost. I'd contact customer service at Honeywell for more information. Trammel's course is OK as well.

For what it's worth. I see you've got a Honeywell radar in the jungle jet so you probably will be able to attend one of Honeywell's courses no charge - at least that's the way it worked a couple of years ago. You can get a radar shadow with any level of precipitation if you play around with the gain. (Think of the gain as the volume control on the radar receiver.)

Lead Sled said:
For what it's worth. I see you've got a Honeywell radar in the jungle jet so you probably will be able to attend one of Honeywell's courses no charge - at least that's the way it worked a couple of years ago. You can get a radar shadow with any level of precipitation if you play around with the gain. (Think of the gain as the volume control on the radar receiver.)


THANK YOU! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! That is what I was trying to get across!

I -will- be attending one of those courses in the near future for sure. Sounds like a good class.

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