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Leave Comair for JB, AirTran, ATA??

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Active member
Jan 17, 2003
What are peoples opinions on leaving Comair with 5 years of seniority, a Captain at 67.53 per hr. 50 seater (74.28 per hr. 70 seater) as of June 03 with around 1000 pilots below you out of 1600 for the likes of Jetblue or ATA or Airtran?? I ask because I havent heard of many senior pilots leave comair, asa or skywest for theses places even though everyone says JB, airtran, ATA are the places to go now. thanks for input
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A good mental excercise

This is actually an intriguing topic.

When we were kids, no doubt we all fantasized about flying the "big jets" across the country or around the world. For young pilots it is incomprehensable to NOT consider a move to a larger airplane when the opportunity presents itself.

Now we face an economy and a profession which is undergoing change. Likely the major airlines will look vastly different 5 years from today then they did 5 years ago. The contracts, payrates, and benefits enjoyed by the airline pilot of the late 1990s are long gone. You may find that your Comair contract is very competitive with the contracts at the companies you are considering.

I would suggest you talk one of the dozens of furloughed major airline pilots who are coming to work for Comair this year. Many of those who I have had the pleasure to talk to tell me that Comair is their new home -- they have no intention of leaving.

Certainly our priorities change when we get married, have children, etc... but most of the people I've spoken with no longer care about the size airplane they fly, or making 6 figures in their second year. Instead they're anxious to fly modern equipment for a stable company, earning a fair paycheck -- nobody will get rich, but they will certainly live a good lifestyle.

AirTran, Jetblue, and ATA are all good companies but will they survive 30 years until you are ready to retire? The fact is you wont know what the right decision is until the day you turn 60. Pilots 20 years ago who were hired by USAir or United thought they had it made -- pilots 30 years ago who were hired by PanAm or Eastern thought they struck it rich. You just dont know.

My opinion? Unless you happen to live in an AirTran, Jetblue, or ATA crewbase, stick it out with Comair.

Just a thought from a furloughed TWA guy who would love to work for Comair.
You may find that your Comair contract is very competitive with the contracts at the companies you are considering.

It's not close to AirTran's, at least in terms of pay. Our FO pay is roughly the same as Comair's Capt. pay, at least after your probationary year. I am a second year FO making $51.50 an hour, which bumps to $53.50 in 4/03. I should upgrade during the third year, and will be at $100./hr. Twelfth year pay per this contract is $152./hr and the average line here pays 85 hrs. Per Diem is $1.75/hr.

Yes, we have trip rig, duty rig, etc and a company-funded retirement contribution of 10.5% It's a pretty decent contract, in year 3 of 4.

I was lucky, being hired in one of the first classes after 9/11 I went right to a line, and have averaged 16-17 days off per month on commutable lines . . . . of course, you mileage may vary.

New airplane will be coming in 2004, either a B737/700/800 or A319/320.
Comair v. the others you mentioned

This really is a good question, mental exercise or not.

I'm not a major fan of Comair the company. But I think that now it is a good place to hang your hat. You have a decent number and the place seems to be on solid footing. The others, especially JB, have great potential, but for now, I'd stay. When the economy gets better, you can revisit the issue.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Right now it is all about career stability.

Now is not the time to be at the bottom of anybody's seniority list.

If you are comfortable where you are at then I would suggest staying.

I too had the urge for bigger and better airplanes and a few years back made the jump from top of the list commuter dog to bottom of the list major.

It was fun flying something different....for a while. You know what....like anything else....it just becomes like every other airplane you have flown.

Now I have gone from living in base to commuter, the hotels in LAS, LAX, SFO, HNL are no different then the ones in (insert your hotels here), and I no longer enjoy the benefits of seniority in the left seat.

If I had been with a company like Comair, flying left seat, with seniority...I'm not sure I would make the change. When you factor in the extreme vulnerablity that this career is exposed to right now....I know I would stay put.

I now understand finally at this point what drives pilots to choose lifestyle over "the next best thing".

Just my 2 cents.

Well, too bad there aren't any furloughed Delta pilots at Comair. Oh that's right, that would have been a "CRM problem", just like over at ASA. (?)

Comair seems to have a great airline with nice planes and a diverse route structure. Since you won't be going to Delta from Comair, I think JB, AirTran, and ATA would be good choices. Jetblue will probably grow and continue to thrive, even though Song may stunt it's growth a bit. Airtran is also one that seems to be on the fast track---even though it's growth in ATL could be hampered by lack of gate space there. I am sure that Airtran could eventually find more places to put hubs eventually. ATA has a good hub at Chicago MDW, and does a lot of MAC Charters with the Military currently. ATA did have a considerable loss for it's size last quarter, but seems to have it's act together. It has nice planes and nice routes.

It all comes down to this: If you want stability--stay at Comair or go to JB or Airtran. IF you want big planes---go to ATA (757-300 and L1011's for the time being anyways..) If you want to go to Delta eventually in 5 years or so---go to ATA, JB, or Airtran and then get an interview. The Comair portion of your resume might still be questioned, but just come up with some BS story that you didn't have any control over your MEC at the time and that you wanted to leave so you could eventually get on with the BIG D.
That probably will be acceptable.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool:
gen lee

dude, get over it. With your terrific attitude you're starting to make me glad we didn't take you guys in.

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