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Leave Comair for JB, AirTran, ATA??

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Someday you will eat those words, trust me. Don't bet on Delta doing any worse, they still own you and pay for your checks. When things get better, and they will eventually, you will be the one wondering why you aren't flying those 767's into Bermuda. Sure, you like your schedule and enjoy your plane (the CRJ is a nice one), but you will care when you see the ASA guys benefiting. And you still can't own up to the fact that we helped you out and you can't do the same for our furloughs---You can't say it--can you? You are expanding and you can't let guys on at the bottom, not affecting you one bit. It will affect you someday in someway. Tell Lawson thanks.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :( :mad: :)
And you still can't own up to the fact that we helped you out and you can't do the same for our furloughs

I am sorry, maybe I missed something here. I thought it was the Delta Pilots that signed their TA while the Comair folks were on strike. Seems to me you took the bait ole Uncle Leo was offering there.

I don't think it played out like that, but what did you want us to do then? I am sure that it was over before you guys struck. We had enough on our own to negotiate, and you wanted us to negotiate yours too? We supported you with money and told Delta we wouldn't fly your routes. And now you can't help our guys in need. That is what it all comes down to---we helped you and you can't help us. Thanks.

Bye Bye---General Lee:eek:
Re: A good mental excercise

Otto_Pilot said:

Just a thought from a furloughed TWA guy who would love to work for Comair.

Just a thought from a Comair guy, .... we'd be happy to have you (if you're willing to give up your AA number).
I won't hold my breath

Oh wow, the few ASA guys who do get hired when, 10 years from now. yea sure, they will give up ASA to go to the bottom of Delta just in time for another economic downturn. I can't figure why you have such an interest in the current Comair policy ??? All this noise for the 10-20 that might take the 18K/yr job ? Why don't you spend time bashing your own MEC for selling out and increasing the scope to 44%, did you vote on that ? Just like I didn't vote on the hiring of Delta guys. The senoir guys will always sellout the junior ones, lets see what happens with Song. You're dreaming if you think they will pay mainline rates.
JC doesn't give a rats asz if anyone wants to work for Delta. If your pilot group wasn't so short sighted and hell bent on keeping us out, we wouldn't be hiring 300+ a year. Please don't bring up how you supported the Comair strike with money, you didn't have a choice, ALPA paid it whether you wanted them to or not. I paid my ALPA dues and fully expected help from them during the strike. Guys like you continue to drive a wedge between pilot groups, I hope it helps you somehow. I have a class date with JetBlue and will be glad to get away from all this BS.
General Lee said:
It will affect you someday in someway. Tell Lawson thanks.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool: :( :mad: :)

I've already told you what I think in another thread so I won't repeat it here.

While we're at it ..... thanks JC Lawson for doing the right thing.

PS. Tell Buergey (sp) ... no thanks.
Flaps30 and Surplus1,

You guys are really cool.

First to Flaps30,

Ok, what? McFly? What are you talking about? Why would the "senior guys" sell out Song when they fly for Song? The 757 and 767 are not separate catagories. We have over 3000 757/767 pilots at Delta---all typed on it. They make up the largest group of pilots at Delta. The union does not have to take a pay cut if they do not negotiate it---the pay scales are NOT subject to Force mejeur. No one can hand us a pay cut if we don't want it. Do you understand yet? Now, we may want to help chip in ---but there would be a snapback --no doubt. Leo Mullin stated that no Non Union employees would take pay cuts. Hmmmm. well, that doesn't sound like we are doing that bad, does it? Wouldn't everyone have to chip in if it was that bad? If for some reason Dalpa decided to change the rates, there would also be a clause to allow the Song lines of time an extra 5 hours to make up the difference. Also, management stated that it would not separate the 757 and the 767 bacause they have HUGE flexibility with having 3000 pilots able to fly all 4 types of 757-767's (757, 767-200, 767-300Dom, 767-300ER). So, where did you overhear this gossip about Song taking a paycut? The press? They want labor to take cuts, and refuse to blame management for anything. Look at the United fiasco---it was all the pilot's fault---including trying to buy USair and making Avolar.
Don't believe everything you hear. And you think it will be how long before ASA guys get on with us? Well, it might be 4-5 years, but it really will be worth it. Everytime you see a Delta plane be sure to think about why you won't be flying it. There sure are a lot of them out there, especially in CVG. The answer is easy---Your MEC.


Could you see Lawson as an MD88 FO at Delta? Neither can I, and that is why he is dangerous to all of you. He doesn't care about any of your junior pilots, only himself and his 2 or 3 hundred cronies who would never pass an interview at Delta.
Your growth was just boosted to 43% of our flying, and that isn't good enough. We will never give in to the unlimited CRJ70's and possible 90 seaters--because that would hurt the mainline by reducing our growth potential. We were supportive of you during your strike, and now you aren't supportive of our furloughs---it is as simple as that. Your co-hort Flaps30 doesn't think our furloughed guys would take an $18,000 a year job at the bottom of Comair. He obviously doesn't think much about his own situation, does he? I think there would be many takers, but we'll never know. Some people just love to fly. I do---everyday. So, keep thanking Lawson, because I know he will take care of you guys right through your next unsuccessful strike. (The Delta deal could have ensured you a pay raise--but hey, just try another strike in a couple years---we might chip in again to help you pay the bills----NOT) Good Day!

Bye Bye--General Lee
:cool: :cool:
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general lee

as I said before, get over it ! I think you need some professional help.

Anyway, you never answered the question and since I have a week before my new job here it is.
What did the senior guys get in return for the scope increase to 44% ? They changed it 7% overnight !!! 37% to 44%, and even a democrat like you can do that math, its a bunch of flying.
You know they got something, what was it ?

I don't need professional help, on my days off I watch Dr. Phil. Anyways, what the senior guys got was a number-----a percentage number. After all of this crap blew up (9-11, force Manuer, 2 consecutive losing quarters...etc) we lost the percentage number of DCI flying. The senior guys or Dalpa negotiators wanted to again have an exact number for the percentage. So, in the end, they now have that number----43% that is the benchmark. Yes, I know there is a stipulation that in case Delta really heads south---the number could possibly go to 49%, but at that point ASA/Comair would be sold off for the $$.

We are currently doing other negotiations to benefit us---like the furlough arbitration and the CRAF flying. Apparently the CRAF flying will be VERY beneficial to Delta($$$$) and we have to negotiate who flies that and where crews stay etc. (Kuwait or Rome??etc) I also just read on another board that ASA guys are asking how they can contribute to our furlough fund. Wow, those guys know how to work it, and will be rewarded eventually.

Bye Bye---General Lee:cool:
Back to the original question: It depends if you 're a gambling man. At ATA you could exceed the 50 seat RJ pay in a little over 16 months if you were hired today (assuming there are no contract concessions.) ATA has been around for 30 years, however that doesn't mean squat in the airline business, as it may not be around a year from now. However, if it does survive, you would most likely make more at ATA than at Comair.

So it all depends. Do you want security? Or are you willing to take a risk for possible higher financial returns? Or maybe you just want to fly bigger jets? Of course who's to say Comair won't be flying 737s or 757s in the future...

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