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Latest rumors about Midwest

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What concourse are they on?

Not AAI's current one. It's old gates are being used sparingly by Apple Vacations or Funjet Vacations. The old concourse is where the gates are.

I am sure AAI will not expand at MKE until it sees how well the summer looks (as it's expansion hasn't really yet begun). If their LGA (and possible DCA) runs yield well, I am sure they will expand. This is all provided Fuel prices do not spiral further out of control.

Articles are already appearing in the local MKE papers asking Sen. Kohl to require Midwest to be sold as part of this deal.


Kohl should consider forcing the sale of Midwest as a condition of the merger between Delta and Northwest. This would allow a Milwaukee-based group of investors, or another carrier, to acquire the airline. He should not be swayed by the non-binding promises made by airline executives; I believe this latest act fits perfectly in the plans they had for Milwaukee from the beginning.
Its the in between time right now and I have been watching the loads out MKE. There running about 85-90% right now on most days. I know its about yields, but if you look at our prices there not that cheap.
Management last town hall meeting, some one asked why we don't increase the ticket prices, they said they can't because of the competition and the economy. We won't be charging for a second bag yet.

Also they are working very hard on the new seat configuration, they said it will save us 35 Millions
Big % of our east cost market is business travelers, they will automatically get the 2X2 seats now with 3 inch more pitch, the bargain travelers will find great fares on the 3X2 seats section and will have to pay more for the upgrade.
One piece of a good news is that we will be transitioning EWR back slowly to Midwest from Skywest. Its about time.
Management last town hall meeting, some one asked why we don't increase the ticket prices, they said they can't because of the competition and the economy. We won't be charging for a second bag yet.

Also they are working very hard on the new seat configuration, they said it will save us 35 Millions

Yeah, but lets make sure we re-configure with only 99 seats instead of the 117 that we should have... Hucky will forfeit 18 revenue seats to avoid paying a $18/hr dumbass FA to sit in the jumpseat that is already installed. Brilliant!!! I am sure Mary Blundell had a hand in this decision as well...

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