do youself and all of us instructors a favor and stay up there. With your attitude you will definitely not be a worthy instructor. You can't work in the U.S. anyways unless you are a citizen. You should give praise to the person that got you where you are unless you just bought your lisence.
A lot of us know about being in the right place at the right time. I got one of my flying breaks that way.
My question was more towards a 300hr pilot as a pic in a commercial operation? "mins as a pic"
I'll never forget the day I took my CFI checkride with the FAA. I walked across the ramp to the local GADO and presented myself for the ride. After completing it successfully, I returned to the FBO to which I had given countless dollars to complete my training (not to mention the countless airplanes I had washed in trade for flight time) to find a brand new student anxiously awaiting to give me his money for the opportunity to learn how to fly. I remember thinking I had somehow skipped a step. I mean, I went from paying to fly to immediately getting paid for it. I thought there should have been a phase wherein I could just fly for free. Man, it was the greatest feeling in the world. That feeling lasted for exactly 499.0 hours (I just couldn't do it for 500 hours) but now that I fly jets and instruct in them and the simulator, it's the best job I've ever had. When I take a new student who never flew jets or 2-man crew aircraft and I watch him/her succeed to the left seat and beyond (major carrier, etc.) I feel like a proud parent watching his children take their first steps. I, too, thought instructing was a necessary evil I was unwilling to pursue, but I ended up loving it as a professional. Good luck, buddy
Instructing is all I ever did in professional aviation, and I enjoyed it for most of my 3549 hours in the right seat (or left seat for CFI students). I know exactly how you feel.
I have former students who now fly for majors and regionals. They are doing well and I am proud of all of them.
Not to shoot fish in a barrell but this is just too much fun...bush pilots are good at doing stupid stuff and getting away with it...but airlines won't hire anyone with the attitude you have about being a bush pilot. Bush pilots have the reputation of not following procedures, ignoring regulations and living short lives. I you don't change that attitude that you are better than all the other pilots out there (even though you only have a few hours) you will definately live a short life.
I think non US citizens can get any job in this country with the exception of such top notch jobs as Security Screeners. I am almost sure you can be an airline pilot as long as you have the proper visa.
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