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JO and pilots wages

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No hypocrite here, pal, I'll go back to a desk job before I'll whore myself out like those MESA pussies did. I hope all of them get robbed (but not hurt, just the sh*t scared out of 'em) while working their second jobs as Domino's drivers.

What a joke. Pilots on foodstamps -- thanks to MESA it's now going to happen. Nice. Real F*cking nice job, guys.
F$*k you CitationBlower I'll gladly quit and go go be a forrest ranger before I'll whore myself out anymore. I wish nothing but the worst for you and your big mouth. May you rot in Hell BEECH>

I'm ready, willing, and waiting to strike.

Why don't you speak only when you have been put in a similar position or been here for 4 years!!! BIG MOUTH!! Look in the mirror!!
hagen, are you in prison for beating your wife? oj's personal pilot?
enjoy the strike. don't shove the sign too far up yer a$$ while you're walking the line. better yet say hi to smokey as you become ranger bob.

you're right hagen, i haven't been in that position yet. perhaps you're the dummy for being put in that position?

hagen/tittyjet: since you guys have phd's in business/finance/economics, what should a first yr f/o at a regional make? since your both so daring what airlines do you work for? let's take a look at YOUR contracts. i'm sure you all are being pimp hussled also.

i guess "professional" is from the latin derivative for "bitcher" according to this thread.
This is my only reply to you so take it for whats its worth. I could give 2 cents what a first year F/O makes but when your approaching 3,4,5 years and still are unable to fully support yourself without a second job (Read disposable income) something is wrong. NOW as long as there are little punks that want to Steer an Airplane at any cost MGT will be more than happy to accomodate. Will they pay you a liveable wage? NO! But you will get your lifelong ambition of steering an airplane.

Now I have been here, done that, got the tshirt. AM I one of those who just wants to Steer an Airplane at any given cost. NO! You can pay me a decent wage or see-ya. I'm sure the next punk is more than willing to scum off the bottom to wear the uniform. Somewhere the downward spiral has to end.

What really gets me is when people like yourself that have no experience in the subject being devil's advocate.
attitudes like yours are what hurts not helps the situation.
I finally was able to read the mesa contract last night and was dumbfounded. This thing is horid. The only and I say only reason I would have voted for this thing was if JO had kidnapped my children and said he would kill them if the TA didn't pass. Other than that I would rather throw sawdust on puke and sweep it up than work under that rag.
tittyjet said:
No hypocrite here, pal, I'll go back to a desk job before I'll whore myself out like those MESA pussies did. I hope all of them get robbed (but not hurt, just the sh*t scared out of 'em) while working their second jobs as Domino's drivers.

What a joke. Pilots on foodstamps -- thanks to MESA it's now going to happen. Nice. Real F*cking nice job, guys.

Good lord, you have GOT to be kidding me. That has got to be the most unprofessional statement I have read on this board.
CitationLover said:
guys (or should it be tots?).....

we'll see when contracts come under negotiations how you guys act when your a$$es are on the lines. my guess is we'll have a lot of hypocrites.

Yes, it will be interesting. Although if other pilots do vote for a substandard contract, don't call them hipocrites. They would probably realize that if they don't vote in the contract then MESA will get their flying. Although I think many pilots would probably vote no & start sending out resumes to other places, outside of aviation.

BTW, you probably make what 60K a year flying your citation. Must be nice
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Uh-oh, is this backpedaling I see?

Jeepman said:
Yes, it will be interesting. Although if other pilots do vote for a substandard contract, don't call them hipocrites. They would probably realize that if they don't vote in the contract then MESA will get their flying.

Just as if Mesa didn't vote in their contract the flying would have most likely gone to other airlines, like Freedom. If you're not with Mesa, then you probably disagree with this statement. Then again, you aren't informed (reading the the contract doesn't make you informed, just 1/2 as clueless as others who haven't), so your opinion is just that, an uninformed guess.

If ANYONE who bashes Mesa is even associated with an airline that takes ANY kind of concessions, then the label 'hypocrite' SHOULD be shouted quite loudly. Hopefully, Mesa will raise the bar by not treating others the way they were treated, and refrain from the yelling.

Mesa didn't take ANY cuts (read the old and new Mesa contracts and see for yourself). Mainline is taking them, but they're not calling others hypocrites either. Each group must do what it must do, and ALL pilots should support each other in this fight or we'll all go down together.

Take care of your own house. If managment holds out the Mesa contract and says, "Your jobs will go to Mesa if you don't take concessions", you have two answers.

1) You're right. We are no better than Mesa. In fact, we're going to do them one better. We will accept a concessionary contract. (Mesa's contract has increases in EVERY section but one, which remained the same. The increases are small, however. The scope is great, but it is untested as of yet.)

2) Mesa's contract is crap. We will not be influenced by crap. Our current contract is unacceptable. We demand increases. We will strike or go work somewhere else before we sign a contract that doesn't include increases across the board. Oh, and ALL these increases will be compared to the best in the industry (Skywest, Commair, etc.) If the numbers are not better than the current top, we will not accept it. We do NOT lower the bar here.

So far, everyone who bashes Mesa is saying they will take option 2, and demand the best in the industry. For some pilots who are already at the top, this effort will be challenging. For others (Great Lakes, et. al.) this will almost certainly fold their airline.

If you feel the Mesa contract is too low, then speak out with something that matters, your vote! Don't vote in anything that isn't industry leading. Raise the bar back up and show the Mesa pilots what should have been in their contract.

If you bash Mesa for their contract and their failure to 'raise the bar', regardless of the unique circumstances Mesa might have faced and then take concessions or fail to raise the bar yourself, then you are a person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold; you are a hypocrite. There are no excuses like "our flying will go somewhere else and our jobs will be eliminated." Nope. Pilots have said they'd 'go back to flying a desk before working for Mesa', they'd 'strike before working under the Mesa contract', 'Mesa pilot's don't have the kind of guts that I have', and they'd rather 'clean the toilets at Walmart with their tounges than work for Mesa'.

Prove it! Put your $ and your job where your mouth is! Anything less than industry leading in every category makes you a hypocrite.

If you're gonna talk the talk, then walk the picket line to get what you deserve.

Oh, and don't forget that flying an RJ might now be career job, so industry leading should be better than Delta. :) Strap on a sack, boys, b/c the stakes are high. The industry is depending on you. Don't let us down.

Absolutely the BEST post I have seen on this board regarding the Mesa contract.

Thanks Boo for your concise analysis without the usual emotional rhetoric.

Let's see if others will join you.

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