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More evasions of answers.

32lt10 said:
L39? Then perhaps you are sharing a hangar with the UAL SCAB that owns an L39. You a BWI guy? that would be him. Enjoy the carnage of a life lived among scabs.

Nope. Idiot if you read it correctly the UAL pilot has a hanger next to mine. I am quite confident that should you refer to him as a scab, he would take you apart one piece at a time since he never crossed a picket line.

32lt10 said:
I have a battle star for a strike that I held my end of the bargain on. Did Chowdry teach you to fly the L39? Citation,

Oh, so we both have stars on our pins eh? Difference with mine is I can uphold the value and integrity of what it truly means. Yours means nothing and is scrap metal with your scab like attitude.

I am not rated in the Citation either.

Chowdry? Ah no I didn’t learn to fly the Aero with him. Besides I think he is dead, killed up in Jeffco several years ago.

32lt10 said:
WOW you are really rich. Go again with how wealthy and charming you are. Bet the receeding hairline (and or no hair whatsoever) is bonus when you are driving your porsche to the airport with the top down thinking the girls are into you. Keep dreaming that dream, it is better than reality in your case.

Don’t need to ace. If your limited memory and comprehension can see through the cloud f idiocy you live under, it was mentioned because of your stupid assumptions. No Porsche’s for me anymore. I prefer my Benz thank you very much.

32lt10 said:
I am always leary of a guy that tells me how much money he is making in the market, how rich he is or how hot his girlfriend is. 9 times out 10 he is low on dough, the investment is a ponzi sheme and his girlfriend is the town bike. Which of these applies to you?

You started the financial jabs with your inane post earlier and assumptions. I replied in kind. If it bothers you like the military stuff, you shouldn’t ask questions you may notlike the answers to.

None. I don’t bother with the stock market either chump. Difference between me and you is I can walk away laughing at morons like you who will stab anyone in the back to keep their pathetic miserable existence intact. Your posts reek and drip with such ignorance and arrogance. Classic United Brain Surgeon.

Can you define what the town bike is? More reading and writing problems?

32lt10 said:
As for the 757 and 767 yes I know what they are. Spent a bit of time on the light twins in the past. Left that airplane for the 400 recently. The 767 is a nice airplane if you don't mind slumming.

Ohhh wow…I am so impressed. A 747…..wow…..gee ……gosh that must be really cool. I’ll bet the airplane is just big enough to fit that ego isn’t? Do you walk around with a t-shirt that says YONITED B747 400 PILOT on it?

32lt10 said:
Do you have a shoe shine kit Dusty? Mine could use some polish, if you got the time. You probably are good at while you were licking those boots of the CO trying to make a name for yourself in the guard.

Still jealous of the military flying eh? Eat you up inside Uncle Sam didn’t want anything to do with your ass?

32lt10 said:
Tell the scab with the L39 to drop dead. As fat as he is it probably won't be long.

I don’t have a clue who you are talking about.

Now what about the conversation my daughter had with your Mother about her mixed marriage with your father? Comments?
Boeingman said:

Oh, so we both have stars on our pins eh? Difference with mine is I can uphold the value and integrity of what it truly means. Yours means nothing and is scrap metal with your scab like attitude.
Really. Glad you pointed out my not crossing a picket line was different than yours. What you an ex EAL guy? Most of those guys were class acts. I guess they have their 10% also.

Chowdry? Ah no I didn’t learn to fly the Aero with him. Besides I think he is dead, killed up in Jeffco several years ago.
Lightbulb over your head yet guy?

I prefer my Benz thank you very much.
Well we all get to that age sometime in our lives.

Can you define what the town bike is?
Absolutely Genuis. "Town Bike" You never heard the term??? You obviously have no sense of humor or ever gotten out of the house. Town Bike= Every one has had a ride.

Do you walk around with a t-shirt that says YONITED B747 400 PILOT on it?
Nope. But you are the one that wanted me to be sure to look at your 757 type. I bet you wear a big watch and wife beater t-shirts. You seemed to think a 757 type put you closer to God. Should we all stand in awe? You say you are not racist yet every time you get a chance to spell United you do it with an shall we say, African dialect. Classy. Again you say you are not racist but the facts do point otherwise.

Now what about the conversation my daughter had with your Mother about her mixed marriage with your father? Comments?
My mother is not living but thanks for your continued classless comments and racial hurls.
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Wow. Truly pathetic.

32L, you're wasting your time with this moron. Every post he makes is filled with personal attacks, bragging about his money, and racist inuendo. Just let him sit and stew in his little hanger next to the retired SCAB.
Your right. I will quit responding to him. Cheers.

He is the type of guy that get's the jokes told the trip on the drive home in his car alone.
Man this is rich!

32LT10 scorns jetblue hiring practices, although no "low timers" have been hired or bought a job and now he gets support from a person who DID buy his job.

The interweb makes strange bedfellows:)
PCL_128 said:
Wow. Truly pathetic.

32L, you're wasting your time with this moron. Every post he makes is filled with personal attacks, bragging about his money, and racist inuendo. Just let him sit and stew in his little hanger next to the retired SCAB.

Coming from the PFT king, this really doesn't bother me.

Run along now Gulfstream scabbie. Mommy wants a full report about your day as a wanna be airline pilot.
Dizel8 said:
Man this is rich!

32LT10 scorns jetblue hiring practices, although no "low timers" have been hired or bought a job and now he gets support from a person who DID buy his job.

The interweb makes strange bedfellows:)

It is ironic isn't it? It is also intersting how 32douche can't answer his own bullcrap when boxed into a corner. I guess wearing that United uniform attones sins for anything he does.

No worries, karma will catch up to both of them real soon.
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Promises promises

32LT10 said:
Your right. I will quit responding to him. Cheers.

He is the type of guy that get's the jokes told the trip on the drive home in his car alone.

But you promised this before Brain Surgeon. Now before you go away pouting answer the simple question you keep evading.

Why is it all right for YONITED to hire low time under qualified pilots, yet JetBlue allegedly hires them and you launch into your psychotic tirade?

Now you and PCL go get a room. Maybe you can fascinate the PFT king with your daring tales of aviation woe and flying the big iron you're so impressed with. I'll bet he'd scab your job for half of what you're making today. And not even look back.

By your idiotic answers and obvious comprehension issues to the posts here, are you the type that somewhere over the skies in your heavy 747 iron it dawns on you what a douche you are on flightinfo?
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32LT10 said:
Really. Glad you pointed out my not crossing a picket line was different than yours. What you an ex EAL guy? Most of those guys were class acts. I guess they have their 10% also.

Nothing to do with the picket line. To me, the pin should instill a sense of pride and brotherhood in the profession. One with a star on top even more so. You are so far gone from adhering to what anyone with any class or respect for the profession has. That is why the only person that has come on here to mention anything on your behalf is the other classless idiot PCL_128.

32LT10 said:
Lightbulb over your head yet guy?

Ah no. I didn’t know Chowdery, WTF is your point?

32LT10 said:
Well we all get to that age sometime in our lives.

Well your problem is you couldn’t afford one anyway at any age. Incidentally, new or used, I have always driven them. Bought my first one in college before going to UPT. Now please don’t start an anti military trade because you couldn’t hack it.

32LT10 said:
Absolutely Genuis. "Town Bike" You never heard the term??? You obviously have no sense of humor or ever gotten out of the house. Town Bike= Every one has had a ride.

I never heard the term because, obviously unlike you, I don’t hang around whores. With your personality I can see why this would be familiar territory for you? Do you also tell them about your 747 and the nuances of O’Hare to distract them when you can’t perform?

32LT10 said:
Nope. But you are the one that wanted me to be sure to look at your 757 type.

To set the record straight about the background. Sorry if you are so easily offended. Or is this just another version of your jealousy for things other have accomplished? Like your weak comments about the guard?

32LT10 said:
I bet you wear a big watch and wife beater t-shirts.

Nope. But Interesting comment about wife beater t-shirts? So you automatically think those type of shirts is a precursor to domestic violence?

32LT10 said:
You seemed to think a 757 type put you closer to God. Should we all stand in awe?

No dildo, I mentioned it only because of one of the many inane comments you made about my not flying for an airline. Even though it should have been obvious. You on the other hand made sure to practically cream yourself talking about your big iron. LOL, what a dolt. Who cares what it is as long as it pays good. Obviously for you it IS an ego issue

32LT10 said:
You say you are not racist yet every time you get a chance to spell United you do it with an shall we say, African dialect. Classy. Again you say you are not racist but the facts do point otherwise.

Only African dialect? Umm well where I grew up we used to say YO quite a bit. But here is that sensitivity thing cropping up again.
So can you answer the question after 27 posts in which you have evaded? You run that arrogant mouth of your about alleged unqualified hiring at Jet Blue, yet you have finally admitted the practice at YONITED (how’s that?)

What makes it right for you and not them? Your arrogance? Your 747 flying? Your intimate knowledge of the world’s busiest airport? Your knowledge for whores? Tell us oh great one.

32LT10 said:
My mother is not living but thanks for your continued classless comments and racial hurls.

As is one of my sons. Next time jerkoff, before you start mention crap about someones family (you did start that first) you might think twice. Like I told you before, don’t start asking questions or throwing insults if you are not going to like the response. Comprende?
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