Not that is matters now but I started this thread about procedures used in an emergency....remember about when the engines would be shut down.....for safety/fire/ minimize damage once the Pax safety was assured.....oh never mind.......
I've had a couple of emergency situations and I don't know how I managed to not bore a big smoking hole in the ground without having a 30 hour student pilot in the jumpseat to talk me through it.
ME: Flaps 20, gear down, before landing checklist
NFP: 20 selected, gear coming down
SP: Ok, now, in Microsoft Flight Simulator, I like to use speed brakes (spoilers) until 5 feet then retract them to make a smoother landing.
ME: Glideslope capturing, flaps 30
NFP: 30 Selected
SP: Oooh (distracted by something shiny...) Aren't you going to ask for a wind check? I always ask for a wind check every 15 seconds on final so I know what the wind is and how much crab angle to use...
ME: Deploy crash axe.
NFP: crash axe deployed. before landing complete. we're cleared to land.
To finally answer your question about shutting down the engines. The abnormal procedure for nose gear problems call for: no spoilers (which means no auto brakes), no TR's, move pax to rear seats for increased aft C.G. and finally engines shut down which leaves about 30 sec's (according to airbus) for residual hydraulics for flight controls and 7 brake applications by accumulator. It does not say anything about whether to use APU or not which you can power the hydraulics by electric backup in addtion to the PTU system. Any others questions let me know..
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