Okay Bill, you caught me. That heapin bunch of BS I wrote earlier was nothin more than.....a heapin bunch of BS. A bit bland I know but somewhat poetic. I figured to receive is to give, so working in the freight business, as a lot of us know, has it's share of BS. I was just doing my part to give some back to society. Man if we took this stuff serious, we'd have real jobs. So Bill, did you used to work at Cherry a year or two ago? I was just wondering if you were the same person who use to work there.
"hopeful- arrogance no, seasoned yes. You're unwillingness to listen and reason sends up a red flag to us at Cherry. We, (captains) have seen this type of behavior and consider it to dangerous to us, and to the safty of flight. Flying freight in the conditions that we are to perform in is stressful enough. Having a chastising FO just puts jet fuel to the fire. And last, using someones name on this site, well, you figure it out.
FD, your right on....."
Very well stated DECOMPRESSED. I flew at Cherry for 3.5 years and I agree with you.
you flew (past tense) for three and a half years? and you only have 3500 hours. Wow according to these other guys you can upgrade in only a few months. looks like flying must have really improved since you were there. ya right.
unless you started at Cherry with 0 hours and havn't flown since you left, these guys are full of poop. I was just trying to point out that the flying is very slim at Cherry so the guys who were asking about it would have the truth before selling their souls to Cherry.
I'm not busting your balls, but some of these guys thought I was out for blood when I spilled the beans about how little they actually fly.
I hate to burst your "Cherries", but I have interviewed a few pilots from your company over the years and I must say, they performed as I expected......below average. Keep blow sunshine up your own a$$'s boys, cause someday you too might make it to the top.
There may have been some bad apples in the past and still some slip through the cracks now, but what company doesn't have its sour fruit. If you think that its your company, better look in the mirror.
A persons work place is only as good as the employees make it, i.e... attitude. There is a new breed of pilots at Cherry air. These people are there to go somewhere in their career and to perform the duties as professional, responsible, pilots. I personally know pilots at cherry air that have made thier career decesions due to the current status of the industry, and you know what, they have jobs and are flying PIC jet 500 to 800 hours a year. These pilots refuse to break the gray 135 rules and they continue to get the job done. Yes, Part 135 regs. stink, but untill the FAA steps in responsible pilots have to step up and hold there own in front of managment.
The new class of pilots out there, I have known are now at National and Major Airlines, even the airlines in the black. These pilots are well respected and are just waiting for the rest of the highly qualified and educated cherry pilots to get their time and join them in the Airline ranks.
Finally, what I have learned in this sparatic industry is that it is all who you know and not so much what you know. So for what its worth, If I were forming an airline I would go first to previous and current Cherry Pilots for employees and trust my family's lives to them.
Hope this helps in some speculation on those searching for jobs and others that have negitive ideas of Our Pilots'.
Management up in the air; Pilots pick of the litter.
hopeful, you crack me up. You want to read arrogance? Let me introduce you to Country Wild. That, by definition, is arrogance.
aka..."Sky King"... geezzz!! Look, Cherry is just another stepping stone as well as other companies like it. What all of us are trying to do is to stay alive and V free. We fly and operate with what we are given to use for equipment. Most of the airplanes should have been moth balled many years ago, as well as Country Wild.
And last, thanks for "spilling the beans" about the amount of hours I (we) flew last year. Gosh, I had no idea we were to log every other flight hour. You know I'm kidding with you. Their are no hard feelings. This site has more BS than a Cherry Air pilot meeting. (And that's hard to do) Keep it coming. FYI- on a good economy driven year at Cherry approx. 750 to 850 flight hours, bad year 500 to 600 hr. average.
Well put Squirreldog. Thanks for saying all of that.
How's it going Dalleardriver? When's the next party? It's time!!
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