If - you have the required time to upgrade to captain usually 2500 TT/500 in type (varies somewhat), they need another captain, and you have not pissed off very many other pilots and management, you can upgrade within 8 months! It happens.
You guys fly 500 hours in 8 months? I heard Cherry's entire fleet flew a little over 1500 hours combined for the whole year last year and just over 1700 hours the year before that. Still think an 8 month upgrade is wishful thinking.
Hope you guys are flying more, just thought that the guys asking about upgrades because they were looking for employment should have the facts.
Bye the way, what does it take for an F/O at Cherry not to piss management off? Gear up, shut up?
hopeful-I don't think you realize how many Cherries you're talking to on this site. We know the details about Cherry because we work there. Also, I'm not sure who you're getting your information from about Cherry but it sounds like you need to find another snitch. Last year was pretty darn good for a lot of us at Cherry. The info concerning the hours flown are way off.
And yes, gear up, shut up actually works well, especially if you fly with me....
I hope you don't project that type of arrogance in the cockpit.
A good captain is someone who understands the importance of a good F/O. Sounds like you may not be such a great captain. Just a honest observation from an outsider.
Cherry pilots are no different than any other pilot. Times are a tough and we do whats necessary to get the job done and stay in one piece. We fly around in old turbo jets in bad WX in the middle of the night. Your brain has to be a little warped to do that day in and night out.
Take it for what its worth and go bug somebody else....
If you are wondering how I know your name, its because you put it after one of your posts awhile back. I don't know you though. Have a good night and safe flight.
hopeful, French Fry is the nick-name we gave a CFI buddy of mine who is a Capt. with Cherry. If he read the message he would know what I was talking about. I am sure some of the Cherry pilots here know him.
More than likely he is. You know how French people are, they don't descriminate, they hate everybody!!! Just a joke, don't flame me. He is a good guy, was an excellent CFI, and a good friend. When you see him again, tell him Burger Head was saying bad things about him.
hopeful- arrogance no, seasoned yes. You're unwillingness to listen and reason sends up a red flag to us at Cherry. We, (captains) have seen this type of behavior and consider it to dangerous to us, and to the safty of flight. Flying freight in the conditions that we are to perform in is stressful enough. Having a chastising FO just puts jet fuel to the fire. And last, using someones name on this site, well, you figure it out.
FD, your right on.....
I work at Cherry and in an effort to see the reaction of others on this sight I wrote this little post in the first place. I must say that Hopeful is Hopeless...I'd love to know who decompressed is...you ROCK...everyone I fly with at CHERRY (with the exception of a few) is cool as SH*T! It is not the greatest place to work, but if you realize your place and do your job it can be so much fun. We fly everywhere! You have to know what your getting into before you sign on the dotted line. Many of the people who work there are pis*ed and for all the right reasons, trust me...I understand. But 135 freight is unfair many times. Its the nature of the business. I enjoy it...even though at times I say it sucks.
No, its not SWA, FedEx, or even Valujet...LOL....but it does have its pluses.
Thats why I fly:
Cherry's-A Flyen', Cherry-Pie, and Cherry Garcia
I will miss you this weekend, I am flying a students' seminole to Dallas Air Inc. job fair Friday for the weekend, if you don't end up in Mexico, give a ring. We will be at the airport Sheritan Grand and flying in and out of Love.
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