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Is Pinniacle Next?

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Well, this "strategy" isn't working. Another canceled 9E flight trying to get back to DTW. Company says Mesaba has covered 80 Pinnacle flights so far during the month of May. Maybe they should up the premium pay to 200% cause the 150% ain't work'n. Truly pathetic.

yes and noone would be happier to see 9E pilots lose theyre jobs than you due to managements incompetence...everyone has heard this song and dance before from you..remember pilots dont hire management does...your low class never ceases to amaze me based on all of your past comments...funny no 9E pilots get on here and antagonize you for losing all of your Saab's because we legitimitally dont want to see ANYONE lose flying...low class...good thing none of us care what you think...
yes and noone would be happier to see 9E pilots lose theyre jobs than you due to managements incompetence...everyone has heard this song and dance before from you..remember pilots dont hire management does...your low class never ceases to amaze me based on all of your past comments...funny no 9E pilots get on here and antagonize you for losing all of your Saab's because we legitimitally dont want to see ANYONE lose flying...low class...good thing none of us care what you think...

You're full of it! I never said it was the pilots fault. But your company is falling apart at the seams and Andersen knows it. Pinnacle (the company) is now a big inconvenience for other airlines and their crews as they are having to come into work to cover your flights. It's getting old being called into work to operate Pinnacle flights over and over again. Get the job done or get out of the way and let a competent company do it for you. Simple as that.
Pinnacle will get the boot from DL if they don't straigten it out. I know they "fixed it" but it broke again.
It's been broke for a while now. It's not even summer yet. They better fix the problem quick. They need to start hiring now but for some strange reason they aren't. Maybe Phil knows something the pilots don't.
Negative Seven. If you are coming in on your days off to cover flights canxld by Pinnacle that's your problem. Not the problem of pilots at a mis-managed airline.
Negative Seven. If you are coming in on your days off to cover flights canxld by Pinnacle that's your problem. Not the problem of pilots at a mis-managed airline.

You're absolutely right. It's not the pilots fault. It's the companies fault. I believe I've already said that.
The victors will be the ones that can operate 700/900/E70 the cheapest.

Agree 100%....If you can operate these planes cheaply, and have crews that still bust there butts to get 'er done, that's a winner (in the eyes of management).

In PNCL's case, I have no idea why anyone there would go above and beyond.
The latest and greatest Comair rumor is that PNCL is going to take over doing the JFK (since we just announced we are opening DTW and closing JFK). Do you all know anything about this?

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