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Is Pinniacle Next?

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2006
Wth Delta getting a judgement in their favor and with Delta giving 9E notice their 900 flying was being canceled...then redone...has the bulls eye moved to them?
Hmmm, Pinnacle OWNS there 900s, and like you said, they reworked the contract. They're not going anywhere.....
The Pinnacle cancellation was canceled because too many of Anderson's friends etc have "irons in that fire". They will be a Delta dance partner for some time to come...

Don't get all excited.

Oh and the Mesa judgement (which could still be appealed btw) won't result in any incremental increase in flying for anyone else. It will just be 22-ish more 50 seat RJ's removed from the DCI system (and not from another DCI carrier...like a wholly-owned...which in that regard, it IS good for every other DCI carrier) which is what Delta was trying to do all along.
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Pinnacle and Compass are Delta's new darlings. Pinnacle hired and grew even during negotiations (While every other airline shrunk or stagnated) and has not furloughed like Comair, ASA, and Mesaba. Pinnacle will be A OK, and probably the best off going into the future.
Pinnacle and Compass are Delta's new darlings. Pinnacle hired and grew even during negotiations (While every other airline shrunk or stagnated) and has not furloughed like Comair, ASA, and Mesaba. Pinnacle will be A OK, and probably the best off going into the future.

Maybe, just maybe.

From where I'm sitting, ASA looks like an okay place to be, too.
Maybe, just maybe.

From where I'm sitting, ASA looks like an okay place to be, too.

Tell that to the 140 furloughed, the downgraded Captains, all the former line holders now stuck on reserve and all the pilots unwillingly displaced to IAD! Things are peachy!
It's all perspective......

Tell that to the 140 furloughed, the downgraded Captains, all the former line holders now stuck on reserve and all the pilots unwillingly displaced to IAD! Things are peachy!

You captured the real problem, it's all with perspective. As long as the top cushy captain jobs aren't threatened, it's all good.......
Pinnacle and Compass are Delta's new darlings.

I know Compass has not shrunk during the Delta transition but how exactly are we darlings. We operate the airplane really cheap (I make less than a dash captain at Horizon) I would not say we are darlings. If that were the case I think they would be trying to find ways for us to get more airplanes. the increase in flying we are currently getting is trying to increase aircraft utilization. Do i want to see more airplanes at CP....NO I am tired of this transitioning of flying to 76 seat or less regionals. Yes I would like to see better cities (west coast flying instead of the delays of east coast), but I want to see more 100-125 seaters at mainlines and less frequency instead of the way things are heading.
I assume Compass because the cost effectiveness of such a new airline. Your most senior pilots are max 3rd year pay. At ASA that makes you a reserve FO. Delta also seems to be fond of the Emb's, so I would look for Compass to add some more at some point. (Scope providing) At any rate, they have not been punched in the mouth by Delta like Comair, ASA, and Mesaba. (And soon Freedumb and possibly CHQ)
The victors will be the ones that can operate 700/900/E70 the cheapest.

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