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Is NetJets a career place?

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Ok...back to my original intent of this thread. Question: I know NJA pays full health coverage for the pilots. Do they only pay for the employee or for the wife and baby's coverage too?
Just to refresh the memory...

as214 said:
Another bad assumption just like you assumed you were making a fair wage. It's that ho mentality that has supressed wages in this industry. You deserve at least 200K a year for the job you do. Dont lowball the industry. Here's a dollar hawker dudette go buy some self-worth!!

Everyone throttle back on 214...he just likes to come over from the Corp board and do some NJA bashing for sport! For some reason he's had an axe to grind with us for some time.

Remember 214, we were fighting our battle with one hand tied behind our backs for the better part of three years. We've now righted the ship and taken a step in the right direction. We hear you loud and clear about low balling the industry. Give us the benefit of the doubt, and some time to make some changes. All things being equal, this could become a premier aviation job.

I see you and other Corp guys make the point that there are better Corp jobs out there with better bennies and moola. Agreed. Those jobs are few and far between though. How big is your flight dept? I'm sure it is great for you and your colleagues, but how many are you hiring now? How many hired last year? Do you follow my lead?

I'm with Diesel on this. Sit back and wait. See what transpires after the dust has settled. I'm betting (and praying) that it will work out in our favor.
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Likewise, a career lies in the eyes of a pilot. If you receive professional compensation, have a reasonable amount of security (in a field that can be a gamble) and enjoy your job, it seems to me that you can rightfully call it a career. I think frac pilots are to be commended for their efforts to turn the industry into an attractive career option. They should all be able to afford to keep the job they enjoy. They are providing a professional service that needs to be treated as any other business expense by the companies they fly for. Waste and inefficiency should be dealt with appropriately, instead of trying to balance the budget on the backs of the pilots.
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Does NetJets make furloughed major pilots give up their seniority # before employment? This is semi common in the corp world.
SCT said:
Does NetJets make furloughed major pilots give up their seniority # before employment? This is semi common in the corp world.

None of the furloughees I've flown with have mentioned giving up their recall rights. Conversely, I've heard several furloughees say that they wouldn't be going back to the 121 world even if they were offered recall.

OK, the contract has been in force for a few months. How are the upgrades looking?

What is the hire date/seniority for the most junior captain online and/or in training?

I'm looking to make the jump. Future earnings is an issue.
Therhave been approx. 180 upgrades awarded since ratification. As predicted, most of the F/O's who have been around for a while are taking them and guys in smaller class planes are moving to higher class planes for the $$$$$. I guess the last upgrades were in the 1400's.

The upgrade train is going to be slowing down for a while because the sims are max'd out. Too many people to train right now.

Anyone getting hire now or in the past few months probably will not see an upgrade for at least 3 years....possibly more.

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