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Independence Air to cease all operations in Jan.

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Rez O. Lewshun said:
On Jan 08, AWAC will be flying. That is a fact.

AWAC is hring. That is a fact.

FLYI is/has/will furlough. Fact.

Hindsight is 20/20 for some, but still not for all. This is a fact!

But the point you missed Rez is that, depending on how you look at it, AWAC got extremely lucky. There are those up at Galactic HQ who will tell you, had the USAir deal not happened, the 3 Amigo's were within days of shutting down the company.

We are entering a completly new era of aviation business here in the US. It's not a case of survival of the best but simply the luckiest or cheapest. Unfortunately ACA/Indy was neither.
Kenny said:
But the point you missed Rez is that, depending on how you look at it, AWAC got extremely lucky. There are those up at Galactic HQ who will tell you, had the USAir deal not happened, the 3 Amigo's were within days of shutting down the company.

We are entering a completly new era of aviation business here in the US. It's not a case of survival of the best but simply the luckiest or cheapest. Unfortunately ACA/Indy was neither.

Not to mention that AWAC gave US Airways $200 million to stay in business. That's not too impressive.
"Not too impressive" Why? because they used the profits they'd made to ensure their survival? Isn't that how business works. Are you really telling me that other airlines faced with being cut off at the knees by Yonited, wouldn't have done the same thing?

Whether you cut your profit margins or pay to play the end result is still the same. We kept flying and we've so far kept our pay rates and more importantly our contract and work rules.

You can scorn all you want but we still have a contract and work rules that most others would f#cking kill for.
Regardless, UAL wanted ACA out, period. Then they wanted Air Whisky out. Meanwhile they signed different deals with the other carriers. They're allowing Mesa to move 30 of the 60 RJs (50 seaters) out of US Airways system and into the UAL system. Plus they're giving Mesa more flying. And they're allowing Republic to fly the E170's. Yes, Mesa tried a hostile takeover with $550 million and $11 a share during a hostile take over, but wtf? ACA wasn't wanted by UAL anymore. So, it wouldnt have matere whether we would have stayed or gone out on our own. We could have made it on our own providing it was managed correctly, and it wasn't. All too often I kept seeing the pilot and FA groups stepping up to the plate to prevent more SNAFUs and put fires out, and what thanks did we get? Constant bashing from the little fat moron in the puzzle palace who bashed us and still puts out hotliines like nothing is going to happen. 866-465-9309. Plus he hasn't mentioned anything about Deadskins football this year. I thought we were the official airline of the Washington Deadskins?
Many seem to know what exactly what UAL had planned for ACA. Fact is, none of really do. We were only told what UAL and/or ACA wanted the public to know. Like myself, don't pretend to think you really know the real deal. None of us do.

It seems the people in the "Pro Indy camp despite its failure" are determined to believe it was the right move. Not sure why. Your kid doesn't care how the bills are paid. If you need to have Indy pride, then so be it. I can't explain that to my family.

"I can't pay the house note this month, but I got Indy Pride!!"

"Hows that Indy Pride dinner taste kids?... lap it up!"

Let's not devaite from the facts.

AWAC will be hiring and flying on Jan 08.

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