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Im now officially to be embarassed

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eightdriver said:
That was gay.
Not really. I know a retired deputy chief of police that went through a guard rail on a bridge and nobody figured it was him until days later. There was a break in the guard rail, he was missing, there was a hole in the ice! Nobody put three and three together.

If you're 25, you think you'll live forever and you'll think all the old people speak words of doo doo. Then one of your friends will rub airliner against airliner and then you'll say, "yadda yadda yadda!"
Ugh..that was ugly. But, they are young and having fun.
Heck, about 10 years ago I was in a flight of four Pitts doing a photo flight. I was slot, left wing was a bro of mine who went on to fly F-15's, right wing was another bro who went on to fly F-18's for the Marine Corps. Anyways, we got this T-6 to be a photo ship. So there we were, trying to get the formation perfect for the pics, the tension was high when out of the blue the right wing goes "Any of you boys seen an aircraft carrier around here?"

Flying back to the airport, lead spotted a C-152 and cries out it a panic voice "One Fifty-two's never been this close before!!!"
i was sitting here watching it with our chief pilot. he not only knows the kids, but i guess one of our old aircraft was used in the video. they got in some pretty hot water for that gay video. i hate embry riddle
well, in response to an earlier post, no they weren't riddle planes, but they were riddle students, and they were using the ATC lab. N8015D or what ever the tail number is used to be owned by Sunrise out of OMN. That airport looked more like EVB. Im sure they were just having fun, I can understand all of that, but That video took way to much time and effort not to be flamed. Im still embarased to have a diploma from riddle.
These dousche bags are the reason Riddle has a bad name. Daddy's little girls with too much time and money. WTF were they thinking? Horribly Gay!!!
Lrjtcaptain said:
well, in response to an earlier post, no they weren't riddle planes, but they were riddle students, and they were using the ATC lab. N8015D or what ever the tail number is used to be owned by Sunrise out of OMN. That airport looked more like EVB. Im sure they were just having fun, I can understand all of that, but That video took way to much time and effort not to be flamed. Im still embarased to have a diploma from riddle.
Didn't look like EVB to me..

They were having some fun...but the formation flying was pretty stupid (ok it was all stupid). Its beyond me why people feel the need to document themselves doing questionable/stupid stuff.

If they have the flight suits, they were awarded a flight slot in the AF.

Chad, don't bite the hand that feeds. :laugh:
Looked like OMN, if I remember correctly. It was a long time ago...

Anyhow, I think they were just trying to make a spoof video. I am more concerned about the stupid flying... Not a whole lot of experience there. Pay attention to what the heck you are doing.

Oh, and for riddle guys who are tempted to imitate these kids, remember there are plenty of alum out there who wince every time you make us look like a bunch of f*ckheads. Don't do it.
LowlyPropCapt said:
Looked like OMN, if I remember correctly. It was a long time ago...

Anyhow, I think they were just trying to make a spoof video. I am more concerned about the stupid flying... Not a whole lot of experience there. Pay attention to what the heck you are doing.

Oh, and for riddle guys who are tempted to imitate these kids, remember there are plenty of alum out there who wince every time you make us look like a bunch of f*ckheads. Don't do it.
And for riddle guys who are tempted to imitate these kids, remember there are plenty of current students who wince every time you make us look like a bunch of f*ckheads, too.

It must be OMN..its funny, in ~180 hours of flying in the DAB area, I have not once been to OMN.
gkrangers said:
And for riddle guys who are tempted to imitate these kids, remember there are plenty of current students who wince every time you make us look like a bunch of f*ckheads, too.

It must be OMN..its funny, in ~180 hours of flying in the DAB area, I have not once been to OMN.

What are they calling Ormond Beach these days... I thought it was OMN. Granted it's been about 8 years.

180 hours of flying in the DAB area? Neato. I did 2500.

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