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If I wanted to phase out ASA....

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please post some examples of SkyWest pilots expressing 'glee' at the expense of ASA. I don't know of any, but if you can post examples I'd like to see them.

Holy crap! Are you kidding! I don't have the time! Skywest pilots are always discussing their fortune at the demise of others! I have even heard it with my own ears. You have been excited to get the ASA 700's, excited to see us leave SLC, and excited to take our 900 deliveries to start a ATL base with!

Keep the fast upgrades, right!

Case in point.....Mr. Neill's post.
Mr. Neil doesn't work for SkyWest. Saying 'I don't have the time' doesn't help. I want to see the posts. I think I'm like most pilots here in that we didn't want to buy ASA at all, much less get any of your planes, flying, etc.

please cut and paste the posts, thanks.
Mr. Neil doesn't work for SkyWest. Saying 'I don't have the time' doesn't help. I want to see the posts. I think I'm like most pilots here in that we didn't want to buy ASA at all, much less get any of your planes, flying, etc.

please cut and paste the posts, thanks.

Don't hold your breath.
a link to this thread? who here is gleeful? I see posts that are observations, some predictions, but nothing that could be seen as gleeful or even hopeful on the part of the skywest guys who have posted (except for me, when I said I hope you guys grow by doing UEX flying in IAD).
Many people here at SkyWest like Brad many hate him. This always seems to be the case with people who get things done. In order to accomplish a lot they are going to step on a lot of toes. Like him or not he will get things done. ASA will change operationally for the better.

We want to succeed. Obviously, if nothing changes, things will remain the same. We don't have to like him. Like the motto of the State of Arkansas, this company is the "land of opportunity" for someone who can lead! After seven years of failed leadership, we are more than ready for someone who can get things done!

The pilots will love that they will start to get home on time. The Union will hate the fact that he will get rid of anyone who does not perform their job to the letter of the contract.

Excuse me, I have to take exception to your second sentence. This is not an unrepresented pilot group that has to fear a tyrant. He will have difficulty arbitrarily getting rid of anyone on this property. The contract and the associated protections will prevent some of the things that you have to live with on your side.

I find it funny that when an airline hires a bean counter as president all the work groups gasp because he doesn't understand the front lines. Also every pilot on here has a better way of running the airlines. Now an airline has chosen a pilot and everyone is freaking out, "what qualifications does he have to run an airline?" My guess is that INC will run the financial portion of the airline and BH will run the airline part of the airline.

We are looking forward to his special talents. We want him to succeed where others have failed!

Many pilots on here think that it is all on BH to get this thing fixed or he will be sent down the road with the rest. My gut feeling is that you are right that he will be sent down the road, but you are wrong in thinking that you won't suffer as well. If ASA does not succeed, you will shrink. If you improve, you will grow and add at least one additional codeshare.

ASA is already succeeding. Our operation margins are the highest in the industry. Please get yourself informed. Can we improve? With good leadership, we can improve those operation margins and make them better. Again, it's not the efforts of the employee group that needs improvements, it's the leadership and the processes that good leadership should provide. Our financial performance exceeds yours. Our operational performance, although improved in recent months, needs the attention! It sounds like, maybe, the new President has the ability to implement the necessary changes.

I know that it's not kosher to want to steal flying away from other groups, but I would like to see you doing United Express flying on the East coast that is currently being done by MESA.

Yes, it's not kosher. We simply want to take back the flying that was removed because we were in negotiations! You guys can "steal" the United Express flying since don't seem to have an issue with it. When you start flying on the East Coast, you may find your ability to maintain your pristine performance levels will suffer. Welcome to the real world!
'What prevents Skywest from phasing out ASA?

Insight from a post called......"If I wanted to phase out ASA"! Riiight. More wishful thinking and Glee from Skywest Pilots on the misfortune of others. I guess even if you don't work there anymore you must be conditioned t think that way.

I assure you there was no glee intended as my world would not be brightened in any way if this came to pass. I hope you can believe me on this point.

If you wanted intellectual exchange, you could have posted from a view of, 'What is the possibility of phasing out ASA'?, or 'Is there any likelihood of ASA being phased out?, or 'What prevents Skywest from phasing out ASA?'

Any of those is an acceptable thread title to me and have adopted the last in this posting header.

And, Why do you care, anyway?
You may be surprised at the things that I care about.
I care about the time involved to develop flight schedules using genetic algorithms with PMX breeding vs the time required without PMX breeding.
I care about the implications of the Mayan calendar.
I care about memorizing Act II before a week from Monday.
...and so it goes.

Haven't gotten a response to my PM yet. Are you going to do that?
Excuse me, I have to take exception to your second sentence. This is not an unrepresented pilot group that has to fear a tyrant. He will have difficulty arbitrarily getting rid of anyone on this property. The contract and the associated protections will prevent some of the things that you have to live with on your side.

I understand that you have a union. I also understand that unions can protect the job of those who do not deserve protection. I believe that BH is pretty astute. He will follow the contract. If the pilots don't they will be down the road. He will make sure that the firings are legit and that the pilot will not be reinstated by the union or the court. This will show two things: He will follow the contract and he will expect the same from your pilot group, nothing more nothing less, just business.

ASA is already succeeding. Our operation margins are the highest in the industry. Please get yourself informed. Can we improve? With good leadership, we can improve those operation margins and make them better. Again, it's not the efforts of the employee group that needs improvements, it's the leadership and the processes that good leadership should provide. Our financial performance exceeds yours. Our operational performance, although improved in recent months, needs the attention! It sounds like, maybe, the new President has the ability to implement the necessary changes.

You are comparing apples to oranges. The ASA contract for the next several years does not take into account performance.

ASA has to improve performance or they will shrink!

I believe that the pilot group is only a small part of the problem. I'm sure that most of you are great guys who work hard to make ASA successful. The Atlantatude of the Delta rampers is the biggest part of the problem. But this does not matter. ASA HAS TO IMPROVE THEIR OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE OR THEY WILL SHRINK!

Yes, it's not kosher. We simply want to take back the flying that was removed because we were in negotiations! You guys can "steal" the United Express flying since don't seem to have an issue with it. When you start flying on the East Coast, you may find your ability to maintain your pristine performance levels will suffer. Welcome to the real world!

Most the pilots on this board are cheering on MESA's death. And then suddenly you become so benevolent and above all that. MESA needs to go away for the pilot groups to prosper.
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Most the pilots on this board are cheering on MESA's death. And then suddenly you become so benevolent and above all that. MESA needs to go away for the pilot groups to prosper.[/quote]

Though there is some conjecture of the merits of taking a below-standard airline job solely for the upgrade potential, thus making negotiating difficult for all others, It is NOT right to cheer the demise of MESA. Some of them have families to support, too.

As well, imagine what a sudden 'glut' of qualified RJ pilots will do to the regional flight crew work force. Bad for everyone...
Because every 3 days one of your Rollover breatheren makes a post on 'how to get rid of ASA, when we're going to take ASA's planes, how we are going to get ASA's base, ASA's routes, etc, etc, etc........

And all with such glee!!! That is why ASA pilots grow weary of your attitudes! If Skywest wants to get rid of us....PLEASE DO!!! Just put out a damn memo telling me when to clear out and get it over with already! If one of you guys wants to buy a nice house in Newnan, let me know. When I finally get my pink slip I'll sell it you for a great price!

Quit with the damn conjecture! Tell your boys in SG to pull the plug already!

As for BH, I will ask him to his face the first time I see him if he is sent here to dismantle this company. I'll let you all know what he says!

In the mean time, continue with your drooling....

Hey 79%,

Those people aren't me. Those people aren't alot of OO guys. Frankly, the people that say these things are idiots. I don't agree with them, they're ignorant and malicious. Not all of us are like this. You guys have my total support. Please don't lump us all together in one mold. We're not all like that!!!

Plus....there's one thing we can all agree on: Mesa sucks!!!


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