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IBT out! NJASAP in!

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Is it not so?

Believe me, there is no sparkle in my eyes for you fools that let unions speak for you.

Personally, I think it's sad that as individuals you don't have the nuts to speak for yourselves and need to rely on unions to speak for you.

So, let me get this straight, B, Then by voting for my local Senator Or State Representative is considered a sackless action because I dont march up to The White House and speak my mind to the President???
We elect these officials to speak for us....and whattya know, the same process is used within our Union!!

Sorry, Pal, this one doesn't fly. Fools? Look in the mirror.

But then, I'm just one of many Thugs...what do I know?
I did. Was STW's message misinterpreted? Seems to me we don't have any bones to pick with the FLOPS pilots as we have given them hundreds of thousands of dollars to get organized, and are going to have strong relations with them in the future. I saw no need to start a witchhunt.

We have no bone to pick with the pilots at Flight Options. Their two "leaders" along with the Teamster thugs and one of our ex-employees are the ones we have a bone to pick with.
Is it not so?

And on the OpSpecs thing, go back to my first post, because what I said is exactly right and everybody just jumped on the posting bandwagon saying the same thing I said the first time using different methods. What I stated in only seven words has had paragraphs written about it. I stated "certificated carriers with opspecs and management specs."

Fracs are not certificated carriers and need to be considered differently from the simple viewpoint of operational control.

Believe me, there is no sparkle in my eyes for you fools that let unions speak for you.

Personally, I think it's sad that as individuals you don't have the nuts to speak for yourselves and need to rely on unions to speak for you.

You guys used the word "thugs" to describe the IBT. Words I've used repeatedly.

Yet, in the same breath you don't acknowledge that IBT was "used" as a figurehead if nothing else to assist in securing a CBA, then dumped them once the deed was done.

That's equally thugworthy.

B19 Flyer,

Do MSpecs apply to Part 119 certified Air-Carriers? So ... Are companies operating under MSpecs considered Air-Carriers or not? Your sentence with "only" seven words allude to the "fact" that Air-Carriers operate under OpsSpecs, as well as, MSpecs.

Do you consider NJA a Fractional Ownership Operation? NJA does indeed operate under a Part 119 Air-Carrier Certificate, and, the required OpsSpecs. The same holds for the NJI and NJLA operations.

Therefore, please enlighten us and explain to us who has operational control for NJA operations? Furthermore, please enlighten us and explain what connection you see between operational control and labor-management relations.

You are 100% wrong.

Fractionals do not have certificates or Opspecs and must be considered differently. Aviation 101.

Drinking too much union kool-aide again imac?

Actually I'm 100% correct. Nice try though.
Actually I'm 100% correct. Nice try though.

I guess he is ignorant to the fact that some legs are flown 135, which require a certificate and consequently ops specs.....

plus, he could read 91K which has something really close to ops specs. forget what they are called though.
I guess he is ignorant to the fact that some legs are flown 135, which require a certificate and consequently ops specs.....

plus, he could read 91K which has something really close to ops specs. forget what they are called though.

Didn't you know? B19 wrote FAR 91K. I bow in the awesomeness of his excellence and fantastic truthiness.:nuts:
So, let me get this straight, B, Then by voting for my local Senator Or State Representative is considered a sackless action because I dont march up to The White House and speak my mind to the President???
We elect these officials to speak for us....and whattya know, the same process is used within our Union!!

Sorry, Pal, this one doesn't fly. Fools? Look in the mirror.

But then, I'm just one of many Thugs...what do I know?

No. Your union vote is designed to overpower those officials that are already chosen to lead.

That's treason.

I look peacefully in the mirror and know that my paycheck is in the bank under my name and not being squandered in a union power struggle of greedy leadership.
Didn't you know? B19 wrote FAR 91K. I bow in the awesomeness of his excellence and fantastic truthiness.:nuts:

Having input and writing it are two entirely different things. Of course, I'm sure that you have made that effort to make things better, right? Kathy did a pretty good job coordinating it.

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