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IBT out! NJASAP in!

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I heard something about 2 flight options pilots and a teamster lackey trying to steal almost $400,000 from netjets pilots as a parting gift. The $1.2 mil that netjets pilots are giving them wasn't enough. Class act these teamsters.
The point is that they didn't. IBT is playing by the rules they agreed to. Let's leave it at that.
All I can say is wow! As if the Options group hasn't gone through enough, now they are led forth by a couple of criminals. If they're willing to embezzle NJ pilot money, I wonder what they're doing with yours? As if they have nothing better to be working on right now! I hope these scumbags are recalled from leadership immediately and never feel comfortable in a frac cockpit again.

You might want to read up on our board about what actually happened.

I did. Was STW's message misinterpreted? Seems to me we don't have any bones to pick with the FLOPS pilots as we have given them hundreds of thousands of dollars to get organized, and are going to have strong relations with them in the future. I saw no need to start a witchhunt.
Nevermind. I thought I did. Just found DC's post. Thanks Grizz.
Sadly, I can predict the future postings of "You Know Who"...

...Gleeful cackling rubbing his hands and saying "I told you so..."

...Another longwinded Diatribe on how unions are again ruining life as we know it, and are the spawn of Satan, and this situation is the start of the end....

...With a sparkle in his lifeless eyes, calling out "Be careful what you wish for"..

...THen he will start preaching using big words like OPSPECS to try and convince us into thinking he knows what the hell he is talking about.

Sound about right, guys?
Sadly, I can predict the future postings of "You Know Who"...

...Gleeful cackling rubbing his hands and saying "I told you so..."

...Another longwinded Diatribe on how unions are again ruining life as we know it, and are the spawn of Satan, and this situation is the start of the end....

...With a sparkle in his lifeless eyes, calling out "Be careful what you wish for"..

...THen he will start preaching using big words like OPSPECS to try and convince us into thinking he knows what the hell he is talking about.

Sound about right, guys?

Is it not so?

And on the OpSpecs thing, go back to my first post, because what I said is exactly right and everybody just jumped on the posting bandwagon saying the same thing I said the first time using different methods. What I stated in only seven words has had paragraphs written about it. I stated "certificated carriers with opspecs and management specs."

Fracs are not certificated carriers and need to be considered differently from the simple viewpoint of operational control.

Believe me, there is no sparkle in my eyes for you fools that let unions speak for you.

Personally, I think it's sad that as individuals you don't have the nuts to speak for yourselves and need to rely on unions to speak for you.

You guys used the word "thugs" to describe the IBT. Words I've used repeatedly.

Yet, in the same breath you don't acknowledge that IBT was "used" as a figurehead if nothing else to assist in securing a CBA, then dumped them once the deed was done.

That's equally thugworthy.

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