But you know what really ails the airlines, and has since the beginning of time? Ticket Prices. The American consumer somehow thinks that despite a threefold increase in the price of oil, and steady inflation for twenty years, they have A RIGHT to fly from LGA to LAX for the same $99 it was when People Express opened its doors. And the airlines keep lowering fares to fill seats. It's the bell ringing for Pavlov's dogs.
Since Orville and Wilber went to North Carolina, the total net income of all airline operations is a negative number. NO PROFIT - in the history of flight! Unless and until we can demonstrate that air travel is a product worthy of a good price, the airlines will have little or no success - and pilots will tread water or sink a little more.
On CNBC last week, I heard a guy say "airline stocks are never investments. They are just trading stocks. Take your profit and run." That tells you where the problem lies.
Since Orville and Wilber went to North Carolina, the total net income of all airline operations is a negative number. NO PROFIT - in the history of flight! Unless and until we can demonstrate that air travel is a product worthy of a good price, the airlines will have little or no success - and pilots will tread water or sink a little more.
On CNBC last week, I heard a guy say "airline stocks are never investments. They are just trading stocks. Take your profit and run." That tells you where the problem lies.