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So I have to wonder, when UAL converts all of their fee for departure contracts to simple codeshare agreements and Delta follows suit with non owned carriers what is going to happen to aca/skywest/airwis etc....if you have to go it alone can you? What routes will you fly? how will you handle reservations etc.....seems like some rough roads are ahead for you all as well....just curious when you are competing for pax outside of a fee for departure how well that is going to play........seems like Mesa could become the LCC of the 90 seat and smaller airlines... kind of a scary thought.....change is coming for us all
You're all pricks!!! Not letting someone on your jumpseat because of something some of them had no control over. Shows your maturity level pretty well though. I kinda hope no-one lets you on their jumpseat either. Thsi industry rides on the "treat others as you want to be treated" kind of attitude, so watch out, pretty soon you will only be able to ride on your own systems.
You're all pricks!!! Not letting someone on your jumpseat because of something some of them had no control over.

Um, no control huh? They are the ones that voted that garbage in.

I would let MESA guys on the jumpseat but NOT Freedom guys but I'm still just an FO.
Fellas, I don't know. I have a hard time jamming someone up because they did something they thought would benefit them and their families. Granted the Mesa deal sounds pretty lame, but being on the outside I have no idea what pressure they were put under.

My company is in contract negotiations now, and I have no idea if the Mesa contract will affect us. You can bet all of us who are in negotiations can kiss a good raise goodbye just because of the economic climate.

Some points to think about: An earlier post made reference to the Eagle contract, that one was really the pits. I have absolutely nothing but sympathy for Eagle guys, I know they're hurting. We don't talk about denying them jumpseats, rightfully so. As for pilot unity, I heard Delta management offered moderate pay cuts from the pilot group as a whole instead of furloughs...when the senior guys flatly refused to take a pay cut to keep junior guys working, fruloughs came down the pipe. As for Mesa, I'll let them ride, I think they're hurting enough.

If our contract ever gets as bad as Mesa, I'm leaving the industry. I think all of us need to set personal tolerances, when they get soooo shi.tty we're at each others throat--it's time to do something else. I've changed careers before, I can do it again.

Flame away fellas, but it's not worth a hear attack.
100LL... Again! said:

PFT'ers are wanna-bes masquerading as pilots.

PFT is for those who feel afraid to compete and must buy their job.


As a check airman/IOE captain for Air Midwest, I can tell you that I much prefer doing initial IOE for 300 hour San Juan grads than 1000+ hour street hires. They are, as a group, extremely prepared, disciplined, dedicated, open to criticism and VERY good at listening to instruction and acting upon it.

For what it's worth, Mesa's Pilot Development program is PFT only in the sense that the students have to cover the costs of flight training. They aren't paying for a job, as is evidenced by the number of grads who either don't get hired or bust out of training and get kicked to the curb. They are guaranteed an interview - period. As far as competition, I defy you to find another avenue into aviation that is more competitive or difficult than MAPD. It is a different road than you may have taken - quicker, probably...easier, I doubt it...just different.
How Mesa Contract Screwed Everyone

While I acknowlege that about 8 "Mesa Haters" are the ones who bash Mesa and the contract the most, it occurs to me that what they are complaining the most about at Mesa is something they control the most, which is what they acuse Mesa of NOT doing.

For example. You say Mesa "screwed you" by agreeing to a contract that has enhancements to the current Mesa Agreement in every section except 1, minimum bid. You say we screwed you guys.

However, how does our contract affect you? You tell your management that what's at Mesa has nothing to do with what's at your current company. You can't hold us accountable for hurting you, because remember, WE HAVE ENHANCEMENTS that will cost our company MORE money. So in short, any argument they give you about Mesa won't hold water because we are MORE EXPENSIVE than we were before 3-19-03. Hell, if we would have held out, we would have had no agreement, more Freedom Airlplanes coming online and a LOWER cost structure than we have today. Your company could have thrown a LOWER Mesa cost structure in place, even though our airline would have been shrunk and shifted to a non-union airline (Freedom).

You want to be pissed? Be pissed at Freedom Pilots. Be Pissed at Jonathan Ornstein for his Union Busting Frank Lorenzo tactics. But if you see a Mesa Pilot, thank him or her for at the very least killing Freedom and getting this whipsaw bull**CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** stopped and getting ALL of our work, ALPA work.

Before you bash us, get ALL of the facts. I really think you'd have a different opinon.

The Plebe


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