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How are you going to get home??????

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Beechnut said:
Nope. Mesa ALPA does NOT represent me! THANK GOD UP IN HEAVEN! Our MEC at AirWis, supported by the pilot group fought for a good contract. How many informational pickets did Mesa hold? You guys have a strike center? I'm guessing Mesa ALPA didn't take advantage of ALPA National resources. Mainly due to the fact they knew Mesa pilots are weak and wouldn't vote for a strike.

I know in Phoenix they did informational picketing and had a strike center. I also believe the received funds from ALPA. I also believe ALPA told them to sign the deal. That of course doesn't mean you need to vote yes. The HP MEC recommended yes and the majority said no. I think the major problem at Mesa was 2 things. If they didn't sign J4J they would lose US Air flying and if they didn't pass the TA all the jobs were slowly going to be lost to Freedom. So in this situation the lessor of the two evils was chosen. It would have been nice if they would have said no and attempted to fast track new negotiations.

You guys talk big about screwing your fellow pilots, but lets see you be all high and mighty when you have to fly on us or not get to work the next day or not get to home for some important family event. You guys talk all big on the bulletin board, but we'll see you guys in the cockpit with jump slip in hand and a big ol' smile on your face when it suits you.

(i'll just take your name and refer it to the jumpseat committee. After all ALPA is reccomending we sign this TA, the same pilots union that represents MOST OF YOU!!)

Very Very Scary Stuff. At the next LEC meeting I am sure someone will bring up the point to kick mesa off our jumpseat list. I bet it passes!!!. My name if you want it is Jonny O.

I gues if I told the Mesa pilots to write a check for $100.00 each to me they'd do it.

If ALPO national says do it, then gee.......I guess you'd better do it.

Now, J.O. is going to ask you to do some things too.

My advice is to :

A.) Include vasilene, k.y. or some other high quality lubricant in your flight kit for the forseeable future.

B.) LIVE IN YOUR DOMICILE (the jumpseat is deferred).
Re: Hypocrits.

WileE said:
You guys talk big about screwing your fellow pilots, but lets see you be all high and mighty when you have to fly on us or not get to work the next day or not get to home for some important family event. You guys talk all big on the bulletin board, but we'll see you guys in the cockpit with jump slip in hand and a big ol' smile on your face when it suits you.

I will never ever darken the door step of SCABS and that's Just what you are SKABS!!! You people set us back years and now you have the nerve to want to be praised for your cowardess act.
I hope that the likes of AWA, SWA, Frontier, ATA, Jet Blue and the rest have the guts to tell you guys to Fuk off when it comes time to want to move on and that time will come mark my words that TIME WILL COME...

Airwis keeping the standards high and completeing flights.
Re: Hypocrits.

WileE said:
You guys talk big about screwing your fellow pilots, but lets see you be all high and mighty when you have to fly on us or not get to work the next day or not get to home for some important family event. You guys talk all big on the bulletin board, but we'll see you guys in the cockpit with jump slip in hand and a big ol' smile on your face when it suits you.

Sorry pal, I'll buy an ID 90 or take a cab. And to think how many times I went out of MY way to offer support for what you were going through. Truely pathetic.
I don't think the Mesa pilots need to worry much. The vast majority of us are professionals, and do not use the jumpseat as a weapon or for politics. Mesa pilots are always welcome in my jumpseat, and I say "Thanks" to the Mesa crews who have given me rides in the past. If somebody is dumb enough to pay for an ID90 instead of taking a free ride, well, I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. :)
8 days off

With only eight days off per month, where are you gonna jumpseat to? Mesa owns your azz now, you guys are now the offical Walmart of aviation.
Mesa Pilots-TA Protects Scope


We had to give up the hopes of a good contract in order to get scope. Industry leading scope that will protect ALL of us in the future. Look at what Chautaqua is going through with Republic. Mesaba with Big Sky.

CCAir pilots took a bullet for us and voted down a substandard contract and D. Woerth wouldn't sign the POS they finally passed after the company waited to make an offer until all of the probationary CCAir pilots were off probation and could vote to save their jobs (which they did, 72% passage on the concessionary CCAir Contract).

Our TA has rock solid scope that stops almost immediately Freedom Airlines. We no longer have to worry about a whipsaw at Mesa Air Group.

As for the rest of the TA, note that every section except minimum bid guarantee has enhancements. That means we got improvements. Were they great? No. Where they what we wanted? Absolutely not. Where they what we deserve? Hell NO!

However, they were improvements. It stopped Freedom. It put CCAir pilots back to work along with hundreds of furloughed US Airways pilots immediately.

So we didn't "lower the bar" as the bar was already low with us. We raised it. Although not as much as Comair or Air Willy. But when you don't have ANY leverage, well you do what you have to. We saw our jobs disappear every day to new Freedom planes and pilots. Your ire should be directed at them. Had they not stepped up to enable JO to start that airline, we very well may have been able to negotiate a much better deal.

But again, this contract has improvements in every section, including new cancellation pay and a commuter clause. Now, next time, we improve them.

But don't take my word for it, our TA is posted elsewhere on this website.

And the jumpseat should not be a tool in which to advance a political agenda. Our management recently did that with Skywest and I truly hope pilots are more professional than management.

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