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How are you going to get home??????

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He'll probably be hearing from the jumpseat committee soon. Unprofessional. Thuggish.

If you are going to turn doen a jumpseater, it can be done with diplomacy and tact.
Can you elaborate on your statement about ASA being included in being a liabilty if U folds? I have been here 4 yrs and have yet to see one of our planes with United anywhere on it.
This thread has to be the biggest joke on this board in a long time.

"OH..better refuse those scabs the jompseat. That'll show 'em"

What a crock. The one guy making the most noise referred to himself and his pilot group in a differrent thread as SEASONED PROFESSIONAL(S), (*Note* I added the S.)
Maybe when you actually ARE one, you will see how ridiculous you sound. The statements you made on this and other related theads show you clearly are NOT.

Another guy said that ALPA doesn't represent him. HMMMM...aren't you a regional pilot? The same group of pilots that is screaming how you aren't getting fair representation from ALPA because they favor the majors? So, which is it? You can't have it both ways, although I guess you'll have it whichever way suits your "agenda de jour".

One other guy said no Mesa on his jumpseat unless you voted NO. Ok, so how do you plan on figuring that out?

WAIT....I'll settle this. No pilot from ANY regional whatsoever on MY jumpseat. You all are dragging down the industry with your pathetic wages.

See how absurd and ridiculous you sound? No? I didn't think so.:rolleyes:
I'm so confused

I'm not an airline pilot, but I hope to be one someday, so I have a couple of questions since I don't know how these things work.

1. If your MEC's are so strong, why does it matter what anyone else does? If your CEO gives you the "Mesa's doing it for peanuts" speech, tell him "We're not Mesa,". If your MEC's as strong as you say they are/pilot group is as unified as it should be, you should get what you want.

2. Why do you guys keep signing contracts that pays 1st year guys @18K, and then you b!tch about what other people do. If the company's pockets are deep enough for the senior guys, they should be deep enough so the new guys diet doesn't consist of ramen, right? We keep comparing our education to that of doctors and lawyers, but they don't have to "pay their dues", or take sub-standard pay for their first year, do they? Why should you? We are "Professionals", aren't we?

I think that those of you who have taken an airline job flying a 1900 or bigger for penny wages DEFINITELY shouldn't be preaching to anyone.
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trainerjet said:
This thread has to be the biggest joke on this board in a long time.

"OH..better refuse those scabs the jompseat. That'll show 'em"

What a crock. The one guy making the most noise referred to himself and his pilot group in a differrent thread as SEASONED PROFESSIONAL(S), (*Note* I added the S.)
Maybe when you actually ARE one, you will see how ridiculous you sound. The statements you made on this and other related theads show you clearly are NOT.

Dam, did I forget the (S) on that word? Well thanks trainer jet for helping with my grammer. It's nice to see other professionalS in the world. I guess that 8000hrs and that major airline contract of yours has made you forget about us little guys, but that's ok I understand that you guys never really worry about our struggleS, you just climb back upon that high perch of yours and look down at the rest of us poor souls. As far as me making the most noise, well no more so than anyone else who was repulsed by that contract and while it doesn't really effect me it does hurt those in negotiationS at this point, but you wouldn't really know anything about that because as it seems by you statementS attacking several that have issues with this thing You are the only true PROFESSIONAL....

Have a good day captain...

Nope. Just trying to make a point. Apparently there are no mirrors in that glass house you are living in.

But I didn't really think you'd do any more than what you did. Sling a little mud in my direction. Whatever makes you feel better.

Pretty sad if you ask me.
Mud slinging just ain't my thang. I do believe however I did say in my last post in the other string that I was a bit tired of the subject and really didn't wish to pursue any further discussion on it...

See ya in the funny papers..

Wiskey Driver,

"while it doesn't really effect me it does hurt those in negotiationS at this point"

...I'm afraid it's gonna start to effect you (and me) sooner rather than later, take a look at the Crowley powerpoint presentation...there's several references to the new Mesa contract in his discussion of reducing costs.

here's an analogy;

mesa accepted their heinder intrusion because of what freedom was to them and for their precioussssss (please read that in the hissing gollum'esque way) 'scope'
talk to the US mainliners about their scope, oh wait, it's mostly gone.

now, mesa is every other regionals freedom, you guys have turned yourselves (except for the 179) into that which you despised most, interesting huh? and you wonder why people don't like you

btw aviatrix, no other pilots I know in the regionals have much respect for mesa pilots as a group (not individuals) , so just cause there's a few very vocal ones on here doesn't mean that they are in the minority.

you may proceed with the vilification, but it matters not to me.
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