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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2002
hey newwoman,

how come you cant answer the question about your interview at Continental? Are you going to tell the interviewer about you hatred of unions? You say that all you have to do is tell the interviewer what they want to hear? In order to have a pilot certificate one has to be of good moral judgement. Do you think that lying to the interview team meets that qualification?
How come you are applying to another airline? is it because they have better pay and work rules? if so, how do you think those came about?

simple questions...

Hellownewwoman is interviewing at CAL? Well, he should fit in real well with about 800 of them.

Truth hurts. I am sure Newman will try and look and sound like rank and file to weasel his way in - then pray to the almighty that noone finds out who he really is - what a tool.
What about his promised BBQ in ORD? I guess he can't do that if hee's at CAL and sucking up to the Union guys there. Good Riddance!
Unfortunately, giving a whole thread to a POS like newman only gives him the attention he's not getting at home!

Did he even say he was interviewing there? I know people were speculating that he was interviewing there because it was a union carrier.

Either way. You Die Hard ALPA guys. How do you feel about your ALPA brothers hiring GoJet guys? I know of 3-4 guys that moved on from GoJet to CAL.

So how does a GoJet'er move onto CAL, an ALPA carrier?
And you can't use the answer "They lied on their resume, saying they flew for TSA."
Either way. You Die Hard ALPA guys. How do you feel about your ALPA brothers hiring GoJet guys?

It doesn't surprise me, considering that CAL has several SCABs doing interviews for them. Just looking out for their own.

I know of 3-4 guys that moved on from GoJet to CAL.

How do you know them? You spend a lot of time hanging out with these scumbag job-stealers?
It doesn't surprise me, considering that CAL has several SCABs doing interviews for them. Just looking out for their own.[/quote}
These guys do all the interviewing over there?

How would you personally know that they are doing any interviews at all?
How do you know them? You spend a lot of time hanging out with these scumbag job-stealers?

They're former co workers of mine. I went to a party last night, and heard word that they had all moved on to CAL from GJ.

PCL_128 get over yourself. If I were a PCL pilot, I would be embarrassed by you. To think, that you have the odasity to take my Union representation number, and make it your own personal screen name on here FI.com.
You do not represent your entire pilot group by yourself, and you do not speak for the Union, by yourself. Especially here on FI.com. I highly suggest you change your screen name. I would hate for someone to mistake any of your comments, as comments coming from the PCL Pilot Union group. Your thought and opionions are your own, and should not be misconstrued, as your Unions because of YOUR screen name.
It doesn't surprise me, considering that CAL has several SCABs doing interviews for them. Just looking out for their own.[/quote}
These guys do all the interviewing over there?

How would you personally know that they are doing any interviews at all?

They're former co workers of mine. I went to a party last night, and heard word that they had all moved on to CAL from GJ.

PCL_128 get over yourself. If I were a PCL pilot, I would be embarrassed by you. To think, that you have the odasity to take my Union representation number, and make it your own personal screen name on here FI.com.
You do not represent your entire pilot group by yourself, and you do not speak for the Union, by yourself. Especially here on FI.com. I highly suggest you change your screen name. I would hate for someone to mistake any of your comments, as comments coming from the PCL Pilot Union group. Your thought and opionions are your own, and should not be misconstrued, as your Unions because of YOUR screen name.

Well if you are too dumb to realize that he is NOT the "spokes-person" for the entire PCL pilot group....then you don't deserve to breathe Oxygen!

On a side note....if JackAZZ neWOMAN becomes a Continental Pilot....the WORLD is coming to an end! :puke:
Well if you are too dumb to realize that he is NOT the "spokes-person" for the entire PCL pilot group....then you don't deserve to breathe Oxygen!


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