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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2002
As a Captain at ACA I can state with no emotion that the current TA will overwhelmingling pass. Why? Fear. I have had no respect for the company for quite some time but with this latest round of gloom and doom I have lost respect for not only ALPA (which was suspect at best) but also my fellow aviators at ACA. While I respect everyones right to make an informed decision I can state that our pilot group will vote based not on FACTS, but FEAR. While I used to believe that pilots were a little different than than the average, a little more willing of risk and calculated chances, the group I work with is afraid to look at themselves in the mirror. I have asked each pilot vocalizing a Yes to detail WHY. And the answer is? It's safer than a NO. Well giddy up my friend. I've heard a YES vote guarantees us A318s in 5 years. Ok, put me down for 15% paycut and start ordering the 747 400s. What a joke. This airline and this union are pathetic. I can promise you that in 18 months you wilil not find anyone admitting to voting yes. So be it. Live in fear and just remember fear will dominate the rest of your life. And please don't tell me it's just like the United situation. The union has been UNETHICAL in this situation and they will never see another dime from me. They can sue me for my dues from here on out.
Sideshow - as a captain I assume your priority is pay and workrules. As a senior F.O., it is a different perspective - the only things that matter are growth and a chance to upgrade. The consensus among most of my peers is that its a calculated risk for PIC time.
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It's defintely NOT pay and workrules. It's working for a fair wage and taking concessions for a clearly defined purpose. If what the union said in the roadshow was true than Skywest would have NEVER gotten a contract. But you don't care about that. You are afraid of what happens if you vote NO. No upgrade. No 70 seaters. No growth. If anyone could convince me that a YES meant the odds were in favor of that I would have voted YES. But the union was unethical in their moves and did little to convice only the uninformed why you should give away 10% of your pay for nothing.

Thank god your at ACA and not Comair where they made a real decision about what they stood for while being told they would all be out of a job as the flying was doled out to ASA. Good luck.
PIC time? FEH. Where you gonna' go? You'll be at the Regionals for a LOOOOOOOOONG time. Better make the best of it.
You are highly stressed and seem to have "fear" on the brain. Is it some kind of Freudian thing? Besides, you say its definitely not pay and then in the next sentence you say its about a fair wage - well, which is it?

Let's put this in perspective. Family, friends, health - there are quite a few things that take precedence over this job. I don't know - maybe aviation is your whole life and you get very emotional. Hopefully, you have made contingency plans.

As for the PIC, well, first things first. Without it, you don't even have a chance to get hired so it is a prerequisite for any type of career advancement. Thus, the sooner you have it, the more likely you will be ready when opportunity knocks.
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sideshow, I feel your pain man. Nothing worse than being amongst a group that doesn't feel like you do. F'em and feed em' beans! Hang in there.
Concerning the comment regarding accumulating PIC time. At this time what regionals are growing?

By this I mean new a/c and subsequently new CPT positions.

I know Comair is having something like 2 new classes a month. At this time they have the best contract in the industry. Why would they be growing if they are the best compensated regional ??
That's a good question. Who is growing? Comair, ASA, Chautauqua, SkyWest. All associated with Delta (whether in whole or just a percentage.) - meanwhile, Delta mainline shrinks. As for the other regionals, I am curious to hear myself. Mesa? Pinnacle? Everyone feel free to write in.
I just rode on DAL yesterday. Nothing is shrinking as of now. The Captain and F/O both said DAL is cash flow neutral (i.e. they aren't bleeding money) and no proposals for additional furloughs (or pay cuts) have been brought up yet.

Don't know if this is true or not, as I have not independently verified what they said, but...

As for you PIC hogs....... Why don't you focus on making your place of work better instead of grabbing at the PIC carrot? PIC time will come. By then (with any luck) the industry will have sorted itself out some. You will have lived a good life in the meantime.

YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE FOR AWHILE. Make your bed comfortable in the interim.
"PIC time will come" - you mean like at Eagle? I've got some friends there and I feel for them.

Good to hear that about Delta.
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