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While this whole industry is in turmoil, start looking around to see how you can beat the system. As Tony Curtis said in Operation Petticoat, "There is opportunity in chaos."
Besides, even a paycut as a Captain is still substantially higher than the original F.O. pay.
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Spoken like a true Jarhead. Semper Fi...or somethin'.....
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"As a senior F.O., it is a different perspective - the only things that matter are growth and a chance to upgrade. The consensus among most of my peers is that its a calculated risk for PIC time."

As a senior 5+ years F/O the only thing that matters is QOL for all the pilots on the senority list, your willingness to step all over your fellow senority listers is appalling, get mine, before anyonelse at any cost , your unbridled greed will cost you thousands. You will get the "growth" you need so badly, then the "majors" will not hire anyone because you were so busy "getting your PIC time" at any cost, then you can get plenty of PIC time for a lot less $.$$ because you dropped the bar so low, the majors decide to grow you more because of your low costs.
This short sighted, get mine now, mentality will get us all in the endgame.
sorry about the run-on I got spooled up reading this tripe and am gonna go outside and stare at the sun.
oh yeh-semper fi , oopps I guess it only applies to Marines.
Growth is a win-win for our company. The furloughees come back to work, the F.O.'s upgrade to captain (and thus either get a pay raise or have a chance to move to a bigger airline), and the senior captains get bigger airplanes and thus more money. What is bad about any of that? What is bad about wanting my company to do well?

Even with the TA, our contract is still relatively good and our "bar" is still higher than many other carriers. And it is my opinion that with the current state of the industry that we will have to take concessions - just like UAL, US Air, etc.... especially since we are an independant carrier bidding to work for United.

And finally, quite a few of the other hard-charging pilots (captains and F.O.'s) have been asking me about the reserves - for such reasons as extra income, furlough protection and the QOL.
Ok still seeing spots from staring at the sun.
There is nothing wrong with wanting your company to do well.

The problem lies with an unbalanced situation, which is where it is now.
the majors have relied upon the regionals to provide low cost feed for the mainline operations. Usually around 10% of the total seats. As they see the glow around the edges from using low cost flying(you),
the majors will do anything they can to get cheap flying, to the regionals. As time goes on your senority lengthens and your cost to the company goes up increasing the cost to the mainline carrier. You say so what? When your costs get too high,
poof, your carrier does not get its contract renewed. I wonder how long your company will keep you on the payroll after loosing the flying to mesa or some other low cost carrier to be formed in the future. You think it can not happen? Ask any number of Westair pilots who were furloughed after UAL cancelled the Westair contract and awarded it to SKYW.
The only thing that stands between this occurring over and over again would be a unified pilot group(all), with contracts, unity and the ability to agree. Seeing how you are willing to take any number of UAL, DAL,AAL,CAL or any number of other pilots jobs away because you need the "PIC" this will probably happen and you and lots of other pilots will be working at Lowes and the reserve. If you cannot see the folly of your position, do nothing get that "PIC", and pretend it will not happen to me.
Good luck
So ACA how does it feel to be in the same group as Mesa and Skywest. At least Air Whisky had a great contract before they had to slash it to compete with the MESA WHORES. You are going from OK to MESA in one vote.
Then what facts can you present to me if there is a NO vote. If you ask me, there arent any facts with either vote. So if youre basing your vote on facts then i guess either vote is wrong. ALPA has speculated on either vote as well as mgmt. But they have stressed that a better situation will arise with a YES vote. And if your talking about FEAR, it would seem that a NO vote is in FEAR of a paycut. Either way a vote is based on speculation and hope. There are no guarantees with this TA, whichever way it goes.

Let's be clear that a better situation MIGHT arise with a YES vote and that better situation is more profit for ACA. Great, I'm a shareholder and since we can get a 10% wage reduction JUST FOR ASKING FOR IT. You're right. What was I thinking.

Do you not find it at all interesting that we, the pilots, cannot even see the results of the pole that WE paid for?
Do you not find it interesting that the Union told us WE must take paycuts because it's a line item blah....blah....blah?
But, if that's the case then SKYWEST wouldn't have gotten the UEX contract. Bain would have flat out gave their flying to MESA or whomever the lowest bidder is.
Remember in the beginning of all the TA talk it was that COST WAS the ONLY DETERMINING FACTOR.

My how things have changed. Our problem is not that pilots are overpaid. Our CEO got 14 million dollars last year and our airline is one of the poorest run on the planet. That's why we can't compete. Why would you pay high prices AND get crappy service. In the case of SKYWEST they may be paying more but they are getting a good product.

I'm in no FEAR at all of a paycut but why take one if it is not absolutely necessary. You and everyone else that wants to vote YES because you think the MEC is looking out for you is exactly why they can count on you taking another pay cut or changing the work rules or anything else later on.

So, can I assume that youre ashamed at the United pilot group for taking concessions. They have no guarantees. The only facts they have are that they may emerge from bankruptcy by cutting costs. I have respect for them for taking a cut of their own pay to try and save their jobs. Its sad that youre ashamed to be amongst us. Personally im sick of reading all the complaining and whining and constant bashing on each other in here. If youre ashamed then perhaps youre with the wrong group of people. I cant vote yet, but I trust the rest of the pilot group to make a good decision for me. The MEC already has, and I hope that we can all prosper from the right decision.

For anyone to construe that our situation is in any way similar to United's, you have to be uninformed to the point of idiocy. I'm glad you are comfortable delegating your decision making to others. You will go far.
gotta love that 46driver. He's so used to be shiat on from the military that he thinks a pay cut and work rule changes are great.

46driver your getting pretty close to PFT with your attiutde. ie. I'm willing to take a pay cut just to fly in the left seat.

Other guys that are in your position but don't have that second income like you are making a stand. They are taking a stand for their self respect for themselves and everyone else in the industry.

You are just voting for yourself unaware that you are dragging down the whole industry. Just so you can get yours.

Heck you might as well work for free since you probably get all the PIC time you want. Oh flying with you as a captain must be a real treat since you are willing to sell out just to sit in the left seat.

Semper loser

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. Our contract will not be anywhere NEAR Mesa's if this TA passes. Skywest is also leagues ahead of Mesa with their deal. Ditto with Air Wisconsin.

If you currently fly for a regional, feel free to PM me and we'll compare contracts. If you don't fly in this segment, or if you're some wannabe just get lost. These times are trying enough for everyone involved without reading flamebait from some ham headed idiot who doesn't have any knowledge of the current events.


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