And there's your problem 71driver.
Did you really think that you'd keep your 23-33% seniority coming across to a much larger carrier? Please. Your expectations were inflated if that's the case. A career at SW didn't equal a career at AirTran. I'm not saying AirTran wasn't a good gig for many, it just all changed when your CEO hit the cash register.
No I didn't say that and our merger committee wasn't expecting that either. What I did tell the merger committee was if I was going to loss more than 10% or 750 Pilot places on the seniority list then I thought arbitration was where it should go. As to your reference to a much larger carrier..I am not as enamored about Southwest as apparently many of it's employees are..not because of what transpired...sure that stings...but objectively the next 10-15 yrs will not be like the last 10-15.
Y'all experienced some linear type growth...well at least til 2008ish/2009. riding on the coat tails or operating in the shadows of the legacies. You were a niche carrier with very low fares. now not so much. post 911 ALL the legacies have "reset" themselves to a more competitve footing. In adddition, they are all about twice the size they were. Southwest, has shrunk to #4. Your fares are really not low cost any more yet your product is. y'all are seriously lacking in inovating have been driving into the future for the past 10-20yrs using your rearview mirror of past success. Y'all don't want to be like Kodak or Blackberry
So yes you are a larger carrier, but I am just not sure what the future will be like at Southwest
A career at SW didn't equal a career at AirTran.
even pre 911 knowing where your career will ultimately go is shady at 911 it's a crap shoot...yes even for Southwest
I'm not saying AirTran wasn't a good gig for many, it just all changed when your CEO hit the cash register.
Actually going back to Joe and you say even bob, both these guys were old school legacy born and bred type of guys. They stuffed there pockets the best they could.To bad really, I said back in 2006 if we were able to remove the top 3 teirs of the corporate structure at Airtran and insert the top 3 teirs of Southwest's corporate structure, we could've kick some aviation butt
Yes your guys are good, I am still amazed at the revenue they generate from the product offered