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Gojet Class Starts

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Let go my ego's err egoes, or egoe's.

Just don't do the GoJet thing, and you can have my Eggo.
The only good thing to come out of this thread is the link from "dispatchguy" to Rush 24/7/365, www.rushradio.org, what a great site...
Poke the Bear once more. . . .

Oh yeah, one more thing before I leave this stupid argument in the dust:


Before F8 . . .
. . . During F8 . . .
. . . . . . .After F8 . . .

. . .And now. I should think that ALPA is far more capable of determining what a scab is and who is/isn't worthy (or "Woerth-y", heh heh) of the "union-label" than the same couple of blowhards on a message board . . . .

That being said, you GO Jets guys better organize and get some WRITTEN assurances from your management, or you WILL be stapled to the bottom when this gets hashed out, if you're LUCKY.

(god d, I LOVE flame bait)
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Re: Gojets Class Starts

surplus1 said:
Doesn't it strike you folks as a little bit strange that ALPA, whose actions are responsible for the likes of Freedom, Republic and GoJet is suddenly trying to stop it?

Apparently not.

In order to have any hope of arriving at a solution, you first have to identify what the problem is. They know something is wrong but can't seem to discern the source of the problem even when they're repeatedly told what it is.

To add to the obfuscation, we have ALPA lackeys like FDJ2 and Generally taking things out of context and making stuff up out of whole cloth in an attempt to blame the alter ego problem on the RJDC.

This debacle is like watching a snake eat a rat isn't it? You're repulsed by the sight of it but it's so fascinating, you can't look away.
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This is too funny

I love how all you regional pilots at ALPO have it all figured out. Ya have accpted such pathetic contracts with pathetic pay and have undercut each other at every turn. No one is helping the Air Wis guys out. They have been serving UAL since the late 70's. Oh well, all you idiots at TSA, Mesa, Cahq etc... got yours right! ALPO has f***** things up so bad that it is too late. Ya think the TWAy guys after getting the shafting for the AA-holes care. Hulos Kenodias has been doing business this way fro years and now every one is surprised. Oh brother, I think flying all the turboporps and little whiny jets for crap pay has F***** your brains. You wanna fix it, STRIKE!!! ALL OF YOU WANT BROTHERHOOD, STRIKE!!! OTHERWISE SHUT THE F*** UP ALREADY.
CommanderHoek said:
I love how all you regional pilots at ALPO have it all figured out. Ya have accpted such pathetic contracts with pathetic pay and have undercut each other at every turn. No one is helping the Air Wis guys out. They have been serving UAL since the late 70's. Oh well, all you idiots at TSA, Mesa, Cahq etc... got yours right! ALPO has f***** things up so bad that it is too late. Ya think the TWAy guys after getting the shafting for the AA-holes care. Hulos Kenodias has been doing business this way fro years and now every one is surprised. Oh brother, I think flying all the turboporps and little whiny jets for crap pay has F***** your brains. You wanna fix it, STRIKE!!! ALL OF YOU WANT BROTHERHOOD, STRIKE!!! OTHERWISE SHUT THE F*** UP ALREADY.

Okay, you convinced me. Let's strike!! How do we do that? Oh right, there's a little problem with the LAW. HK violates legal contracts every day with few or no consequences but if do something in violation of the RLA, we will be spanked. That's the way it is. Now what do you suggest we do? Maybe grieve it? Good idea. Thanks for the tip.
I'm sure we could get a near unanimous strike vote (100% voted to strike in 2000), but that isn't an option. The grievance process and possibly Federal court are the only legal options. I personally think an illegal (but how could you stop it) work action such as calling all the times in and out truthfully until there was one list would probably put the hurt on the company bad enough to get something accomplished fairly quickly since the company loses money for being late and money seems to be the only thing that gets through to management here. I would guess the approximately 90% on time numbers would drop down under 50% if the truth were told and even if management tried to prove it was an illegal work action- how could they argue before a judge that calling the times in truthfully is an illegal work action? Just my 2 cents.

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