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Gojet Class Starts

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Domicile: STL
Equipment: EMB
Posts: 13

[font=verdana,arial,helvetica]Freedom & GoJet[/font] [font=verdana, arial, helvetica]Could we say E-"GoJet"?


"The MAG/ALPA joint stipulation establishes that Freedom has numerous interlocking directors and officers with MAG, Mesa, and Air Midwest. In addition, the MAG/ALPA joint stipulation establishes that Freedom contracts a substantial amount of management services from Mesa including: Payroll, Financial Management, Accounting, Drug and Alcohol Testing Administration, Human Resources, Maintenance, Maintenance Control, Parts Distribution and Inventory Control, Crew Tracking, Crew Scheduling, Crew Qualifications, Training Records, Customer Service, and Public Relations. Furthermore, Freedom leases office and hangar space from Mesa in Phoenix."

"The Board finds that for representation purposes under the RLA, Freedom is part of the existing MAG single transportation system composed of the MAG subsidiaries, Mesa, Air Midwest, and CCAir, for the Flight Deck Crew Members craft or class. Therefore, ALPA’s application in File No. CR-6771 is converted to NMB Case No. R-6939 and dismissed. ALPA’s certification at 30 NMB No. 40
Mesa, Air Midwest, and CCAir covers the Freedom Air Flight Deck Crew Members."

Here's the link: http://www.nmb.gov/representation/deter2003/30n040.pdf

FuelFlow, take a good read here. Don't know who your "sources" are at IBT but precedent would indicate that ALPA has a VERY good chance of a ruling in it's favor.
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My handle says it all

Go Jets guys, based on my "alter-ego" experience, this is what you can expect:

You'll get denied the jumpseat at your affiliate carrier 10-25% of the time. Plan accordingly.

Jump on pretty much everyone else 99% of the time.

You'll NEVER get denied a jumpseat at Southwest. These guys just don't give a s! about stuff this small. Life's too short and all that.

DON'T expect to get hired at your mainline affilate carrier.

DO expect to get hired by real carriers like Southwest and JetBlue (I know of at least 8 "F8 A-listers" offhand who've gone down that path)

DON'T take any S! from other pilot in uniform, either at the airport or at the hotel. Be the bigger man, take a deep breath, go to the counter, and get the cops or airport security involved. 99% of pilots shut up at that point, and they'll be doing a major carpet dance for their CP for starting this in the first place. Trust me on this, you cannot reason with these guys, and you cannot agree to disagree. Don't waste your time or risk your job trying.

IF IT COMES TO STRUCK WORK, ALL THE ABOVE IS NULL AND VOID. DON'T CROSS A PICKET LINE. Truly scabbing is a career killer, and in my opinion, rightly so.

No matter what your management tells you, they WILL hang you out to dry when it's time to kiss and make up. If it's not in writing, it never happened. Scuttlebutt is that the Teamsters dropped ya. If that's true, ORGANIZE IMMEDIATELY, and get it on file with the DOT. A contract is a billion times better than "work rules", and you can write in some protections for future mergers.

Good luck to you. If anyone should be flipping out about an alter-ego, it should be Mesa, but I have yet to find a single Mesa pilot who's ever heard of ya -- with the execption of a few Mesa-handles I recognize on this forumn.

(As to the rest of ya, I've heard it ALL. Flame on if you must, it will help you vent, but I could really care less.)
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FreedomAList said:
Be the bigger man

I think you missed that opportunity a few years ago when you stabbed your fellow pilots in the back. Dirtbag.
It utterly amazes me how people can be so self centered. Not only did you take a job that stabbed many other pilots in the back, but you appear to actually be proud of it. Yeah, be a man, go tell hotel security. What a freakin scumbag. What goes around comes around though....
Be the bigger man, take a deep breath, go to the counter, and get the cops or airport security involved... _FreedomAList

You forgot to add.."and call your mommy"

You're right, there is nothing I could say that you haven't heard before. Nothing I could say for which you would feel shame. A person without principles, foresight beyond tommorrow, or any sense of pride in himself and his fellow brethren is way beyond that. Good luck in your own selfish world.
They will be sorry to have taken the JOB


Hey, You might have not crossed a picket line to go to work, but let me tell you that what people like you do is the worst thing. Jurks like you and GoJet ones have sold their soul and have betrayed their fellow pilots and there is shame to it. Whether they make up and kiss later, it does not matter we will still look at these guys as not part of our PILOT group. They will be stuck flying that crj for that shameful GoJet for the rest of thier life. Wait till management starts using them as slaves.

you and your buddies at GoJet will never get my jump seat . We will deny you and we will spread the word too. So you'd better move to STL.

Well this thread has been going for several days now. The same few people keep posting the same things over and over. There 700+ pilots at TSA and based on these post (since it's the same people over and over).... only about less than 1% of the TSA pilots even care. The same vocal minority have been posting over and over. Let this one die.

TSA you basically have two options:

1) Let GoJets Fly and go work for them.
2) Get rid of your AA feed and fly your CRJ's

Seems simple to me!

I am just sick of listening to the whining...

Can't always have your cake and eat it too!
jackflyer AMEN!

I agree!


Gojet, no gojet thing goes on!

Soon will be otherone like that!

days of MD80's and etc.. is over!

Jackflyer get your head out of your ass. Just because we Trans States pilots don't argue with you on a stupid f***ing message board doesn't mean we don't care about the go jet issue. Over 200 tsa pilots were at a meeting last week in stl about this issue. Out of 700. You do the math. That meeting included the Eagle MEC chairman who was also at our MEC chairmans grievance hearing last year. Quit complaining about us flying Eagle aircraft we can't do anything about it. The only few on this board are you and fuelflow,who most likely is a management tool, who see nothing wrong with gojet. Stop being so bitter.

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