You take issue with it? You wont even know the extent of the increase and/or reduction is benefit until you need a specific treatment that was covered in previous years and all of a sudden isnt.
It wont be disclosed or included in any of the presentations by johanna. Everything is ra ra free pizza here until you find yourself broke.
Wait until that simple biopsy on that freckle on your back ends up costing you $900 after insurance.. Ask me how i
Plus that bill came yesterday and oh by the way I already spent $11,000 this year for my family NOT including the $3600 in yearly premiums.
Then again smartass you might take exception with his assumptions because afterall coverage couldnt get any worse !!!!
Wake up boy you might be 31 years old but you are not exempt from life
1. I am older than 31.
2. I will say without any qualification that our health insurance is terrible and JB was totally wrong to do what they did.
3. I am pro-union.
4. I am NOT anti-ALPA.
5. We will know in a few months if your (and a few others) hard prediction that our healthcare will get considerably worse next year.