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go! New Mesa Hawaii airline gets a name!

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Lots of hyprocrisy here . . .

With JO at the helm, this company has been turning a profit for years and years. He's got the Midas touch, and dosen't take loser bets. The board of directors supports him because he knows how to make $$$.

As to the the "deep concern" for the Mesa crews going to live on the island . . . there's a reason all levels of senority are represented: nearly every crewmember that I've spoken to going to Hawaii already have friends and family who live there, or they've lived there before and know what to expect. They're going to do just fine.

As to the amount of money that this will cost . . . I've heard that he's been said to opine that this operation could lose money for FIVE YEARS before Mesa has to seriously consider pulling out. Mesa's warchest is big and GROWING (re: we're profitable), and this is just a teeny, tiny part of our overall operation. This will be even more true when we get awarded even more $$$ with the COEX flying.

As a Mesa pilot, I'm cheering for this to succeed, because I like to see our company expand (and get 737's someday . . . I think we're the next RyanAir circa 5-10 years from now . . .another story) And the more Mesa bashing I see, the more convinced I am that Aloha and Hawaiian know that this is going for their jugular. "Boo-hoo, why can't we just have a monopoly to rape our Hawaiian passengers?" Sorry, I just don't buy it.
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First off, I hope the Mesa guys do have a good time in Hawaii, and I'm sure that everyone who does have ties to Hawaii bid for the "Go" domiciles. The rest of your post is...whatever. Before you brag about being the next RyanAir, do two things. 1) Focus on improving the pay and qol on the little planes. 2) Look into RyanAir, and rethink your statement of aspiration. RyanAir is the biggest $hitbag operation in Europe, and their pilot's get treated like $hit. O'leary makes money by abusing his employees. This isn't what you want. Not to mention the fact that as a stand alone LCC in the domestic US, you face guys like Soutwest, Jetblue, America West, United, Continental, etc. Mesa won't become a stand alone carrier, mainly because the profitability you flaunt is made from the big brother mainlines. Dash8driver was right. With all of the money MAG is making, shouldn't the first thing on your minds be getting a pay raise?

PS. The BOD and shareholders should be behind JO because he has been effective. If "Go" posts consistent losses, these will affect the stock, which is the real bottom line. After a year of consistent losses at Go, we'll see how the shareholders really feel. IMHO.
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Not sure how Go! will play out here but one thing for sure is the flying public wants cheap seats. Seems to me Go will lose less $$$$ with their fleet versus HAL and Aloha.

Hopefully, the people that live here will realize that Go will jack up their prices ASAP and will continue to fly the existing airlines, but I doubt it.
It's your attitude, Soverytired, that is exactly why the pilot profession is where it is today... This Ornstein fellow pays you dog$hit wages then tells you he is willing to fly empty planes for years if need be just to run some other poor shmo's company into the ground. Don't you know where the money is coming from to do that? Out of YOUR pocket! AND YOU ARE ACTUALLY OK WITH THAT??? Hawaii now...whats tomorrow? Oh yeah...Express Jet. You said that. Do you think when Ornstein is done he will give you more money even if you did get 737's? You've already proven you will work for nothing. Wake up....you will never get any respect either from your peers or from your management by allowing yourselves to be used to undercut everybody else in this profession.

Now it may be aviation urban legend, but I heard that years ago several Mesa pilots walked in to apply for food stamps IN UNIFORM just to make a point with management. Do something like that and you will not only avoid being bashed....you will be all be heroes once again!
Is this MesaHub or Flightinfo, I am starting to get confused, there seems to be more of the same thing, all of these threads start out with nothing to do with Mesa's contract and pay but always turns into that same debate over and over again.....
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skydivinguy said:
Not sure how Go! will play out here but one thing for sure is the flying public wants cheap seats. Seems to me Go will lose less $$$$ with their fleet versus HAL and Aloha.

Hopefully, the people that live here will realize that Go will jack up their prices ASAP and will continue to fly the existing airlines, but I doubt it.

Actually, the CASM on an RJ is much higher than the 717 or the 737. It will cost them more to fly less people around for less money.
dash8driver said:
bzzzzzzzt. never worked for PDT.

how does that foot taste? you really should be careful when you're taking huge leaps to make an ASSumption...unless you like to show everyone you're a fool. thats ok, donkey ass brown looks good on you.


Oh sorry, a Usair Express Dash driver, what is the difference.

Now back to the topic little guy.......It is Mesa's fault isn't?
WO's with no brains.
sniper said:
Oh sorry, a Usair Express Dash driver, what is the difference.

Now back to the topic little guy.......It is Mesa's fault isn't?
WO's with no brains.

hahaha. you know, sometimes its better to just be thought a fool, but you like to open your mouth and prove it.

wrong answer again peewee.


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