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GJ Hiring Captains and fo's

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Do you see what i'm saying H25B all your doing is driving the regional industry down. My airline now has to cut costs to try to compete with another airline that has a work force on first year pay. Everyone knows Mesa has always set the standard for the bottom and now GJ makes Mesa look good. I have an open mind tell me different.
FlyHIToo said:
Don't get me wrong all these rates could be better. But GJ is no worse than CHQ, SKYWEST, or MESA. GJ's rates are the company's initial offer and have not even been negotiated yet. So GJ's rates will only improve.



1YR $56 $56 $56 $55
2YR $58 $58 $58 $57
3YR $62 $60 $60 $58
4YR $64 $62 $61 $60
5YR $66 $64 $63 $62
6YR $68 $66 $65 $64
7YR $70 $68 $67 $66
8YR $72 $70 $69 $68
9YR $75 $72 $71 $70
10YR $77 $74 $74 $72
15YR $89 $84 $84 $83

*GJ Company offered non-negotiated Rates

Are those Mesa's 50 seat rates? I think SkyWest gets quaterly bonus checks that bumps up there pay quite a bit. And isn't CHQ in pay talks right now? So that leaves GJ bottom again.
N1FuelFlow said:
Do you see what i'm saying H25B all your doing is driving the regional industry down. My airline now has to cut costs to try to compete with another airline that has a work force on first year pay. Everyone knows Mesa has always set the standard for the bottom and now GJ makes Mesa look good. I have an open mind tell me different.

GJ is not making Mesa look good because of their pay rates. Pay is about the same or maybe slightly higher. They are more competitive because the may have a slight advantage of more people on first year pay. But any new regional carrier would have that advantage.

There's more to the story other than just another regional carrier. The over expansion of 50 seat rj's, high fuel costs, and the post 9/11 airline economy have gotten you before GJ ever did... The benchmark of regional airline compensation, Comair, is in the process of giving it all back anyway. Heck, before the DAL bankruptcy they even voted concessions for jets. Bottom line, the explosive growth of regional jet expansion has dried up and left thousands of commuter pilots killing each other for the scraps of growth. Well, growth is a poor choice of words, I think it's more like a re-shuffling of flying already alloted. This was going to happen anyway.

But did the average GJ pilot create this or was it mismanagement of the airline industry, short sight mainline unions, & a general poor economic airline business environment. I think it's the latter...

N1FuelFlow said:
Are those Mesa's 50 seat rates? I think SkyWest gets quaterly bonus checks that bumps up there pay quite a bit. And isn't CHQ in pay talks right now? So that leaves GJ bottom again.


Quarterly bonus checks come and go. No mortgage application I've seen counts that and whatever payrates CHQ manages to negotiate and start seeing in their paychecks 3-4 years from now doesn't figure in this arguement either...
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N1FuelFlow said:
I am watching all of this from a third party airline. From what I have gathered from working in the regional industry I think ************************* pilots steped on every other regional airline pilots head. A lot of people at GJ jumped the seniority list at TSA and now accept first year pay as a capt or fo at GJ, when eveyother airline has to pay higher rates for people with 4 and 5 years of senioity who waited there turn. So it seems to me when airline managment wants to drive down the pilot wage even more they can start up another company for everyone to come jump the seniority list and fly for 1st year pay rates. It really pisses me off, they won't be riding in my jumpseat. Best Regards. and good luck to those of you at GJ who have made enemies with many people in the industry!

TSA pilots should have had this growth. Gayjets pilots should have to wait there turn on a seniority list like every one else. Greedy pawns.

And so what if a few or some of the pilots were given DOH. Most did not and new pilots will not.
FlyHIToo said:

Thats no true at all. Ask a SkyWest guy about that.


Skywest Captains are saying that they are getting an extra 1,000 dollars a quater ever since the bonus program started. Even though its not a guaranteed thing money is money!. I still think GJ airlines is a bad deal. Comments FLYHI?? Regards

Why are you soooooo high on your horse to defend the actions that these guys, gals took by CHOOSING to go to an outfit that they knew was undercutting the industry? Common sense should tell you that it was self greed along with wanting to climb the ladder (on a shiny new jet) before and in front of everybody else. I'm all for improving one's situation but give me a break! Not at the cost of the TSA pilots and ultimately every pilot in this godforsaken industry. And don't give me this crap that the bowl was already broken. Yes, perhaps it was, but not to the extent that these humans have enabled it to be broken. Is it not plausible that NWA, DAL and CAL have studied this situation with GJ and others similar to it? I'm sure they have and are probably salivating at the idea that they too could accomplish something similar. Now, is that good for any pilot? Including yourself?

And last, do you work for GJs or are you corporate or are you looking to join
them? Cause I've been reading your posts for quite a while now and every arguement you make is and has been in favor of GJs. I don't care what screwups our unions and pilots have made in the past, that does not constitute selfish people climbing on the backs of others. Legal or not, that is exactly what these personalilities have done and most of them know it.
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