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Gary Kelly's ATN Comments at Message To The Field

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I'm looking forward to the powerhouse that we can become together. It's gonna work out, guys.

I am also looking forward to the powerhouse but it will not happen until the citrus vatos accept the great deal they have right now and stop the fight to steal our left seats....to quote another post you guys got into the big league with this ACQUISITION and now demand Kobi Bryants (SP i'm sure) deal GMAFB.....

Take the big raise and all else that comes with this deal we keep our seniority and nobody gets hurt.

If not then pack a bag because SWAPA has bought chain link fence by the truck load and you guys will be fenced off for ever if that's what it takes for us to get something positive out of this deal. If you guys get what you want what do we get ????? tell me???????? online non rev to ATL no thanks.

Cheers, we will look for you in the left seat or inside the wire until Guadalupe holdings gets rid of the whole thing.

Guys don't be more trouble than your worth

I'm just saying ??[/QUOTE]

Dude,you are a complete idiot.

You will forever be a first officer. and only need to say
"Yes Captain" when he calls for gear up or down.

Gonna luv flyin with u man!

I think we a need another walk a round, I'm not sure I trust those mx guys.
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I'm looking forward to the powerhouse that we can become together. It's gonna work out, guys.

I am also looking forward to the powerhouse but it will not happen until the citrus vatos accept the great deal they have right now and stop the fight to steal our left seats....to quote another post you guys got into the big league with this ACQUISITION and now demand Kobi Bryants (SP i'm sure) deal GMAFB.....

Take the big raise and all else that comes with this deal we keep our seniority and nobody gets hurt.

If not then pack a bag because SWAPA has bought chain link fence by the truck load and you guys will be fenced off for ever if that's what it takes for us to get something positiv
e out of this deal. If you guys get what you want what do we get ????? tell me???????? online non rev to ATL no thanks.

Cheers, we will look for you in the left seat or inside the wire until Guadalupe holdings gets rid of the whole thing.

Guys don't be more trouble than your worth

I'm just saying ??[/QUOTE]

Once again proof that money can't buy class, be careful karma may pay you a special visit.
I am also looking forward to the powerhouse but it will not happen until the citrus vatos accept the great deal they have right now and stop the fight to steal our left seats....to quote another post you guys got into the big league with this ACQUISITION and now demand Kobi Bryants (SP i'm sure) deal GMAFB.....

Take the big raise and all else that comes with this deal we keep our seniority and nobody gets hurt.

If not then pack a bag because SWAPA has bought chain link fence by the truck load and you guys will be fenced off for ever if that's what it takes for us to get something positive out of this deal. If you guys get what you want what do we get ????? tell me???????? online non rev to ATL no thanks.

Cheers, we will look for you in the left seat or inside the wire until Guadalupe holdings gets rid of the whole thing.

Guys don't be more trouble than your worth

I'm just saying ??

Dude,you are a complete idiot.

You will forever be a first officer. and only need to say
"Yes Captain" when he calls for gear up or down.

Gonna luv flyin with u man!

I think we a need another walk a round, I'm not sure I trust those mx guys.[/QUOTE]

Keep dreaming moco it you that will be you walking around......in the RJ corral that is because the fence will be filled with you guys until you take the fair offer and don't try and steal our left seats or until GK and Guadalupe holdings gets tired of dealing with you and the ALPA job killing machine gets tired of wasting money on you guys.

Enjoy RJ wages and life inside the wire it may be a long stay.....pinche vatos
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I was intimately involved in the RAH, F9, MEA and Lynx SLI. It turned out very poorly for the mainline pilots and everyone has something to gripe about.

The IBT refused to participate in either negotiations or mediation, so we all get to live with the Arbitrator's "award." To the IBT's credit, we were SO far apart it may not have mattered if they participated or not.

If you guys have any chance at all to resolve this outside of arbitration, I would strongly recommend it.

The Arbitrator told us over and over to try to work it out ourselves, stating that whatever we came up with, it would be better than whatever he would eventually decide. He was correct.

Not trying to butt in, just would hate to see any group(s) of pilots go through what we have.

Best of luck to you all.
vixen, I'm going to publicly ask you to please stop using the vatos thing. Argue your point.

Hey scoreboard

I have been arguing the point with every post but you don't like the truth so you cry about me calling the vatos ....vatos.......how about I start using pinche vatos instead ?????........ hows that chico........

ALPA kills jobs big time.......fact
I'm still trying to figure out how in "fair and equitable", the CA seats AirTran brings suddenly become "stolen property"?

Seriously. You think ALL AirTran Captains should be stapled and lose their seats? Or is there a cutoff somewhere where SOME CA seats get retained and the other ones get lost? I'm trying to take a moment to put aside "reasonable belief", pretend you actually are doing something besides throwing flame bait, and figure out your logic here.

Heck, even the recent RAH/Frontier award, where Frontier was close to bankruptcy and in the red for YEARS got to keep their Captain seats. But, somehow, in a purchase of a viable airline, AirTran Captains are somehow now thieves?

I'm still trying to figure out how in "fair and equitable", the CA seats AirTran brings suddenly become "stolen property"?

Seriously. You think ALL AirTran Captains should be stapled and lose their seats? Or is there a cutoff somewhere where SOME CA seats get retained and the other ones get lost? I'm trying to take a moment to put aside "reasonable belief", pretend you actually are doing something besides throwing flame bait, and figure out your logic here.

Heck, even the recent RAH/Frontier award, where Frontier was close to bankruptcy and in the red for YEARS got to keep their Captain seats. But, somehow, in a purchase of a viable airline, AirTran Captains are somehow now thieves?

I'm still trying to figure out how in "fair and equitable", the CA seats AirTran brings suddenly become "stolen property"?

Seriously. You think ALL AirTran Captains should be stapled and lose their seats? Or is there a cutoff somewhere where SOME CA seats get retained and the other ones get lost? I'm trying to take a moment to put aside "reasonable belief", pretend you actually are doing something besides throwing flame bait, and figure out your logic here.

Heck, even the recent RAH/Frontier award, where Frontier was close to bankruptcy and in the red for YEARS got to keep their Captain seats. But, somehow, in a purchase of a viable airline, AirTran Captains are somehow now thieves?

I know, we are trying to figure out the whole fair and equitable thing too. That fair and equitable phrase gets thrown around a bunch but you guys seem to miss or skip over the part where BM also says that neither side shall gain a windfall ??

So if we just roll over, buy the key lime pie and give you guys everything you think you are entitled to, what do we get going into this ???? and please dont tell me ATL.

You guys just won the lottery and you know it even if you will not admit it in public you know you did. With that win you are going to get a huge raise and all the other goodies that are coming with the deal, and we get nothing if we loose seniority and I mean one number.

We all come to work for a pay check and I would gladly sit in the right seat for the money. But it looks like a few of you guys (the hard core ALPA eastern scab wakos )will screw this deal up for all of you by holding out for the left seat even though you will be making more money in our right seat than you would in your left seat ????

If the left seat was the end all be all most important thing in the world that why did you leave the last job you had to go to citrus ???

You see we all paid a high price to get to SWA, type ratings 1000 PIC turbine less pay back in the day and the list goes on and on, and now you guys get lucky, and many don't have what it took to get on here but you find yourselves on the property buy sheer luck and you now demand to get in front of our guys....GMAFB

anybody but airline pilots (ALPA pilots) would gladly take a staple in fact a few months ago when we were looking at Frontier many of your guys were posting that you would be happy with a staple, but now ALPA has a shot at burning the SWAPA house down so we find ourselves in the situation we are in now.

Everybody talks about paying dues and the guys here now have paid a bunch, we are not giving up the left seats without a fight.

I truly don't think that you guys are going to be happy with any deal unless you get everything the ALPA job killing machine has promised you.

Their koolaid is powerful stuff and I am sure at least with the top guys on your list are going to screw it up for all of you by digging in and saying no to everything we offer until they get our left seat in addition to all else this deal is giving you guys.

I think this deal will go down in flames for you guys in the long run if you don't ease up on the demand for our left seats. GK can operate the two separate forever if killing SWA will be the result of forcing the two pilot groups together like AWA/US Air.

I just dont think it is going to be an easy process, I think many toes will stepped on and in the end you will get the money and we will get the left seats.
So, Vixen, you pretty much ignored my question entirely. So I'll ask it again:

In defiance of almost EVERY, SINGLE, RECENT SLI award, including one with a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy and shutdown within a year or two (a situation AirTran is most certainly NOT in), you really think ALL AirTran Captain seats are forfeit?

Please answer the question, yes you think every AAI CA should lose their seat for you or not?

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