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Gary Kelly's ATN Comments at Message To The Field

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When flynvixen posts, be sure to read it as though Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh is speaking the words. I'm pretty sure that's the angle he is taking. I think that over the top stuff is pretty entertaining.
When flynvixen posts, be sure to read it as though Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh is speaking the words. I'm pretty sure that's the angle he is taking. I think that over the top stuff is pretty entertaining.

I was thinking more like Rachael Maddow or Keith Olberman ;)
When flynvixen posts, be sure to read it as though Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh is speaking the words. I'm pretty sure that's the angle he is taking. I think that over the top stuff is pretty entertaining.

Well, he's got that "anyone who doesn't think like me is an idiot" thing going on and he seems to think namecalling makes him right and he sure has a narrow perspective ....... sounds like a Glen Beck wannabe to me. Good entertainment though!
Well, he's got that "anyone who doesn't think like me is an idiot" thing going on and he seems to think namecalling makes him right and he sure has a narrow perspective ....... sounds like a Glen Beck wannabe to me. Good entertainment though!

Not at all Dan ........but you guys keep drinking the ALPA koolaid and clinging to the promises of ALPA and it never seems to work out like ALPA plans, but you guys keep paying the dues and burning your company down all the while demanding a raise for less work ???WTFO

good luck with all of it
Any thoughts if the the spike of oil prices would cause SWA to walk away from the AAI deal. The break up fee is only 39 mil.
Any thoughts if the the spike of oil prices would cause SWA to walk away from the AAI deal. The break up fee is only 39 mil.

Lets walk away right now............Please......SWA is going to be destroyed by the virus that is inbound.

There will be no pleasing the Clampetts when they get here, so lets get out of this rotten deal and let them fend for themselves, maybe Republic will step in and buy them, lets hear the deal they demand then.

I'm just saying ??
Clampetts? You arrogant a$$. You are not nearly as special as you think you are.
"You are not nearly as special as you think you are."

No kidding. Vixen, do you act like this at home, at work, and in Wal-Mart? Go back and look at your posts and ask yourself if you'd wanna fly with that guy. Jeez.

I'm looking forward to the powerhouse that we can become together. It's gonna work out, guys.
I'm looking forward to the powerhouse that we can become together. It's gonna work out, guys.[/QUOTE]

I am also looking forward to the powerhouse but it will not happen until the citrus vatos accept the great deal they have right now and stop the fight to steal our left seats....to quote another post you guys got into the big league with this ACQUISITION and now demand Kobi Bryants (SP i'm sure) deal GMAFB.....

Take the big raise and all else that comes with this deal we keep our seniority and nobody gets hurt.

If not then pack a bag because SWAPA has bought chain link fence by the truck load and you guys will be fenced off for ever if that's what it takes for us to get something positive out of this deal. If you guys get what you want what do we get ????? tell me???????? online non rev to ATL no thanks.

Cheers, we will look for you in the left seat or inside the wire until Guadalupe holdings gets rid of the whole thing.

Guys don't be more trouble than your worth

I'm just saying ??

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