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Gary Kelly's ATN Comments at Message To The Field

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Congrats Ty, you and your bloated ego got your very own paragraph from our union. Pathetic.

Not true . . . .

But what is true is that, despite four months of exchanging opinions on this forum, little, if anything, has been gained from these exchanges. If anything, the exchanges have gotten worse instead of better, and instead of finding common ground, people have only become more entrenched. In that respect, I agree with both unions- there is nothing to be gained from further posts on the subject.
Gen nuts don't start. I like that you come on all the SWA boards and start shiz. I would like to point out is the delta guy's love to instigate our boards. What you need to do is take what you know about your merger and keep it to your self. This is acquisition/merger is different than yours. Putting AT guy's down come on Gen nut's! That remark is a tactic on your part to put anger in the AT's guy's head.

Your post has the MOST apostrophes I have ever seen. Great job with that. Anyway............don't slam me for trying to put anger in the Airtran pilots' heads. You guys are doing a great job of that already. I just suggested that the Airtran guys should just take the SLI to arbitration, and see how it goes. I can see why you wouldn't want that. ALPA will do that and they will get better positions on the list compared to what SWAPA would offer them. That is a fact, and I have a feeling they will follow that. I would if I were them. Good luck to all of you.

Bye Bye--General Lee

Your way off base on this one. With a stockpile of gains on the Airtran side and nothing gained by the Southwest pilots, you really think an arbitor is just going to sign off on realitive seniority or anything close to it?

This is more like Delta merging with the Comair seniority list than with Northwest. Tell me I'm wrong.

Would you give Comair realitive seniority at Delta and welcome them aboard for a massive payraise?

and before I get flamed...the pay differences between DL737 FO vs Comair are within a few percentage points of the SW/AAI acquisiton.

Your way off base on this one. With a stockpile of gains on the Airtran side and nothing gained by the Southwest pilots, you really think an arbitor is just going to sign off on realitive seniority or anything close to it?

This is more like Delta merging with the Comair seniority list than with Northwest. Tell me I'm wrong.

Would you give Comair realitive seniority at Delta and welcome them aboard for a massive payraise?

and before I get flamed...the pay differences between DL737 FO vs Comair are within a few percentage points of the SW/AAI acquisiton.

You are trying to convince a Delta pilot that happens to disagree with your point of view. My question is, WHY?
Swapa hasn't said anything about pilots posting on public forums. They asked us not to do it on the Swapa forum.

Sounds like ALPA is concerned about the Muse Air solution. The facts stand on their own.

How is a southwest pilot explaining why a staple is fair going to hurt Swapa in the SLI? It isn't.

On the other hand, AirTran pilots demanding relative seniority could effect Alpa's chance to even participate in an SLI. Muse Air is spelled "relative" in some circles.

Because he's completely off base with his assumptions throughout this whole thread. Makes no difference who he works for.

Because he's completely off base with his assumptions throughout this whole thread. Makes no difference who he works for.

You guys can argue if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound but it won't make a difference in the arbitration.

Whatever the outcome, I have accepted the fact that I have no control over the situation, I suggest you try it too.
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Swapa hasn't said anything about pilots posting on public forums. They asked us not to do it on the Swapa forum.

Sounds like ALPA is concerned about the Muse Air solution. The facts stand on their own.

How is a southwest pilot explaining why a staple is fair going to hurt Swapa in the SLI? It isn't.

On the other hand, AirTran pilots demanding relative seniority could effect Alpa's chance to even participate in an SLI. Muse Air is spelled "relative" in some circles.

You hit a home run here Bill. The Airtran MEC is worried about this going the Muse way or at least a good portion of it.
Swapa hasn't said anything about pilots posting on public forums. They asked us not to do it on the Swapa forum.

Sounds like ALPA is concerned about the Muse Air solution. The facts stand on their own.

How is a southwest pilot explaining why a staple is fair going to hurt Swapa in the SLI? It isn't.

On the other hand, AirTran pilots demanding relative seniority could effect Alpa's chance to even participate in an SLI. Muse Air is spelled "relative" in some circles.

The arbitrators will probably use more recent precedent instead of your Muse Air example. More likely the Nicalau award with USAir. AWA was a lot smaller than USAir and a younger company, but relative still prevailed except for the top 500 spots going to USAir due to International Ops. Airtran actually has the international ops for SWA, so that may make it even more interesting.

Not true . . . .

But what is true is that, despite four months of exchanging opinions on this forum, little, if anything, has been gained from these exchanges. If anything, the exchanges have gotten worse instead of better, and instead of finding common ground, people have only become more entrenched. In that respect, I agree with both unions- there is nothing to be gained from further posts on the subject.

That right there is funny!! Ty you are the king when it comes to AT/SWA SLI discussions. I guess you forgot all of your rants on how relative is how this should go down? Anyways, congrats on getting noticed by your NC. I know that is a huge accomplishment. :)

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