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G0-Jet Pay Scales

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TSA ERJ said:
Only a GJ pilot full of guilt could write such a diatribe of spin. If you guys feel you have done nothing wrong then why do you all try so hard to justify and explain yourself.

The arguments you guys have offered in support of you vendeta have been refuted, now all you have left is name calling and threatening some new or furloughed guys looking for a job. The guys that have been in this business for a while know better that to believe your BS.

Your lack of response to my arguments shows that you either don't understand this business, or are a hypocrite. You guys had the chance to get the flying and voted it down. Guess what, management didn't have to negotiate and you lost. Doesn't this remind you of the mechanics at NWA.
Game over, move on!

This also reminds me of Frank Lorenzo (you kids won't know who he is) threatening to shut down Eastern if there was a strike, and he did!

You guys can have all the RJ flying and petty bickering over nothing. If I were at GJ I would say so and be proud of it, well as proud as you can be flying an RJ the size of which used to be at mainline for 1/3 to 1/2 the money, with piss poor work rules and schedules. But then, that is pretty much what you're doing at TSA, isn't it?

You kids just keep venting.

See Ya!
h25b said:
If I were like yourself and let a union guide my decision making skills along with my career you could have a point, but unfortunately for you there's a bit more to life than that. Good luck, your union has done a fantastic job so far. :rolleyes:

The union doesn't guide my decision making, they represent my interests. The unions job is to represent the pilot group. I personally voice my opinions to our MEC and I also volunteer my time. Are they perfect? NO. Do I agree with everything they do? NO again, but I am glad they are there to try and protect the pilot groups intrests.

You are right on one thing, there is more to life than this whole mess.
jetfo said:
You know what that is called Paul? Competition, just like what we are all facing from Mesa, and what ExpressJet, Mesaba and Pinnacle is facing from their competitors that are trying to take away their flying.

Do you think you're going to stop that, or that the TSA vs GJ situation is different or unique? It sucks, but get over it.

We all work for competing companies. One guys life will be good and someone elses not as good.

You know I said this somewhere. I dont remember where but it didnt go over to well. Something about me being selfish and evil for hoping to put other guys out on the street.

TSA is supposed to just smile and let the *************************s thing happen. But is xjt going to sit there and say "aw shucks guess we coulda worked harder on keeping that flying," If anybody gets their flying?

I got tore up. But its ok for you guys to think that about TSA?

jetfo, you guys keep the propaganda machine cranking but I'm afraid it is too late. The rest of the industry sees GJ and its pilots for what they really are. The spin and diversion attempts by the GJ supporters isn't fooling anyone. Good luck
I still haven't heard anybody come up with a good reason why Trans States created a seperate pilot group for GJ. All union issues aside, it was MGT that decided not to include the TSA pilots in the 70 seat flying from the beginning.
POKEY said:
I still haven't heard anybody come up with a good reason why Trans States created a seperate pilot group for GJ. All union issues aside, it was MGT that decided not to include the TSA pilots in the 70 seat flying from the beginning.

I would guess the reason why the last offer was more of an ultimatum was due to the fact that they didn't have forever to negotiate it out and needed to get the ball rolling. I'm sure they were on a timeline to get operational from United. The TSA pilots would have been far better off to just take the deal, secure the flying for the future and live to fight another day. It came down to the point where management decided to call their bluff.

The CHQ pilots didn't get everything they wanted either, but they decided it was far better to keep all of the flying on the single seniority list.
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h25b said:
I would guess the reason why the last offer was more of an ultimatum was due to the fact that they didn't have forever to negotiate it out and needed to get the ball rolling. I'm sure they were on a timeline to get operational from United. The TSA pilots would have been far better off to just take the deal, secure the flying for the future and live to fight another day. It came down to the point where management decided to call their bluff.

The CHQ pilots didn't get everything they wanted either, but they decided it was far better to keep all of the flying on the single seniority list.

I wasn't talking about the LOA from the company, before it even came to that MGT could have just let TSA pilots bid on the new positions like normal. Looks to me like they created a sepreate pilot group so they could pay them less than our contract would have allowed for (industry avg.) with the side benfit of a little whipsaw during our negotiations.

CHQ had a different problem, the Republic deal was surfacing during contract negotiations.
POKEY said:
I wasn't talking about the LOA from the company, before it even came to that MGT could have just let TSA pilots bid on the new positions like normal. Looks to me like they created a sepreate pilot group so they could pay them less than our contract would have allowed for (industry avg.) with the side benfit of a little whipsaw during our negotiations.

CHQ had a different problem, the Republic deal was surfacing during contract negotiations.

First of all, payscales and work rules for the 70 seat a/c must be added to the currect CBA via a side letter (I think) so you have to come to terms with the company via negotiations.

You don't just go along and suddenly say, "the 70 seaters are now up for bid.." Your constrained by the process of collective bargaining. Especially if there are not already provisions for that class of aircraft in the CBA.
h25b said:
First of all, payscales and work rules for the 70 seat a/c must be added to the currect CBA via a side letter (I think) so you have to come to terms with the company via negotiations.

You don't just go along and suddenly say, "the 70 seaters are now up for bid.." Your constrained by the process of collective bargaining. Especially if there are not already provisions for that class of aircraft in the CBA.

Actually there are provisions in our contract for just such a situation. MGT can add whatever airplanes they want and if we can't come to an agreement on pay, we get industry avg for that type period. It is true that the MEC and MGT tried for a long time to agree on a payscale but the last offer from the MEc was rejected by MGT (i heard), I believe it was Mesa 70 seat rates plus 1%.
POKEY said:
Actually there are provisions in our contract for just such a situation. MGT can add whatever airplanes they want and if we can't come to an agreement on pay, we get industry avg for that type period. It is true that the MEC and MGT tried for a long time to agree on a payscale but the last offer from the MEc was rejected by MGT (i heard), I believe it was Mesa 70 seat rates plus 1%.

You're right. And the Company sees industry average as just too much.:puke:

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