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Furloughed mainline pilots entitled to left seat of their regional carriers?

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And if they don't agree with you then it's okay for you to bash away, right? You seem to have bashing people's opinion perfected! Funny how you can't handle your own medicine, keep crying...sissy!

You seem to think that people disagreeing on an issue is equivalent to "bashing." There are select few that I "bash." SCABs fit the bill. No mercy there. Original GoJet also. But most topics on this forum don't involve "bashing," just disagreements. You seem to be the one who is the "sissy" if you can't handle a spirited debate.
There are select few that I "bash." SCABs fit the bill.

How did you feel about Duane Woerth taking a scab to Phoenix to try and keep the America West pilots from leaving ALPA?
You seem to think that people disagreeing on an issue is equivalent to "bashing." There are select few that I "bash." SCABs fit the bill. No mercy there. Original GoJet also. But most topics on this forum don't involve "bashing," just disagreements. You seem to be the one who is the "sissy" if you can't handle a spirited debate.

Disagreements? Yeah, you're right and everyone else is wrong.

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...I can not live up to the high standards of PCL:rolleyes:

Spirited debate? If that's what you call it...I'm handling it just fine!
How did you feel about Duane Woerth taking a scab to Phoenix to try and keep the America West pilots from leaving ALPA?

I disagreed with it. I think we've had this conversation before, haven't we? I understood his reasoning, but I still disagreed. He wanted to take someone from a pilot group that had left ALPA previously and had made the decision to come back. I would have picked another representative other than the Master-Chairman, since he was a SCAB, but Duane wanted to take the top official from CAL-ALPA. I do think it was completely appropriate to take someone from CAL, but I think a wiser choice would have been an MEC member that didn't SCAB.
Spirited debate? If that's what you call it...I'm handling it just fine!

Not really. You seem to be getting upset and taking things personally. Relax. "Serenity NOW!"
Not quite true. Most regionals don't require a BA, my interview at PCL was a total joke, 20 minutes bs'ing with the CP. My interview at GIA was 30 minutes and consisted of 1 question, the rest was bs'ing.....and they don't require a degree. My interview at DAL was 2 days, written test, psych test, psych interview, physical and 3rd party background check.

You want a mainline job.......go through the process the rest of us did. In the meantime your job isn't in jeopardy unless the carrier you work for is wholly owned and has a flow up/down agreement already in place. Word is that the JPWA just signed with DAL/NWA has such an agreement with Compass/Mesaba...part of the price of working for a wholly owned. If you work there then you knew about it before you accepted the job, along with the possibility of flowing up....and the danger of flow downs. If you worked at Mesaba before this agreement was in place, then in all likely hood you are a career Mesaba driver and are so senior that any flowdowns will not affect you in any way, shape or form.
Only two Major carriers require BA degrees. Delta and Fedex. Pay your dues. ALPA will look after you.
Oh Rez...I did a search of your posts. Although you sound diplomatic in your response here, many of your other posts tell a much different story. Most of what you just said above is BS rhetoric that is not supported by researching your past posts. Spin away...

Copy that.... I'll do some self reflection and mellow out.....
I'm an Eagle guy, and anyone familiar with our "flowthru" that resulted in about 120 guys going to AA years ago and the 450 that flowed back to AE as Captains can tell you this is a bad deal.....I liken it to getting cornholed by an express train.....don't do it.

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