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Furloughed mainline pilots entitled to left seat of their regional carriers?

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Seems clear to me and if they still insist on giving you a hard time they must be blind and dumb as well.Go review some of the past posts from Rez and PCL, all they do is bash people who don't agree with them! PCL isn't even ALPA.

Seems there are too many people willing to keep bashing someone who maybe went about it the wrong way to get their foot in the door of this flying career. I guess I would like to ask them what they are doing to reach back and help someone get their foot in the door the right way.

I'm PM you what I have done over my 15 years of flying if you like.
I recognize what both you and PCL post on here every day.

Not true.

You both preach to us on everything from ALPA, the state of the industry, politics, religion and many other issues.

Wrong again...

However, liken this example... if you don't like Playboy.. why do you keep reading it...

If anyone disagrees with your view you hammer them with crap on why they are wrong. You both come from the same mold, your views are right and whoever disagrees is just stupid.

My views are this... tell me where you disagee.

I believe as career pilots we don't take enough responsibility in out careers. As Americans I think we reject democracy when it comes to participating in our unions.

I think as pilots we claim victim status and blame others for our situation. I think we don't participate in elections then complain how the elected leaders perform.

What don't you agree with...

I can think for myself and don't need you to tell me how to correct ALPA(I am an ALPA supporter), who to vote for, or call me out on my religious beliefs.

I don't care who you vote for.... just vote. The voting participation rates in both our unions and gov't by the people/members are weak... agree or disagree?

As for religion... what have I posted on religion?

There are lots of different opinions on this board, I respect these opinions even if I don't agree. You both carry it to a level above and beyond the rest. You have a intolerable disrespect for anyone else's opinion. I actually think it's funny, you both seem to get enraged when someone disagrees.

I disagree with apathy and those who refuse to participate in democracy yet whine and complain about the leaders they were too apathetic to vote for...

Go review some of your recent posts, see if you have the skillset to recognize a opinionated jackass who alway thinks they're right. If not then just go to the closest mirror.

Am I right or wrong:

Americans have a duty and responsibility to participate in elections. Americans should honor those who have sacrificed their lives so that we may live in the greatest democratic country in worlds history.

Americans take for granted democracy, self government and self reliance.

You do provide valuable information, too bad it gets lost in your harsh and opinionated views that you beat to death. However, with all due respect, you both are the epitome of spite and sarcasm. You two would make great dictators!

Nope... All I suggest is people participate in democracy. That is what I argue about. If you read my post you will see lash out harshly at those who whine and cry about victim status, who refuse to accept responsibility and claim entitlements... all while demanding other serve them... it is quite disgusting...

Agree or disagree?

Maybe someday you two will learn not to throw rocks in glass houses. Your martyrdom is pathetic!

I participate in every election I can. I petition my gov't and union leaders. How am I being hypocritical? In addition, I critique others behavior and attitudes. Personal attacks are rare.

I knew you couldn't acknowledge PCL admitting he made a mistake... too bad for you...
Not true. Ah yes, the literal game.

Wrong again...

However, liken this example... if you don't like Playboy.. why do you keep reading it...Nice backhanded attempt at sarcasm, but when it comes to naked women, I prefer my girlfriend.

My views are this... tell me where you disagee.

I believe as career pilots we don't take enough responsibility in out careers. As Americans I think we reject democracy when it comes to participating in our unions. Agree!

I think as pilots we claim victim status and blame others for our situation. I think we don't participate in elections then complain how the elected leaders perform.Don't you mean...American society instead of "as pilots". Victim mentality is the new American way. Whatever happen to personal responsibility?

What don't you agree with...

I don't care who you vote for.... just vote. The voting participation rates in both our unions and gov't by the people/members are weak... agree or disagree? Review your post history...

As for religion... what have I posted on religion?Again, review your post history...

I disagree with apathy and those who refuse to participate in democracy yet whine and complain about the leaders they were too apathetic to vote for...Agree, but as I said, you have more than an opinion. You bash all who don't agree!

Am I right or wrong:

Americans have a duty and responsibility to participate in elections. Americans should honor those who have sacrificed their lives so that we may live in the greatest democratic country in worlds history.100% true!

Americans take for granted democracy, self government and self reliance.Again, 100% true. I said you have valuable contributions, you just proved me right. At least these two above didn't get lost in a bull headed sarcastic follow up!

Nope... All I suggest is people participate in democracy. That is what I argue about. If you read my post you will see lash out harshly at those who whine and cry about victim status, who refuse to accept responsibility and claim entitlements... all while demanding other serve them... it is quite disgusting...

Agree or disagree?

I participate in every election I can. I petition my gov't and union leaders. How am I being hypocritical? In addition, I critique others behavior and attitudes. Personal attacks are rare.

I knew you couldn't acknowledge PCL admitting he made a mistake... too bad for you...Good for him, we all make mistakes. Yet he continues to blast away at others who made mistakes as well! Reference: his post history(too many to list).

Oh Rez...I did a search of your posts. Although you sound diplomatic in your response here, many of your other posts tell a much different story. Most of what you just said above is BS rhetoric that is not supported by researching your past posts. Spin away...
Seems clear to me and if they still insist on giving you a hard time they must be blind and dumb as well.

Seems there are too many people willing to keep bashing someone who maybe went about it the wrong way to get their foot in the door of this flying career. I guess I would like to ask them what they are doing to reach back and help someone get their foot in the door the right way.

Here is one example of PCL's hypocrisy(a post today by PCL on the UAL jumpseat thread in majors section):

PCL Quote:

Then apparently TSA pilots actually have a brain. Not a wise fight to pick. And why in God's name did your MECs actually work together with the GoJet group and sign a joint letter with them? I would be ashamed to have my pilot group listed along with them on a signed letter.

Using your logic, Flyerdan, should PCL give Gojet pilots a break? After all, all they did was go about getting their job the wrong way, simple mistake...right? Forgive and forget, right? How's that worse then PFT? I'd say it's on par! Maybe PCL can guide these Gojet pilots to the "light". Then maybe someday PCL CAN be proud to sign a letter with a Gojet pilot.
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Using your logic, Flyerdan, should PCL give Gojet pilots a break.

I do give GoJet pilots a break that didn't know any better when they took the job. Many of the GoJet noobs have no idea what they're getting themselves into and don't have the slightest clue about the history of GoJet. They obviously get a pass.
I do give GoJet pilots a break that didn't know any better when they took the job. Many of the GoJet noobs have no idea what they're getting themselves into and don't have the slightest clue about the history of GoJet. They obviously get a pass.

How thoughtful and righteous of you! Setting the moral standard again, eh? Cast your next stone, my friend...

Same thread, later post, more PCL hypocrisy:

PCL Quote:

I would say that the ones lacking integrity are the pilots standing shoulder to shoulder with GoJet pilots.

Sounds like you're giving them such a pass, huh?

Nothing better then to use your words to prove my points! You've been exposed again!
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How thoughtful and righteous of you! Setting the moral standard again, eh? Cast your next stone, my friend...

Same thread, later post, more PCL hypocrisy:

PCL Quote:

I would say that the ones lacking integrity are the pilots standing shoulder to shoulder with GoJet pilots.

Sounds like you're giving them such a pass, huh?

Nothing better then to use your words to prove my points! You've been exposed again!

The majority of GoJet pilots aren't newbies who didn't know better. Many of them are original TSA who stabbed their fellow pilots in the back by starting up GoJet in the first place. Still others are pilots who were experienced in the industry, knew about GoJet's history, and decided to ignore it just so they could get their street Captain position in a "big" RJ. Because of that, the GoJet pilot group as a collective group should not be legitimized until the issues are settled between TSA and GoJet.
The majority of GoJet pilots aren't newbies who didn't know better. Many of them are original TSA who stabbed their fellow pilots in the back by starting up GoJet in the first place. Still others are pilots who were experienced in the industry, knew about GoJet's history, and decided to ignore it just so they could get their street Captain position in a "big" RJ. Because of that, the GoJet pilot group as a collective group should not be legitimized until the issues are settled between TSA and GoJet.

So then...tell me where you fit into the mix. You're not TSA, not Gojets and not ALPA. Yet you feel compelled to bash away, hypocrite!

Keep digging your hole, you're doing a fine job!
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So then...tell me where you fit into the mix. You're not TSA, not Gojets and not ALPA. Yet you feel compelled to bash away, hypocrite!

This is a public forum. Anyone can post on any topic that they choose. If you want only your pilots to post on a given topic, then keep it on internal message boards. Anything posted here is open to discussion by "outsiders." That's the whole purpose of a public forum.
This is a public forum. Anyone can post on any topic that they choose. If you want only your pilots to post on a given topic, then keep it on internal message boards. Anything posted here is open to discussion by "outsiders." That's the whole purpose of a public forum.

And if they don't agree with you then it's okay for you to bash away, right? You seem to have bashing people's opinion perfected! Funny how you can't handle your own medicine, keep crying :bawling: ...sissy! :laugh:
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