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Furloughed mainline pilots entitled to left seat of their regional carriers?

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Hold on.... give the guy credit on the fact that he now says it was a poor decision... He isn't justifying anything.... I don't feel like doing a search, but in what thread did he say it was a poor decision?

Not too many people agree to poor choices...

Does that give him the right to now lecture others?
And the mentor chimes in! Seems your protege got knocked down off his moral high horse. I figured you'd chime in to defend him.

Actually, most people give more attention to those who have expereinced than those who don't.

For example... Al Haynes is a great commentator on CRM and accidents...

Why would we give more credence from someone who has never experienced an event over someone who has...

Defend? The guy has no hesitation to defend himself.. this isn't about him... rather you...

On the fact that he has admited GIA was a mistake.. give the guy credit.... it is rare that someone has... and to chide him over and over is lacking...
Actually, most people give more attention to those who have expereinced than those who don't.Great spin!

For example... Al Haynes is a great commentator on CRM and accidents...PCL is no AL Haynes! No comparison!!!

Why would we give more credence from someone who has never experienced an event over someone who has...Justification of a sell out!

Defend? The guy has no hesitation to defend himself.. this isn't about him... rather you...Me? I just brought PCL's true colors to light...others can decide their own opinions about his moral enlightening!

On the fact that he has admited GIA was a mistake.. give the guy credit.... it is rare that someone has... and to chide him over and over is lacking...you mean like he chides over and over in his morality rants?

Again, where did he mention it was a mistake? In one of his morality lectures in an FI post?
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Regional Pilot : You want our jobs?
Mainline Pilot : I think I'm entitled.
Regional Pilot : You want our jobs?
Mainline Pilot : I want the left seat!
Regional Pilot : You can't handle our payrates!

Son, we work at a lift provider that has no work rules, and those work rules have to be flown by men at low pay. Whose gonna do it? You, Mr. Deltoid? You, Marvin Mainliner? I have more fatigue here than you could possibly fathom. You weep for your gutted CBA, and you curse the regionals. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That my CBA, while tragic, probably provides jobs. And that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, provides jobs. I know deep down in places you don’t talk about on 20 hour layovers, you don't want me on reduced rest, you need me on reduced rest. We use words like carpet dance, ALPA sucks, maybe one day. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent flying fatigued. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a prima donna who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very contract lift I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a turboprop manual and do a real V1 cut. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!

Mainline Pilot: Did you pay for training?
Regional Pilot : I did the job I was hired to do!
Mainline Pilot: Did you go to Gulfstream International!
Regional Pilot : Your god damn right I did!

Dude that post should be framed! The best part is it's completely accurate. :laugh:
I think it's so funny that all mainline pilots assume that all regional pilots want to move to the mainline, because the mainline pilots assume that a job at a mainline is supposedly the only job in aviation worth having.

It just doesn't work that way for many of us at the regionals, that's all. So you can keep your flow-throughs. In my albiet short flying career, I've never seen a flow-through operate as anything but a flow-back. No thanks.

As to the questions of mainline pilots getting seats in "growth" airplanes, I suppose to allow something like that would be in the interest of fairness. However, I know that regional pilots would never receive the same kind of consideration in return, and it appears as nothing but an attempt to exercise the "what's mine is mine and what's yours is also mine" modus operandi, so I'd never support it. Furloughees should go to the back of the line. Risk/reward, as someone said earlier. This discussion is a prime example that a sense of entitlement is by no means limited to 23 year old FOs.

And for the record, if I'm furloughed, I'm done with the airlines. I'll hopefully be done in a few years as it is! I'm working for the only airline I'll ever work for. I have ZERO interest in working at a major. Ok, maybe 0.01 interest... but that's pretty close to zero.

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Again, where did he mention it was a mistake? In one of his morality lectures in an FI post?

Now you need it "special delivery?"

I don't think you have the skillset to recognize without spite or sarcasm that soley on this issue of PCL recognizing that GIA was a mistake...and let it be....

Prove me wrong..
Actions speak louder than words.

Went to PFT camp, now it's "don't PFT"

Went to crap hole regional, now it's "don't go to this crap hole regional"

Biggest ALPA kool aid drinker here besides Rez and Occam, joins a non-ALPA airline.

go figure.

See my signature at the bottom? Some people should take this to heart when they open their mouth.
Again, where did he mention it was a mistake?

I've said so on many occasions on this message board. But if you don't want to look back, then I'll say it again here: PFTing at GIA was a mistake, and PFT harms the profession. I didn't know any better at the time, being a noob.
I've said so on many occasions on this message board. But if you don't want to look back, then I'll say it again here: PFTing at GIA was a mistake, and PFT harms the profession. I didn't know any better at the time, being a noob.

Seems clear to me and if they still insist on giving you a hard time they must be blind and dumb as well.

Seems there are too many people willing to keep bashing someone who maybe went about it the wrong way to get their foot in the door of this flying career. I guess I would like to ask them what they are doing to reach back and help someone get their foot in the door the right way.
Now you need it "special delivery?"

I don't think you have the skillset to recognize without spite or sarcasm that soley on this issue of PCL recognizing that GIA was a mistake...and let it be....

Prove me wrong..

I recognize what both you and PCL post on here every day. You both preach to us on everything from ALPA, the state of the industry, politics, religion and many other issues. If anyone disagrees with your view you hammer them with crap on why they are wrong. You both come from the same mold, your views are right and whoever disagrees is just stupid.

I can think for myself and don't need you to tell me how to correct ALPA(I am an ALPA supporter), who to vote for, or call me out on my religious beliefs.

There are lots of different opinions on this board, I respect these opinions even if I don't agree. You both carry it to a level above and beyond the rest. You have a intolerable disrespect for anyone else's opinion. I actually think it's funny, you both seem to get enraged when someone disagrees.

Go review some of your recent posts, see if you have the skillset to recognize a opinionated jackass who alway thinks they're right. If not then just go to the closest mirror.

You do provide valuable information, too bad it gets lost in your harsh and opinionated views that you beat to death. However, with all due respect, you both are the epitome of spite and sarcasm. You two would make great dictators!

Maybe someday you two will learn not to throw rocks in glass houses. Your martyrdom is pathetic!
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