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Furloughed mainline pilots entitled to left seat of their regional carriers?

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Unlikely that I'll be getting furloughed, little man. But thanks for the job offer. I'm not interested.

PCL_128 why do you only ever answer half of the questions that are put to you?

you ignore all of the questions/comments about your past, and just answer the other bits... why don't you answer the whole question mate?
Regional Pilot : You want our jobs?
Mainline Pilot : I think I'm entitled.
Regional Pilot : You want our jobs?
Mainline Pilot : I want the left seat!
Regional Pilot : You can't handle our payrates!

Son, we work at a lift provider that has no work rules, and those work rules have to be flown by men at low pay. Whose gonna do it? You, Mr. Deltoid? You, Marvin Mainliner? I have more fatigue here than you could possibly fathom. You weep for your gutted CBA, and you curse the regionals. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That my CBA, while tragic, probably provides jobs. And that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, provides jobs. I know deep down in places you don’t talk about on 20 hour layovers, you don't want me on reduced rest, you need me on reduced rest. We use words like carpet dance, ALPA sucks, maybe one day. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent flying fatigued. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a prima donna who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very contract lift I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a turboprop manual and do a real V1 cut. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!

Mainline Pilot: Did you pay for training?
Regional Pilot : I did the job I was hired to do!
Mainline Pilot: Did you go to Gulfstream International!
Regional Pilot
: Your god damn right I did!

I love it.
PCL_128 why do you only ever answer half of the questions that are put to you?

you ignore all of the questions/comments about your past, and just answer the other bits... why don't you answer the whole question mate?

I can answer your question...As I've stated many times, the most vocal posters are usually the ones who don't realize(or are trying to make up for) their past sell out behavior. PCL miraculously has become the moral compass of the industry when he should be looking in the mirror in shame to see the real problem. PFT was, in it's day, a self serving, me first decision. PCL now lectures us, as one of his ALPA battle cries, on how everyone needs to be less selfish and think of the profession instead of personal gain. Too bad he didn't realize this years ago as greedy management sold him on how paying for training would get him a job before the lowly CFI. This decision by PCL was the true definition of the selfishness he now condemns.

Although I don't agree with recent regional hiring practices of a 300 hour wonder, I don't blame these pilots for having an opportunity to skip being a Flight instructor. This is in NO WAY the same as PFT. The pilot shortage was created by the growth of regionals to a level that never should have happened but was allowed to happen from decisions made by pilots several years ago.

This does not mean I, as a mainline pilot, can waltz into the left seat of a regional. We took a risk hoping for a reward, if furloughed we must accept the pain as well. It's just the vicious cycle we have become accustom to, we are our own worst enemy because of our love of aviation.
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PCL_128 why do you only ever answer half of the questions that are put to you?

you ignore all of the questions/comments about your past, and just answer the other bits... why don't you answer the whole question mate?

I've answered those questions so many times in my time on this board that I'm tired of answering them. If you'd like to read my answers, search the old posts.

And MJ42, I didn't skip CFIing.
I've answered those questions so many times in my time on this board that I'm tired of answering them. If you'd like to read my answers, search the old posts.

And MJ42, I didn't skip CFIing.
Big deal, you still made the selfish decision to PFT. Can't justify your past selfishness by portraying a "holier than thou" attitude now!
I wrote.... said:
PCL has admitted GIA was a mistake... who better to speak against GIA?

Big deal, you still made the selfish decision to PFT. Can't justify your past selfishness by portraying a "holier than thou" attitude now!

Hold on.... give the guy credit on the fact that he now says it was a poor decision... He isn't justifying anything....

Not too many people agree they made poor choices...

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